csprogsdefs.qc File Reference
+ This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:

Go to the source code of this file.


#define SPA_POSITION   0
#define SPA_R_AXIS   3
#define SPA_S_AXIS   1
#define SPA_T_AXIS   2
#define SPA_TEXCOORDS0   4


float checkpvs (vector viewpos, entity viewee)
void coverage ()
vector drawgetimagesize (string pic)
float drawsubpic (vector position, vector size, string pic, vector srcPosition, vector srcSize, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag)
 entity () spawn = #17
 entity (entity start,.string fld, string match) find
 entity (vector org, float rad) findradius
 entity (entity e) nextent
 entity (entity start,.float fld, float match) findfloat = #449
 entity (entity start,.entity fld, entity match) findentity
 entity (.string fld, string match) findchain
 entity (.float fld, float match) findchainfloat = #450
 entity (float num) entitybyindex
float findfont (string s)
 float (float f, float t, float n) CSQC_InputEvent = #32
 float (string s) CSQC_ConsoleCommand = #45
 float () random = #34
 float (vector v) vlen = #13
 float (vector v1, vector v2, float tryents, entity ignoreentity) traceline
 float (float v) rint = #37
 float (entity e) checkbottom
 float (string name, string value) registercvar = #228
 float (float a,...) min = #95
 float (float f, float f) pow
 float (string filename, float mode) fopen
 float (string str, string sub, float startpos) strstrofs
 float (vector position, float character, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) drawcharacter
 float (vector position, string text, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) drawstring = #322
 float (vector position, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) drawfill
 float (vector position, string text, vector scale, float alpha, float flag) drawcolorcodedstring
 float (entity e, float s) getsurfacenumpoints
 float (entity e, vector p) getsurfacenearpoint
 float (string pattern, float caseinsensitive, float quiet) search_begin
 float (entity ent, string tagname) gettagindex
 float (float bufhandle, string str, float order) bufstr_add = #630
 float (vector org, vector vel) spawnparticle
 float (vector org, vector vel, float theme) quickparticle
 float (vector org, vector vel, float delay, float collisiondelay) delayedparticle
 float (vector org, vector vel, float delay, float collisiondelay, float theme) quickdelayedparticle
 float (string url, float id, string content_type, string delim, float buf, float keyid) crypto_uri_postbuf
 float (string s, string separator1,...) tokenizebyseparator
 float (float caseinsensitive, string s,...) crc16
 float (float skel, entity ent, float modlindex, float retainfrac, float firstbone, float lastbone) skel_build
 float (float skel, string tagname) skel_find_bone
 float (float skel, float bonenum, string g1, string g2, string g3, string g4, string g5, string g6) example_skel_findbonegroup
 float (float fieldnum, entity ent, string s) putentityfieldstring
 float (string pattern, float caseinsensitive, float quiet, string packfile) search_packfile_begin
float loadfont (string fontname, string fontmaps, string sizes, float slot, float fix_scale, float fix_voffset)
float log (float f)
 string (float f) ftos = #112
 string (vector v) vtos
 string (entity ent) etos
 string (string s) precache_file = #75
 string (...) strcat
 string (string s, float start, float length) substring
 string (float c,...) chr2str
 string (float ccase, float calpha, float cnum, string s,...) strconv
 string (float chars, string s,...) strpad = #478
 string (string info, string key, string value,...) infoadd
 string (string info, string key) infoget
 string (string name,...) precache_pic = #627
 string (float playernum, string keyname) getplayerkeyvalue = #465
 string () ReadString
 string (entity e, float s) getsurfacetexture
 string (float handle, float num) search_getfilename = #466
 string (string search, string replace, string subject) strreplace = #485
 string (string command, float bindmap) findkeysforcommand = #625
 string (string digest, string data,...) digest_hex = #115
 string (float fieldnum, entity ent) getentityfieldstring
float stringwidth (string text, float allowColorCodes, vector size)
float stringwidth_menu (string text, float allowColorCodes, vector size)
 vector (vector v) normalize = #51
 vector (vector v, vector w) vectoangles2
 vector () randomvec = #344
 vector (vector org, float lpflags) getlight2
 vector (string) stov = #318
 vector (float property) getpropertyvec
 vector (vector position, string text, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) drawcolorcodedstring2
 vector (entity e, float s, float n) getsurfacepoint = #629
 vector (entity e, float s) getsurfacenormal
 vector (entity e, float s, vector p) getsurfaceclippedpoint
 vector (entity e, float s, float n, float a) getsurfacepointattribute
 vector (float entitynum, float fldnum) getentityvec
 void () CSQC_Init
 void (float w, float h) CSQC_UpdateView
 void (vector ang) makevectors
 void (entity e, vector o) setorigin
 void (entity e, string m) setmodel
 void (entity e, vector min, vector max) setsize
 void (entity e, float chan, string samp, float volume, float atten,...) sound
 void (string e) error
 void (entity e) remove
 void (string s,...) dprint
 void (float style, string value) lightstyle
 void (vector o, vector d, float color, float count) particle
 void (entity e, entity ignore) tracetoss
 void (string var, string val) cvar_set
 void (vector pos, string samp, float vol, float atten) ambientsound
 void (vector v1, vector min, vector max, vector v2, float nomonsters, entity forent) tracebox
 void (float fhandle) fclose
 void (vector org, float radius, vector lightcolours) adddynamiclight
 void (vector org, float radius, vector lightcolours, float style, string cubemapname, float pflags) adddynamiclight2
 void (string texturename, float flag,...) R_BeginPolygon
 void (vector org, vector texcoords, vector rgb, float alpha) R_PolygonVertex
 void (float width, vector pos1, vector pos2, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) drawline
 void (float x, float y, float width, float height) drawsetcliparea
 void (entity e, float mdlindex) setmodelindex
 void (entity ent, float effectnum, vector start, vector end) trailparticles
 void (float effectnum, vector origin, vector dir, float count) pointparticles
 void (...) runstandardplayerphysics
 void (vector origin, vector forward, vector right, vector up) SetListener
 void (vector org, string modelname, float startframe, float endframe, float framerate) effect
 void (vector org, vector velocity, float howmany) te_blood
 void (vector org, vector color) te_explosionrgb
 void (vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, vector vel, float howmany, float color, float gravityflag, float randomveljitter) te_particlecube
 void (vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, vector vel, float howmany, float color) te_particlerain
 void (vector org, float radius, float lifetime, vector color) te_customflash
 void (vector org, float colorstart, float colorlength) te_explosion2
 void (entity e, entity tagentity, string tagname) setattachment
 void (float bufhandle, float sortpower, float backward) buf_sort
 void (float bufhandle, float string_index, string str) bufstr_set
 void (entity e, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten, float speed, float flags) sound7
 void (float skel, float bonenum, vector org) skel_set_bone
 void (float skel, float startbone, float endbone, vector org) skel_mul_bones
 void (float animmodelindex, float framegroup, float framegroupstarttime, float blendalpha, string groupbonename, string excludegroupname1, string excludegroupname2) example_skel_player_update_applyoverride
 void (vector eyetarget, string bonename) example_skel_player_update_eyetarget
 void (float fh, entity e) writetofile
 void (float effectindex, entity own, vector org_from, vector org_to, vector dir_from, vector dir_to, float countmultiplier, float flags) boxparticles


