Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "draw.qh"
3 #include <client/hud/hud.qh>
5 void drawborderlines(float thickness, vector pos, vector dim, vector color, float theAlpha, float drawflag)
6 {
7  vector line_dim = '0 0 0';
9  // left and right lines
10  pos.x -= thickness;
11  line_dim.x = thickness;
12  line_dim.y = dim.y;
13  drawfill(pos, line_dim, color, theAlpha, drawflag);
14  drawfill(pos + (dim.x + thickness) * '1 0 0', line_dim, color, theAlpha, drawflag);
16  // upper and lower lines
17  pos.y -= thickness;
18  line_dim.x = dim.x + thickness * 2; // make upper and lower lines longer
19  line_dim.y = thickness;
20  drawfill(pos, line_dim, color, theAlpha, drawflag);
21  drawfill(pos + (dim.y + thickness) * '0 1 0', line_dim, color, theAlpha, drawflag);
22 }
24 void drawpic_tiled(vector pos, string pic, vector sz, vector area, vector color, float theAlpha, float drawflag)
25 {
26  pos = HUD_Shift(pos);
27  sz = HUD_Scale(sz);
28  area = HUD_Scale(area);
30  vector current_pos = '0 0 0', end_pos, new_size = '0 0 0', ratio = '0 0 0';
31  end_pos = pos + area;
33  current_pos.y = pos.y;
34  while (current_pos.y < end_pos.y)
35  {
36  current_pos.x = pos.x;
37  while (current_pos.x < end_pos.x)
38  {
39  new_size.x = min(sz.x, end_pos.x - current_pos.x);
40  new_size.y = min(sz.y, end_pos.y - current_pos.y);
41  ratio.x = new_size.x / sz.x;
42  ratio.y = new_size.y / sz.y;
43  drawsubpic(current_pos, new_size, pic, '0 0 0', ratio, color, theAlpha, drawflag);
44  current_pos.x += sz.x;
45  }
46  current_pos.y += sz.y;
47  }
48 }
51 {
52  return 1.2 / (1.2 - fadelerp);
53 }
55 vector expandingbox_resize_centered_box_offset(float sz, vector boxsize, float boxxsizefactor)
56 {
57  boxsize.x *= boxxsizefactor; // easier interface for text
58  return boxsize * (0.5 * (1 - sz));
59 }
61 void drawpic_aspect_skin_expanding(vector position, string pic, vector theScale, vector rgb, float theAlpha, float flag, float fadelerp)
62 {
63  float sz;
66  drawpic_aspect_skin(position + expandingbox_resize_centered_box_offset(sz, theScale, 1), pic, theScale * sz, rgb, theAlpha * (1 - fadelerp), flag);
67 }
69 void drawpic_aspect_skin_expanding_two(vector position, string pic, vector theScale, vector rgb, float theAlpha, float flag, float fadelerp)
70 {
71  drawpic_aspect_skin_expanding(position, pic, theScale, rgb, theAlpha, flag, fadelerp);
72  drawpic_skin(position, pic, theScale, rgb, theAlpha * fadelerp, flag);
73 }
75 float stringwidth(string text, float handleColors, vector sz)
76 {
77  vector dfs = drawfontscale;
78  drawfontscale = '1 1 0';
79  float r = stringwidth_builtin(text, handleColors, sz);
80  drawfontscale = dfs;
81  return r;
82 }
84 #define SET_POS_AND_SZ_Y_ASPECT(allow_colors) MACRO_BEGIN \
85  float textaspect, oldsz; \
86  vector dfs = drawfontscale; \
87  drawfontscale = '1 1 0'; \
88  textaspect = stringwidth(text, allow_colors, '1 1 1' * sz.y) / sz.y; \
89  drawfontscale = dfs; \
90  if(sz.x/sz.y > textaspect) { \
91  oldsz = sz.x; \
92  sz.x = sz.y * textaspect; \
93  pos.x += (oldsz - sz.x) * 0.5; \
94  } else { \
95  oldsz = sz.y; \
96  sz.y = sz.x / textaspect; \
97  pos.y += (oldsz - sz.y) * 0.5; \
98  } \
101 // drawstring wrapper to draw a string as large as possible with preserved aspect ratio into a box
102 void drawstring_aspect(vector pos, string text, vector sz, vector color, float theAlpha, float drawflag) {
104  drawstring(pos, text, '1 1 0' * sz.y, color, theAlpha, drawflag);
105 }
107 // drawstring wrapper to draw a colorcodedstring as large as possible with preserved aspect ratio into a box
108 void drawcolorcodedstring_aspect(vector pos, string text, vector sz, float theAlpha, float drawflag) {
110  drawcolorcodedstring(pos, text, '1 1 0' * sz.y, theAlpha, drawflag);
111 }
