Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #pragma once
3 // <math.h>
5 // The commented-out functions need no implementation because DarkPlaces offers
6 // them as builtins. They are listed here anyway for completeness sake.
8 const int FP_NAN = 0;
9 const int FP_INFINITE = 1;
10 const int FP_ZERO = 2;
11 const int FP_SUBNORMAL = 3;
12 const int FP_NORMAL = 4;
13 int fpclassify(float e);
14 bool isfinite(float e);
15 bool isinf(float e);
16 bool isnan(float e);
17 bool isnormal(float e);
18 bool signbit(float e);
20 //float acos(float e);
21 //float asin(float e);
22 //float atan(float e);
23 //float atan2(float f, float e);
24 //float cos(float e);
25 //float sin(float e);
26 //float tan(float e);
28 float acosh(float e);
29 float asinh(float e);
30 float atanh(float e);
31 float cosh(float e);
32 float sinh(float e);
33 float tanh(float e);
35 float exp(float e);
36 float exp2(float e);
37 float expm1(float e);
39 vector frexp(float e); // returns mantissa as _x, exponent as _y
40 int ilogb(float e);
41 float ldexp(float e, int e);
42 //float log(float e);
43 float logn(float e, float base);
44 float log10(float e);
45 float log1p(float e);
46 float log2(float e);
47 float logb(float e);
48 vector modf(float f); // fraction as _x, integer as _y
50 float scalbn(float e, int n);
52 float cbrt(float e);
53 //float fabs(float e);
54 float hypot(float e, float f);
55 //float pow(float e, float f);
56 //float sqrt(float e, float f);
58 float erf(float e);
59 float erfc(float e);
60 vector lgamma(float e); // value in _x, sign in _y
61 float tgamma(float e);
72 float pymod(float e, float f);
74 //float ceil(float e);
75 //float floor(float e);
76 float nearbyint(float e);
77 //float rint(float e);
78 //float round(float e);
79 float trunc(float e);
81 float fmod(float e, float f);
82 float remainder(float e, float f);
83 vector remquo(float e, float f);
85 float copysign(float e, float f);
86 float nan(string tag);
87 float nextafter(float e, float f);
88 float nexttoward(float e, float f);
90 float fdim(float e, float f);
91 float fmax(float e, float f);
92 float fmin(float e, float f);
93 float fma(float e, float f, float g);
95 int isgreater(float e, float f);
96 int isgreaterequal(float e, float f);
97 int isless(float e, float f);
98 int islessequal(float e, float f);
99 int islessgreater(float e, float f);
100 int isunordered(float e, float f);
102 const float M_E = 2.7182818284590452354; /* e */
103 const float M_LOG2E = 1.4426950408889634074; /* log_2 e */
104 const float M_LOG10E = 0.43429448190325182765; /* log_10 e */
105 const float M_LN2 = 0.69314718055994530942; /* log_e 2 */
106 const float M_LN10 = 2.30258509299404568402; /* log_e 10 */
107 // -Wdouble-declaration
108 #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 /* pi */
109 const float M_PI_2 = 1.57079632679489661923; /* pi/2 */
110 const float M_PI_4 = 0.78539816339744830962; /* pi/4 */
111 const float M_1_PI = 0.31830988618379067154; /* 1/pi */
112 const float M_2_PI = 0.63661977236758134308; /* 2/pi */
113 const float M_2_SQRTPI = 1.12837916709551257390; /* 2/sqrt(pi) */
114 const float M_SQRT2 = 1.41421356237309504880; /* sqrt(2) */
115 const float M_SQRT1_2 = 0.70710678118654752440; /* 1/sqrt(2) */
const int FP_SUBNORMAL
Definition: mathlib.qh:11
float log1p(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:110
const int FP_NORMAL
Definition: mathlib.qh:12
int islessequal(float e, float f)
Definition: mathlib.qc:289
bool isfinite(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:17
float fmin(float e, float f)
Definition: mathlib.qc:268
const float M_1_PI
Definition: mathlib.qh:111
bool isnan(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:25
int isunordered(float e, float f)
Definition: mathlib.qc:297
vector lgamma(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:152
float fdim(float e, float f)
Definition: mathlib.qc:260
float exp2(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:77
const int FP_NAN
Definition: mathlib.qh:8
float fmax(float e, float f)
Definition: mathlib.qc:264
float remainder(float e, float f)
Definition: mathlib.qc:212
const int FP_INFINITE
Definition: mathlib.qh:9
float scalbn(float e, int n)
Definition: mathlib.qc:127
const float M_SQRT1_2
Definition: mathlib.qh:115
const int FP_ZERO
Definition: mathlib.qh:10
int ilogb(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:94
int isless(float e, float f)
Definition: mathlib.qc:285
const float M_PI_4
Definition: mathlib.qh:110
int fpclassify(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:7
const float M_2_PI
Definition: mathlib.qh:112
vector remquo(float e, float f)
Definition: mathlib.qc:216
float cosh(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:60
float tgamma(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:179
float exp(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:73
float trunc(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:203
float sinh(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:64
float expm1(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:81
float nan(string tag)
Definition: mathlib.qc:230
float hypot(float e, float f)
Definition: mathlib.qc:136
float log2(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:114
float log10(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:106
bool signbit(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:43
float fmod(float e, float f)
Definition: mathlib.qc:208
float pymod(float e, float f)
Pythonic mod: TODO: %% operator?
Definition: mathlib.qc:194
const float M_SQRT2
Definition: mathlib.qh:114
int islessgreater(float e, float f)
Definition: mathlib.qc:293
float cbrt(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:132
float atanh(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:56
float logn(float e, float base)
Definition: mathlib.qc:102
int isgreater(float e, float f)
Definition: mathlib.qc:277
int isgreaterequal(float e, float f)
Definition: mathlib.qc:281
float erf(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:141
vector(float skel, float bonenum) _skel_get_boneabs_hidden
vector modf(float f)
Definition: mathlib.qc:122
float erfc(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:148
bool isnormal(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:39
float ldexp(float e, int e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:98
vector frexp(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:86
float asinh(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:52
const float M_LN10
Definition: mathlib.qh:106
float nearbyint(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:199
float acosh(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:48
const float M_PI_2
Definition: mathlib.qh:109
const float M_2_SQRTPI
Definition: mathlib.qh:113
const float M_LN2
Definition: mathlib.qh:105
const float M_LOG10E
Definition: mathlib.qh:104
float fma(float e, float f, float g)
Definition: mathlib.qc:272
const float M_LOG2E
Definition: mathlib.qh:103
float logb(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:118
float copysign(float e, float f)
Definition: mathlib.qc:225
bool isinf(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:21
const float M_E
Definition: mathlib.qh:102
float tanh(float e)
Definition: mathlib.qc:68
float nexttoward(float e, float f)
Definition: mathlib.qc:255
float nextafter(float e, float f)
Definition: mathlib.qc:234