vector absmax
vector absmin
vector angles
const float ATTN_IDLE = 2
const float ATTN_NONE = 0
const float ATTN_NORM = 1
const float ATTN_STATIC = 3
vector avelocity
entity chain
const float CHAN_AUTO = 0
const float CHAN_BODY = 4
const float CHAN_ITEM = 3
const float CHAN_VOICE = 2
const float CHAN_WEAPON = 1
string classname
float clientcommandframe
float colormap
const float CONTENT_EMPTY = -1
const float CONTENT_LAVA = -5
const float CONTENT_SKY = -6
const float CONTENT_SLIME = -4
const float CONTENT_SOLID = -2
const float CONTENT_WATER = -3
float DEG2RAD = 0.0174532925199432957692369076848861271344287188854172545609719144
float dphitcontentsmask
const float DRAWFLAG_2XMODULATE = 3
const float DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE = 1
const float DRAWFLAG_MIPMAP = 0x100
const float DRAWFLAG_MODULATE = 2
const float DRAWFLAG_NORMAL = 0
const float DRAWFLAG_SCREEN = 4
float drawfont
float drawmask
float E_ABSMAX = 15
float E_ABSMIN = 14
float E_ACTIVE = 0
float E_ALPHA = 7
float E_COLORMOD = 8
float E_FORWARD = 2
float E_LIGHT = 16
float E_MAXS = 13
float E_MINS = 12
float E_ORIGIN = 1
float E_PANTSCOLOR = 9
float E_RIGHT = 3
float E_SCALE = 5
float E_SHIRTCOLOR = 10
float E_SKIN = 11
float E_UP = 4
const float EF_ADDITIVE = 32
const float EF_BLUE = 64
const float EF_FLAME = 1024
const float EF_FULLBRIGHT = 512
const float EF_NODEPTHTEST = 8192
const float EF_NODRAW = 16
const float EF_NOSHADOW = 4096
const float EF_RED = 128
const float EF_SELECTABLE = 16384
const float EF_STARDUST = 2048
float effects
void end_sys_fields
void end_sys_globals
entity enemy
float entnum
const float EXTRA_HIGH = 99999999
const float EXTRA_LOW = -99999999
const float false = 0
const float FALSE = 0
float FIELD_ENTITY = 4
float FIELD_FLOAT = 2
float FIELD_STRING = 1
float FIELD_VECTOR = 3
const float FILE_APPEND = 1
const float FILE_READ = 0
const float FILE_WRITE = 2
float flags
float FONT_CHAT = 4
float FONT_CONSOLE = 1
float FONT_DEFAULT = 0
float FONT_INFOBAR = 6
float FONT_MENU = 7
float FONT_NOTIFY = 3
float FONT_SBAR = 2
float FONT_USER0 = 8
float FONT_USER1 = 9
float FONT_USER2 = 10
float FONT_USER3 = 11
float FONT_USER4 = 12
float FONT_USER5 = 13
float FONT_USER6 = 14
float FONT_USER7 = 15
float frame
float frame1time
float frame2
float frame2time
float frame3
float frame3time
float frame4
float frame4time
float frametime
vector getlight_ambient
vector getlight_diffuse
vector getlight_dir
vector gettaginfo_forward
string gettaginfo_name
vector gettaginfo_offset
float gettaginfo_parent
vector gettaginfo_right
vector gettaginfo_up
vector input_angles
float input_buttons
vector input_movevalues
float input_timelength
float intermission
float lerpfrac
float lerpfrac3
float lerpfrac4
const float LP_COMPLETE = 7
const float LP_DYNLIGHT = 4
const float LP_LIGHTMAP = 1
const float LP_RTWORLD = 2
const float M_PI = 3.14159265358979323846
string mapname
const float MASK_ENGINE = 1
const float MASK_NORMAL = 4
float maxclients
vector maxs
vector mins
string model
float modelindex
vector modellight_ambient
vector modellight_diffuse
vector modellight_dir
const float MOVE_MISSILE = 2
const float MOVE_NOMONSTERS = 1
const float MOVE_NORMAL = 0
float movetype
float movevar_accelerate
float movevar_airaccelerate
float movevar_entgravity
float movevar_friction
float movevar_gravity
float movevar_maxspeed
float movevar_spectatormaxspeed
float movevar_stopspeed
float movevar_wateraccelerate
float movevar_waterfriction
string netname
float nextthink
vector oldorigin
vector origin
entity other
entity owner
float particle_airfriction
float particle_alpha
float particle_alphafade
float particle_angle
float particle_blendmode
float particle_bounce
vector particle_color1
vector particle_color2
float particle_delaycollision
float particle_delayspawn
float particle_gravity
float particle_liquidfriction
float particle_orientation
float particle_originjitter
float particle_qualityreduction
float particle_size
float particle_sizeincrease
float particle_spin
float particle_stainalpha
vector particle_staincolor1
vector particle_staincolor2
float particle_stainsize
float particle_staintex
float particle_stretch
float particle_tex
float particle_time
float particle_type
