69 vector vel,
float time_to_live);
entity Item_CreateLoot(string class_name, vector position, vector vel, float time_to_live)
Creates a loot item.
void Item_Initialize(entity item, string class_name)
Initializes the item according to class name.
bool Item_IsExpiring(entity item)
Returns whether the item is expiring (i.e.
entity Item_Create(string class_name, vector position, bool no_align)
Creates a new item.
bool Item_IsLoot(entity item)
Returns whether the item is loot.
bool Item_InitializeLoot(entity item, string class_name, vector position, vector vel, float time_to_live)
Initializes the loot item.
bool Item_ShouldKeepPosition(entity item)
Returns whether item should keep its position or be dropped to the ground.
void Item_SetLoot(entity item, bool loot)
Sets the item loot status.
entity Item_FindDefinition(string class_name)
Returns the item definition corresponding to the given class name.
bool Item_IsDefinitionAllowed(entity definition)
Checks whether the items with the specified definition are allowed to spawn.
vector(float skel, float bonenum) _skel_get_boneabs_hidden
entity Item_DefinitionFromInternalName(string item_name)
Returns the item definition corresponding to the given internal name.
void Item_SetExpiring(entity item, bool expiring)
Sets the item expiring status (i.e.
bool Item_IsAllowed(string class_name)
Checks whether the items with the specified class name are allowed to spawn.