113 void drawstring_expanding(vector position, string text, vector theScale, vector rgb, float theAlpha, float flag, float fadelerp)
114 {
115  float sz;
118  drawfontscale = hud_scale * sz;
119  vector dfs = drawfontscale;
120  drawfontscale = sz * '1 1 0';
121  float textaspect = stringwidth_builtin(text, false, theScale * (sz / drawfontscale.x)) / (theScale.x * sz);
122  drawfontscale = dfs;
123  drawstring(position + expandingbox_resize_centered_box_offset(sz, theScale, textaspect), text, HUD_Scale(theScale * (sz / drawfontscale.x)), rgb, theAlpha * (1 - fadelerp), flag);
124  // width parameter:
125  // (scale_x * sz / drawfontscale.x) * drawfontscale.x * SIZE1 / (scale_x * sz)
126  // SIZE1
128 }
130 // drawstring wrapper to draw a string as large as possible with preserved aspect ratio into a box
131 void drawstring_aspect_expanding(vector pos, string text, vector sz, vector color, float theAlpha, float drawflag, float fadelerp) {
133  drawstring_expanding(pos, text, '1 1 0' * sz.y, color, theAlpha, drawflag, fadelerp);
134 }
136 void drawcolorcodedstring_expanding(vector position, string text, vector theScale, float theAlpha, float flag, float fadelerp)
137 {
138  float sz;
141  drawfontscale = hud_scale * sz;
142  // eventually replace with drawcolorcodedstring
143  drawcolorcodedstring(position + expandingbox_resize_centered_box_offset(sz, theScale, stringwidth_builtin(text, true, theScale * (sz / drawfontscale.x)) / (theScale.x * sz)), text, theScale * (sz / drawfontscale.x), theAlpha * (1 - fadelerp), flag);
145 }
147 void drawcolorcodedstring_aspect_expanding(vector pos, string text, vector sz, float theAlpha, float drawflag, float fadelerp) {
149  drawcolorcodedstring_expanding(pos, text, '1 1 0' * sz.y, theAlpha, drawflag, fadelerp);
150 }
152 // this draws the triangles of a model DIRECTLY. Don't expect high performance, really...
153 float PolyDrawModelSurface(entity e, float i_s)
154 {
155  float i_t;
156  float n_t;
157  vector tri;
158  string tex;
159  tex = getsurfacetexture(e, i_s);
160  if (!tex)
161  return 0; // this is beyond the last one
162  n_t = getsurfacenumtriangles(e, i_s);
163  for(i_t = 0; i_t < n_t; ++i_t)
164  {
165  tri = getsurfacetriangle(e, i_s, i_t);
166  R_BeginPolygon(tex, 0, false);
167  R_PolygonVertex(getsurfacepoint(e, i_s, tri.x), getsurfacepointattribute(e, i_s, tri.x, SPA_TEXCOORDS0), '1 1 1', 1);
168  R_PolygonVertex(getsurfacepoint(e, i_s, tri.y), getsurfacepointattribute(e, i_s, tri.y, SPA_TEXCOORDS0), '1 1 1', 1);
169  R_PolygonVertex(getsurfacepoint(e, i_s, tri.z), getsurfacepointattribute(e, i_s, tri.z, SPA_TEXCOORDS0), '1 1 1', 1);
170  R_EndPolygon();
171  }
172  return 1;
173 }
175 {
176  float i_s;
177  for(i_s = 0; ; ++i_s)
178  if(!PolyDrawModelSurface(e, i_s))
179  break;
180 }
182 void DrawCircleClippedPic(vector centre, float radi, string pic, float f, vector rgb, float a, float drawflag)
183 {
184  vector ringsize, v, t;
185  ringsize = radi * '1 1 0';
186  centre = HUD_Shift(centre);
187  ringsize = HUD_Scale(ringsize);
189  if(f >= 1)
190  {
191  // draw full rectangle
192  R_BeginPolygon(pic, drawflag, true);
193  v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0';
194  v.x += 0.5 * ringsize.x; t += '0.5 0.5 0';
195  R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a);
197  v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0';
198  v.y += 0.5 * ringsize.y; t += '0.5 -0.5 0';
199  R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a);
201  v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0';
202  v.x -= 0.5 * ringsize.x; t -= '0.5 0.5 0';
203  R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a);
205  v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0';
206  v.y -= 0.5 * ringsize.y; t -= '0.5 -0.5 0';
207  R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a);
208  R_EndPolygon();
209  return; // Complete rectangle, nothing more needed.