float particle_velocityjitter
float particles_alphamax
float particles_alphamin
vector particles_colormax
vector particles_colormin
float particles_fade
float PBLEND_ADD = 1
float PBLEND_ALPHA = 0
const float PFL_CROUCH = 2
const float PFL_DEAD = 4
const float PFL_GIBBED = 8
const float PFL_ONGROUND = 1
const float PFLAGS_CORONA = 2
const float PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC = 128
const float PFLAGS_NOSHADOW = 1
float PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923
float player_localentnum
float player_localnum
float PMF_DUCKED = 4
float PMF_ONGROUND = 8
vector pmove_maxs
vector pmove_mins
vector pmove_org
vector pmove_vel
float PT_BEAM = 4
float PT_BLOOD = 9
float PT_BUBBLE = 8
float PT_DECAL = 11
float PT_RAIN = 5
float PT_RAINDECAL = 6
float PT_SMOKE = 10
float PT_SNOW = 7
float PT_SPARK = 3
float PT_STATIC = 2
float RAD2DEG = 57.2957795130823208767981548141051703324054724665643215491602438612
const float RF_ADDITIVE = 8
const float RF_DEPTHHACK = 4
const float RF_EXTERNALMODEL = 2
const float RF_FULLBRIGHT = 256
const float RF_MODELLIGHT = 4096
const float RF_NOSHADOW = 512
const float RF_USEAXIS = 16
const float RF_VIEWMODEL = 1
const float RF_WORLDOBJECT = 128
entity self
float servercommandframe
vector size
float skeletonindex
float skin
float solid
const float SOLID_BBOX = 2
const float SOLID_BSP = 4
const float SOLID_CORPSE = 5
const float SOLID_NOT = 0
const float SOLID_SLIDEBOX = 3
const float SOLID_TRIGGER = 1
const float STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON = 10
const float STAT_AMMO = 3
const float STAT_ARMOR = 4
const float STAT_CELLS = 9
const float STAT_FRAGLIMIT = 235
const float STAT_HEALTH = 0
const float STAT_ITEMS = 15
const float STAT_MONSTERS = 14
const float STAT_MOVEVARS_GRAVITY = 242
const float STAT_MOVEVARS_TICRATE = 240
const float STAT_NAILS = 7
const float STAT_ROCKETS = 8
const float STAT_SECRETS = 13
const float STAT_SHELLS = 6
const float STAT_TIMELIMIT = 236
const float STAT_TOTALMONSTERS = 12
const float STAT_TOTALSECRETS = 11
const float STAT_VIEWHEIGHT = 16
const float STAT_WEAPONFRAME = 5
const float STAT_WEAPONMODEL = 2
const float TE_EXPLOSION = 3
const float TE_EXPLOSION2 = 12
const float TE_EXPLOSIONQUAD = 70
const float TE_EXPLOSIONRGB = 53
const float TE_GUNSHOT = 2
const float TE_GUNSHOTQUAD = 57
const float TE_KNIGHTSPIKE = 8
const float TE_LAVASPLASH = 10
const float TE_LIGHTNING1 = 5
const float TE_LIGHTNING2 = 6
const float TE_LIGHTNING3 = 9
const float TE_SPIKE = 0
const float TE_SPIKEQUAD = 58
const float TE_SUPERSPIKE = 1
const float TE_SUPERSPIKEQUAD = 59
const float TE_TAREXPLOSION = 4
const float TE_TELEPORT = 11
const float TE_WIZSPIKE = 7
float time
float trace_allsolid
float trace_dphitcontents
float trace_dphitq3surfaceflags
string trace_dphittexturename
float trace_dpstartcontents
vector trace_endpos
entity trace_ent
float trace_fraction
float trace_inopen
float trace_inwater
float trace_networkentity
float trace_plane_dist
vector trace_plane_normal
float trace_startsolid
float transparent_offset
const float true = 1
const float TRUE = 1
vector v_forward
vector v_right
vector v_up
const vector VEC_0 = '0 0 0'
const vector VEC_1 = '1 1 1'
vector VEC_HULL_MAX = '16 16 32'
vector VEC_HULL_MIN = '-16 -16 -24'
const vector VEC_M1 = '-1 -1 -1'
vector velocity
const float VF_ANGLES = 15
const float VF_ANGLES_X = 16
const float VF_ANGLES_Y = 17
const float VF_ANGLES_Z = 18
const float VF_CL_VIEWANGLES = 33
const float VF_CL_VIEWANGLES_X = 34
const float VF_CL_VIEWANGLES_Y = 35
const float VF_CL_VIEWANGLES_Z = 36
const float VF_DRAWCROSSHAIR = 21
const float VF_DRAWENGINESBAR = 20
const float VF_DRAWWORLD = 19
const float VF_FOV = 8
const float VF_FOVX = 9
const float VF_FOVY = 10
const float VF_MAINVIEW = 400
const float VF_MIN = 1
const float VF_MIN_X = 2
const float VF_MIN_Y = 3
const float VF_MINFPS_QUALITY = 401
const float VF_ORIGIN = 11
const float VF_ORIGIN_X = 12
const float VF_ORIGIN_Y = 13
const float VF_ORIGIN_Z = 14
const float VF_PERSPECTIVE = 200
const float VF_SIZE = 4
const float VF_SIZE_X = 6
const float VF_SIZE_Y = 5
const float VF_VIEWPORT = 7
vector view_angles
vector view_punchangle
vector view_punchvector
entity world

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 945 of file csprogsdefs.qc.



Definition at line 946 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


#define SPA_POSITION   0

Definition at line 940 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


#define SPA_R_AXIS   3

Definition at line 943 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


#define SPA_S_AXIS   1

Definition at line 941 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


#define SPA_T_AXIS   2

Definition at line 942 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


#define SPA_TEXCOORDS0   4

Definition at line 944 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Function Documentation

◆ checkpvs()

◆ coverage()

void coverage ( )

◆ drawgetimagesize()

vector drawgetimagesize ( string  pic)

Referenced by draw_PictureSize(), MapVote_DrawMapItem(), and turret_draw2d().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ drawsubpic()

float drawsubpic ( vector  position,
vector  size,
string  pic,
vector  srcPosition,
vector  srcSize,
vector  rgb,
float  alpha,
float  flag 

Referenced by draw_BorderPicture(), draw_ButtonPicture(), draw_VertButtonPicture(), drawpic_tiled(), HUD_Panel_DrawHighlight(), and HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ entity() [1/9]

entity ( ) = #17

Referenced by __spawn(), _GetPlayerSoundSampleField(), _Movetype_Impact(), _Movetype_LinkEdict_TouchAreaGrid(), _Movetype_Physics_Follow(), _Movetype_Physics_Toss(), _Movetype_Physics_Walk(), _Movetype_PushMove(), _Movetype_TestEntityPosition(), _StartItem(), accuracy_add(), accuracy_init(), accuracy_reset(), accuracy_send(), addPowerupItem(), adjust_respawntime(), ammo_pickupevalfunc(), AuditLists(), AuxiliaryXhair_customize(), Ban_LoadBans(), BanCommand_kickban(), BanCommand_mute(), BanCommand_unmute(), bd_check_winner(), bd_close_editor(), bd_do_fill(), bd_editor_place(), bd_find_controller(), bd_find_dozer(), bd_find_piece(), bd_load_piece(), bd_move(), bd_move_dozer(), bd_reset_moves(), bd_save_level(), bd_setup_pieces(), bd_unfill_recurse(), bot_cmd_aimtarget(), bot_cmd_movetotarget(), bot_command_executed(), bot_endgame(), bot_getplace(), bot_relinkplayerlist(), bot_removefromlargestteam(), bot_removenewest(), bot_serverframe(), bot_setnameandstuff(), bot_spawn(), botframe_autowaypoints_fix_from(), botframe_showwaypointlinks(), botframe_updatedangerousobjects(), buff_Customize(), buff_Inferno_CalculateTime(), buff_Init(), buff_NewType(), buff_Respawn(), buff_Think(), buff_Touch(), buff_Waypoint_Spawn(), buff_Waypoint_visible_for_player(), buffs_BuffModel_Customize(), buffs_BuffModel_Think(), buffs_DelayedInit(), Button_draw(), c4_find_piece(), c4_move(), c4_winning_piece(), CA_count_alive_players(), ca_LastPlayerForTeam(), ca_LastPlayerForTeam_Notify(), CA_SpectateNext(), CallbackChain::CallbackChain_Add(), CategoryOverride(), CheatCommand(), CheatImpulse(), CheckPlayerJump(), CL_ExteriorWeaponentity_Think(), CL_SpawnWeaponentity(), CL_Weapon_GetShotOrg(), ClientCommand_minigame(), ClientCommand_selectteam(), ClientCommand_spectate(), ClientCommand_tell(), ClientCommand_voice(), ClientConnect(), ClientData_Send(), ClientData_Touch(), ClientInit_Spawn(), ClientState_attach(), Cmd_MapVote_MapDownload(), CommonCommand_editmob(), Container_addItem(), Container_draw(), Container_hideNotify(), Container_itemFromPoint(), Container_keyDown(), Container_keyUp(), Container_mouseDrag(), Container_mouseMove(), Container_mouseRelease(), Container_moveItemAfter(), Container_preferredFocusedGrandChild(), Container_removeItem(), Container_resizeNotifyLie(), Container_showNotify(), conveyor_think(), CopyBody(), Create_Effect_Entity(), Create_Notification_Entity_Choice(), CSQC_UpdateView(), CSQCModel_Draw(), CSQCPlayer_ModelAppearance_Apply(), CSQCPlayer_SavePrediction(), CSQCPlayer_SetCamera(), CSQCVehicleSetup(), ctf_CaptureShield