210  }
212  float co = cos(f * 2 * M_PI);
213  float si = sin(f * 2 * M_PI);
214  float q = fabs(co) + fabs(si);
215  co /= q;
216  si /= q;
218  if(f > 0.75)
219  {
220  // draw upper half in full
221  R_BeginPolygon(pic, drawflag, true);
222  v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0';
223  v.x += 0.5 * ringsize.x; t += '0.5 0.5 0';
224  R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a);
226  v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0';
227  v.y += 0.5 * ringsize.y; t += '0.5 -0.5 0';
228  R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a);
230  v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0';
231  v.x -= 0.5 * ringsize.x; t -= '0.5 0.5 0';
232  R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a);
233  R_EndPolygon();
234  // draw clipped lower half as a quad
235  R_BeginPolygon(pic, drawflag, true);
236  v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0';
237  R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a);
239  v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0';
240  v.x -= 0.5 * ringsize.x; t -= '0.5 0.5 0';
241  R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a);
243  v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0';
244  v.y -= 0.5 * ringsize.y; t -= '0.5 -0.5 0';
245  R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a);
246  }
247  else if(f > 0.5)
248  {
249  // draw upper half in full
250  R_BeginPolygon(pic, drawflag, true);
251  v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0';
252  v.x += 0.5 * ringsize.x; t += '0.5 0.5 0';
253  R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a);
255  v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0';
256  v.y += 0.5 * ringsize.y; t += '0.5 -0.5 0';
257  R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a);
259  v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0';
260  v.x -= 0.5 * ringsize.x; t -= '0.5 0.5 0';
261  R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a);
262  R_EndPolygon();
263  // draw clipped lower half as a triangle
264  R_BeginPolygon(pic, drawflag, true);
265  v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0';
266  R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a);
268  v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0';
269  v.x -= 0.5 * ringsize.x; t -= '0.5 0.5 0';
270  R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a);
271  }
272  else if(f > 0.25)
273  {
274  // draw clipped lower half as a quad
275  R_BeginPolygon(pic, drawflag, true);
276  v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0';
277  R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a);
279  v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0';
280  v.x += 0.5 * ringsize.x; t += '0.5 0.5 0';
281  R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a);
283  v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0';
284  v.y += 0.5 * ringsize.y; t += '0.5 -0.5 0';
285  R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a);
286  }
287  else if (f > 0)
288  {
289  // draw clipped lower half as a triangle
290  R_BeginPolygon(pic, drawflag, true);
291  v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0';
292  R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a);
294  v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0';
295  v.x += 0.5 * ringsize.x; t += '0.5 0.5 0';
296  R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a);
297  }
298  else
299  {
300  // Nothing to draw.
301  return;
302  }
304  // The last, moving vertex.
305  v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0';
306  v.x += co * 0.5 * ringsize.x; t += co * '0.5 0.5 0';
307  v.y += si * 0.5 * ringsize.y; t += si * '0.5 -0.5 0';
308  R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a);
309  R_EndPolygon();
310 }
vector color
vector expandingbox_resize_centered_box_offset(float sz, vector boxsize, float boxxsizefactor)
Definition: draw.qc:55
void drawstring_aspect(vector pos, string text, vector sz, vector color, float theAlpha, float drawflag)
Definition: draw.qc:102
vector hud_scale
Definition: hud.qh:216
entity() spawn
void drawpic_aspect_skin_expanding_two(vector position, string pic, vector theScale, vector rgb, float theAlpha, float flag, float fadelerp)
Definition: draw.qc:69
void DrawCircleClippedPic(vector centre, float radi, string pic, float f, vector rgb, float a, float drawflag)
Definition: draw.qc:182
vector drawfontscale
Definition: draw.qh:3
float stringwidth(string text, float handleColors, vector sz)
Definition: draw.qc:75
void PolyDrawModel(entity e)
Definition: draw.qc:174
void drawcolorcodedstring_expanding(vector position, string text, vector theScale, float theAlpha, float flag, float fadelerp)
Definition: draw.qc:136
#define drawpic_aspect_skin(pos, pic, sz, color, theAlpha, drawflag)
Definition: draw.qh:78
vector HUD_Shift(vector v)
Definition: hud.qc:104
void drawstring_aspect_expanding(vector pos, string text, vector sz, vector color, float theAlpha, float drawflag, float fadelerp)
Definition: draw.qc:131
void drawpic_aspect_skin_expanding(vector position, string pic, vector theScale, vector rgb, float theAlpha, float flag, float fadelerp)
Definition: draw.qc:61
void drawcolorcodedstring_aspect(vector pos, string text, vector sz, float theAlpha, float drawflag)
Definition: draw.qc:108
void drawstring_expanding(vector position, string text, vector theScale, vector rgb, float theAlpha, float flag, float fadelerp)
Definition: draw.qc:113
vector HUD_Scale(vector v)
Definition: hud.qc:97
#define drawpic_skin(pos, pic, sz, color, theAlpha, drawflag)
Definition: draw.qh:89
float PolyDrawModelSurface(entity e, float i_s)
Definition: draw.qc:153
#define SET_POS_AND_SZ_Y_ASPECT(allow_colors)
Definition: draw.qc:84
vector(float skel, float bonenum) _skel_get_boneabs_hidden
const float M_PI
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:269
vector v
Definition: ent_cs.qc:116
void drawborderlines(float thickness, vector pos, vector dim, vector color, float theAlpha, float drawflag)
Definition: draw.qc:5
float expandingbox_sizefactor_from_fadelerp(float fadelerp)
Definition: draw.qc:50
float drawsubpic(vector position, vector size, string pic, vector srcPosition, vector srcSize, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag)
void drawpic_tiled(vector pos, string pic, vector sz, vector area, vector color, float theAlpha, float drawflag)
Definition: draw.qc:24
void drawcolorcodedstring_aspect_expanding(vector pos, string text, vector sz, float theAlpha, float drawflag, float fadelerp)
Definition: draw.qc:147