_Spawn(), ctf_CheckStalemate(), ctf_DelayedFlagSetup(), ctf_DelayedInit(), ctf_FlagBase_Customize(), ctf_FlagcarrierWaypoints(), ctf_FlagThink(), ctf_Handle_Capture(), ctf_Handle_Drop(), ctf_Handle_Retrieve(), ctf_Handle_Throw(), ctf_RemovePlayer(), ctf_SpawnTeam(), ctf_Stalemate_Customize(), cvar_settemp(), cvar_settemp_restore(), Damage(), deactivate_minigame(), Deathtype_Name(), debuggoalstack(), defrag_waypointsprites(), DelayThink(), depthfirst(), Dialog_configureDialog(), dialog_hudpanel_main_checkbox(), dialog_hudpanel_main_settings(), dom_controlpoint_setup(), dom_DelayedInit(), dom_spawnpoint(), dom_spawnteam(), Domination_count_controlpoints(), dompoint_captured(), dompointtouch(), door_check_keys(), door_fire(), door_reset(), door_spawnfield(), Drag(), Drag_Finish(), Drag_Update(), draw_ClearClip(), Draw_ShowNames(), Draw_ShowNames_All(), DrawReticle(), DropBall(), dropclient_schedule(), DropOwner(), EFFECT_ROCKETMINSTA_LASER(), EliminatedPlayers_SendEntity(), end_minigame(), EndFrame(), find_bot_by_number(), FindConnectedComponent(), findperpendicular(), Fire_ApplyDamage(), fireBullet_antilag(), FireGrapplingHook(), FireRailgunBullet(), formatmessage(), Freeze(), freezetag_CheckTeams(), freezetag_count_alive_players(), freezetag_isEliminated(), freezetag_LastPlayerForTeam(), freezetag_LastPlayerForTeam_Notify(), func_ladder_think(), GameCommand_adminmsg(), GameCommand_animbench(), GameCommand_anticheat(), GameCommand_bot_cmd(), GameCommand_defer_clear(), GameCommand_gettaginfo(), GameCommand_make_mapinfo(), GameCommand_moveplayer(), GameCommand_stuffto(), GameCommand_trace(), GameType_ConfigureSliders(), GameType_GetIcon(), GameTypeVote_DrawGameTypeItem(), GENERIC_COMMAND(), GetCurrentFov(), GetFilteredEntity(), GetIndexedEntity(), getNewChildValue(), GetPlayerScoreString(), GetTeam(), GetTeamScoreString(), GiveBall(), GiveResource(), GiveResourceWithLimit(), GoalTouch(), GrapplingHookThink(), havocbot_ai(), havocbot_chooseenemy(), havocbot_ctf_calculate_middlepoint(), havocbot_ctf_find_enemy_flag(), havocbot_ctf_find_flag(), havocbot_ctf_is_basewaypoint(), havocbot_ctf_reset_role(), havocbot_ctf_teamcount(), havocbot_dodge(), havocbot_gettarget(), havocbot_goalrating_ast_targets(), havocbot_goalrating_ball(), havocbot_goalrating_ctf_droppedflags(), havocbot_goalrating_ctf_enemybase(), havocbot_goalrating_ctf_enemyflag(), havocbot_goalrating_ctf_ourbase(), havocbot_goalrating_ctf_ourstolenflag(), havocbot_goalrating_ft_freeplayers(), havocbot_goalrating_kh(), havocbot_goalrating_ons_controlpoints_attack(), havocbot_goalrating_ons_generator_attack(), havocbot_moveto(), havocbot_moveto_refresh_route(), havocbot_movetogoal(), havocbot_role_ctf_carrier(), havocbot_role_ctf_defense(), havocbot_role_ctf_escort(), havocbot_role_ctf_middle(), havocbot_role_ctf_offense(), havocbot_role_ctf_retriever(), havocbot_select_an_item_of_group(), HitSound(), HUD_Ammo(), HUD_Crosshair(), Hud_Dynamic_Frame(), HUD_MinigameBoard(), HUD_MinigameMenu_Click_ExpandCollapse(), HUD_MinigameMenu_ClickCreate(), HUD_MinigameMenu_ClickInvite(), HUD_MinigameMenu_ClickJoin(), HUD_MinigameMenu_Close(), HUD_MinigameMenu_CurrentButton(), HUD_MinigameMenu_CustomEntry(), HUD_MinigameMenu_MouseInput(), HUD_MinigameMenu_SpawnSubEntry(), HUD_MinigameStatus(), HUD_Mod_Race(), HUD_Panel_InputEvent(), HUD_Powerups(), HUD_Quickmenu_PlayerListEntries(), HUD_Radar(), HUD_Score(), HUD_Score_Rankings(), HUD_StrafeHUD(), HUD_Weapons(), IL_ENDFRAME(), IL_POP(), IL_PUSH(), IL_REMOVE(), IL_SHIFT(), IL_UNSHIFT(), IMPULSE(), info_autoscreenshot_findtarget(), InitializeEntitiesRun(), InitializeEntity(), InputContainer__changeFocusXY(), InputContainer_keyDown(), instagib_countdown(), Invasion_CheckWinner(), invasion_GetWaveEntity(), invasion_SpawnChosenMonster(), IsFlying(), Item_Create(), Item_CreateLoot(), Item_FindTeam(), Item_IsAllowed(), Item_ItemsTime_Allow(), Item_RespawnCountdown(), Item_Show(), Item_Think(), Item_Touch(), join_minigame(), jumppad_push(), ka_DropEvent(), ka_RemoveBall(), ka_RespawnBall(), ka_SpawnBall(), kh_finalize(), kh_FinishRound(), kh_HandleFrags(), kh_Key_AllOwnedByWhichTeam(), kh_Key_AssignTo(), kh_Key_Attach(), kh_Key_Detach(), kh_Key_DropAll(), kh_Key_DropOne(), kh_Key_Remove(), kh_Key_Spawn(), kh_Key_Think(), kh_LoserTeam(), kh_StartRound(), kh_update_state(), kh_WinnerTeam(), LinkDoors(), LL_POP(), Local_Notification(), Local_Notification_WOVA(), LocalCommand_boxparticles(), LocalCommand_debugmodel(), m_activate_window(), m_findtooltipitem(), m_goto(), m_keydown(), m_setpointerfocus(), m_tooltip(), MainWindow_configureMainWindow(), MainWindow_draw(), make_safe_for_remove(), makeCallback(), makeEasing(), makeHostedEasing(), makeHostedKeyframe(), makeKeyframe(), makeMulti(), makeTeamButton_T(), makeXonoticAudioSettingsTab(), makeXonoticBigButton(), makeXonoticBigCommandButton_T(), makeXonoticButton_T(), makeXonoticCampaignList(), makeXonoticCharmap(), makeXonoticCheckBoxEx_T(), makeXonoticCheckBoxString(), makeXonoticColorButton(), makeXonoticColorpicker(), makeXonoticColorpickerString(), makeXonoticCommandButton_T(), makeXonoticCreditsList(), makeXonoticCrosshairPicker(), makeXonoticCrosshairPreview(), makeXonoticCvarList(), makeXonoticDecibelsSlider_T(), makeXonoticDemoBrowserTab(), makeXonoticDemoList(), makeXonoticEffectsSettingsTab(), makeXonoticGameCrosshairSettingsTab(), makeXonoticGameHUDSettingsTab(), makeXonoticGameMessageSettingsTab(), makeXonoticGameModelSettingsTab(), makeXonoticGametypeList(), makeXonoticGameViewSettingsTab(), makeXonoticGameWeaponsSettingsTab(), makeXonoticHeaderLabel(), makeXonoticHUDSkinList(), makeXonoticImage(), makeXonoticInputBox_T(), makeXonoticInputSettingsTab(), makeXonoticKeyBinder(), makeXonoticLanguageList(), makeXonoticListBox(), makeXonoticMapList(), makeXonoticMediaTab(), makeXonoticMiscSettingsTab(), makeXonoticMusicPlayerTab(), makeXonoticNexposee(), makeXonoticParticlesSlider(), makeXonoticPicker(), makeXonoticPicmipSlider(), makeXonoticPlayerList(), makeXonoticPlayerModelSelector(), makeXonoticPlayList(), makeXonoticProfileTab(), makeXonoticRadioButton_T(), makeXonoticResolutionSlider(), makeXonoticScoreboardFadeTimeSlider(), makeXonoticScreenshotBrowserTab(), makeXonoticScreenshotImage(), makeXonoticScreenshotList(), makeXonoticServerCreateTab(), makeXonoticServerInfoTab(), makeXonoticServerList(), makeXonoticServerListTab(), makeXonoticServerToSTab(), makeXonoticSkinList(), makeXonoticSlider_T(), makeXonoticSliderCheckBox(), makeXonoticSoundList(), makeXonoticStatsList(), makeXonoticTabController(), makeXonoticTextBox(), makeXonoticTextLabel(), makeXonoticTextSlider_T(), makeXonoticUserSettingsTab(), makeXonoticVideoSettingsTab(), makeXonoticWeaponarenaCheckBox(), makeXonoticWeaponsList(), MapVote_CheckPK3(), minigame_addplayer(), minigame_CheckSend(), minigame_count_players(), minigame_find_player(), minigame_resend(), minigame_rmplayer(), minigame_SendEntity(), MinigameImpulse(), ModalController_draw(), ModalController_hideAll(), Monster::Monster ::mr_anim(), monster_changeteam(), Monster_Delay(), monster_dropitem(), Monster_FindTarget(), Monster_Move(), Monster_Spawn_Setup(), MoveToLast(), MoveToRandomLocationWithinBounds(), MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(), MX_JLF_(), MX_Messages_(), MX_Nick(), MX_Nick_(), MX_Say(), MX_Sync_(), MX_Typing(), MX_Typing_(), Nagger_SendEntity(), navigation_findnearestwaypoint(), navigation_findnearestwaypoint_withdist_except(), navigation_get_really_close_waypoint(), navigation_goalrating_end(), navigation_goalrating_start(), navigation_poptouchedgoals(), navigation_routerating(), navigation_routetogoal(), navigation_shortenpath(), navigation_unstuck(), nb_Goal_Customize(), nb_spawnteam(), nb_spawnteams(), NearestLocation(), NET_HANDLE(), nexball_setstatus(), Nexposee_calc(), Nexposee_Calc_Scale(), Nexposee_draw(), Nexposee_mouseMove(), NIX_CanChooseWeapon(), NIX_GiveCurrentWeapon(), nmm_find_tile(), nmm_in_mill(), nmm_in_mill_string(), nmm_kill_tiles(), nmm_spawn_tile(), nmm_tile_canmove(), Obituary_SpecialDeath(), ok_DropItem(), ons_CaptureShield_Customize(), ons_CaptureShield_Spawn(), ons_ControlPoint_Icon_BuildThink(), ons_ControlPoint_Icon_Spawn(), ons_ControlPoint_UpdateSprite(), ons_Count_SelfControlPoints(), ons_generator_ray_spawn(), ons_Generator_UpdateSprite(), ons_MonsterSpawn_Delayed(), ons_Nearest_ControlPoint(), ons_Nearest_ControlPoint_2D(), ons_ScoreRules(), ons_TurretSpawn_Delayed(), Onslaught_CheckWinner(), Onslaught_count_generators(), Onslaught_RoundStart(), onslaught_updatelinks(), OtherTeam(), part_minigame(), path_build(), pathlib_astar(), pathlib_getbestopen(), pathlib_h_none(), pathlib_makenode_adaptive(), pathlib_mknode(), pathlib_nodeatpoint(), pathlib_walknode(), pathlib_waypointpath_autostep(), pathlib_waypointpath_step(), pathlib_wpp_bestopen(), PingPLReport_Think(), plat_outside_touch(), plat_spawn_inside_trigger(), Player_SetTeamIndexChecked(), Playerchecker_Think(), PlayerInList(), PlayerPreThink(), PlayerScore_Add(), PlayerScore_Attach(), PlayerScore_Clear(), PlayerScore_PlayerStats(), PlayerScore_Set(), PlayerScore_Sort(), PlayerScore_TeamStats(), PlayerState_detach(), PlayerTeamScore_Compare(), PlayerTouchExplode(), PlayerUseKey(), PM_check_hitground(), PM_ClientMovement_UpdateStatus(), PM_dodging(), PM_Footsteps(), Portal_Remove(), Portal_Spawn(), Portal_SpawnInPortalAtTrace(), Portal_SpawnOutPortalAtTrace(), Portal_Think(), PostInit(), postMenuDraw(), powerups_DropItem(), pp_find_piece(), pp_move(), pp_next_match(), pp_setup_pieces(), pp_valid_move(), Projectile_DrawTrail(), Promise_reject(), ps_draw(), ps_find_piece(), ps_move(), ps_move_piece(), ps_setup_pieces(), ps_winning_piece(), PutObserverInServer(), PutPlayerInServer(), race_GetFractionalLapCount(), race_SendTime(), race_waypointsprite_visible_for_player(), RadarMap_Make(), RadioButton_Click(), RadiusDamageForSource(), RandomItems_ReplaceMapItem(), RandomItems_SpawnLootItem(), ReadyRestart_force(), REGISTER_MUTATOR(), RegisterPlayer(), RegisterSLCategories(), RegisterTeam(), relocate_spawnpoint(), RemoveHook(), RemovePlayer(), RemoveTeam(), replace_with_insta_cells(), reset_map(), resetPowerupItems(), round_handler_Init(), round_handler_Reset(), round_handler_Spawn(), sandbox_Database_Load(), sandbox_ObjectEdit_Scale(), sandbox_ObjectPort_Load(), sandbox_ObjectSpawn(), saveCvarsOf(), Score_ClearAll(), Score_NicePrint(), Score_NicePrint_Player(), Score_NicePrint_Team(), Scoreboard_ComparePlayerScores(), Scoreboard_Draw(), Scoreboard_MakeTable(), Scoreboard_Spectators_Draw(), Scoreboard_UpdatePlayerPos(), Scoreboard_UpdatePlayerTeams(), Scoreboard_UpdateTeamPos(), ScoreRules_generic(), SelectSpawnPoint(), ServerList_Update_favoriteButton(), setDependent_Draw(), SetResource(), SetSpectatee(), SetTeam(), shuffleteams(), Simple_TeleportPlayer(), Sort_Spawn(), Spawn_FilterOutBadSpots(), Spawn_Score(), Spawn_ScoreAll(), Spawn_WeightedPoint(), spawner_use(), spawnfunc(), SpawnGoal(), Spectate(), SpectateNext(), SpectatePrev(), start_minigame(), STATIC_INIT(), STATIC_INIT_EARLY(), steerlib_flock(), steerlib_flock2d(), steerlib_swarm(), SUB_CalcAngleMoveEnt(), SUB_CalcMove_Bezier(), SUB_CalcMove_controller_think(), SUB_DontUseTargets(), SUB_Null_ee(), SUB_NullThink(), SUB_UseTargets_Ex(), SV_ParseClientCommand_floodcheck(), sys_phys_simulate_simple(), TakeResource(), TakeResourceWithLimit(), target_init_use(), target_init_verify(), target_objective_decrease_activate(), tdm_SpawnTeam(), TeamBalance_AutoBalanceBots(), TeamBalance_CheckAllowedTeams(), TeamBalance_CompareTeams(), TeamBalance_GetLargestTeamIndex(), TeamBalance_GetPlayerForTeamSwitch(), TeamBalance_GetTeamCounts(), TeamBalance_JoinBestTeam(), TeamScore_AddToTeam(), TeamScore_GetCompareValue(), TeamScore_Spawn(), teleport_findtarget(), Teleport_Touch(), TeleportPlayer(), TEST(), train_next(), train_next_find(), train_wait(), trigger_impulse_touch_directional(), trigger_impulse_touch_radial(), trigger_keylock_kill(), trigger_keylock_touch(), trigger_keylock_trigger(), trigger_push_findtarget(), trigger_push_test(), trigger_push_touch(), trigger_race_checkpoint_verify(), TrueAimCheck(), ttt_find_piece(), ttt_move(), ttt_next_match(), Turret::Turret ::tr_precache(), turret_construct(), turret_die(), turret_gibtoss(), UpdateAuxiliaryXhair(), UpdatePlayerSounds(), url_multi_fopen(), url_single_fopen(), url_URI_Get_Callback(), vehicle_impulse(), vehicle_tossgib(), vehicles_clearreturn(), vehicles_enter(), vehicles_exit(), vehicles_projectile(), vehicles_setreturn(), vehicles_showwp(), View_CheckButtonStatus(), viewloc_PlayerPhysics(), viewmodel_animate(), viewmodel_draw(), VoteCommand_parse(), W_AttachToShotorg(), w_clear(), W_DecreaseAmmo(), W_GetCycleWeapon(), W_GunAlign(), W_HitPlotAnalysis(), W_Model(), W_NameWeaponOrder_MapFunc(), W_Nexball_Attack(), W_Nexball_Attack2(), W_Nexball_Touch(), w_ready(), W_Reload(), W_ReloadedAndReady(), W_SetupShot_Dir_ProjectileSize_Range(), W_SwitchWeapon(), W_SwitchWeapon_Force(), W_ThrowNewWeapon(), W_WeaponFrame(), WarpZone_Fade_PreDraw(), WarpZone_FindRadius(), WarpZone_FindRadius_Recurse(), WarpZone_FixNearClip(), WarpZone_FixPMove(), WarpZone_FixView(), WarpZone_PostInitialize_Callback(), WarpZone_Projectile_Touch(), WarpZone_RefSys_SpawnSameRefSys(), WarpZone_Teleport(), WarpZone_TeleportPlayer(), WarpZone_Touch(), WarpZone_TraceBox_ThroughZone(), WarpZone_TraceToss_ThroughZone(), WarpZone_TrailParticles(), WarpZoneLib_BoxTouchesBrush_Recurse(), waypoint_addlink_for_custom_jumppad(), waypoint_getSymmetricalPoint(), waypoint_is_hardwiredlink(), waypoint_load_hardwiredlinks(), waypoint_load_links(), waypoint_remove_fromeditor(), waypoint_removelink(), waypoint_save_hardwiredlinks(), waypoint_spawn(), waypoint_spawn_fromeditor(), waypoint_spawnforteleporter_boxes(), waypoint_spawnpersonal(), waypoint_start_hardwiredlink(), waypoint_unreachable(), Weapon::Weapon ::display(), weapon_defaultspawnfunc(), weapon_prepareattack_check(), weapon_prepareattack_do(), weapon_thinkf(), Weapon_whereis(), WeaponNameFromWeaponentity(), weaponorder_swap(), WeaponPickup::WeaponPickup ::WeaponPickup(), WinningCondition_Assault(), WinningCondition_LMS(), WinningCondition_RanOutOfSpawns(), WinningConditionHelper(), wordwrap(), write_damagetext(), XonoticAudioSettingsTab_fill(), XonoticBindingsResetDialog_fill(), XonoticCreditsDialog_fill(), XonoticCvarsDialog_fill(), XonoticDamageTextSettings::XonoticDamageTextSettings ::fill(), XonoticDemoBrowserTab_fill(), XonoticDemoStartConfirmDialog_fill(), XonoticDemoTimeConfirmDialog_fill(), XonoticDisconnectDialog_fill(), XonoticEffectsSettingsTab_fill(), XonoticFirstRunDialog_fill(), XonoticGameCrosshairSettingsTab_fill(), XonoticGameHUDSettingsTab_fill(), XonoticGameMessageSettingsTab_fill(), XonoticGameModelSettingsTab_fill(), XonoticGametypeList_saveCvars(), XonoticGameViewSettingsTab_fill(), XonoticGameWeaponsSettingsTab_fill(), XonoticHUDAmmoDialog_fill(), XonoticHUDCenterprintDialog_fill(), XonoticHUDChatDialog_fill(), XonoticHUDConfirmDialog_fill(), XonoticHUDEngineInfoDialog_fill(), XonoticHUDExitDialog_fill(), XonoticHUDHealthArmorDialog_fill(), XonoticHUDInfoMessagesDialog_fill(), XonoticHUDItemsTimeDialog_fill(), XonoticHUDNotificationDialog_fill(), XonoticHUDPhysicsDialog_fill(), XonoticHUDPowerupsDialog_fill(), XonoticHUDPressedKeysDialog_fill(), XonoticHUDQuickMenuDialog_fill(), XonoticHUDRadarDialog_fill(), XonoticHUDScoreDialog_fill(), XonoticHUDStrafeHUDDialog_fill(), XonoticHUDTimerDialog_fill(), XonoticHUDVoteDialog_fill(), XonoticHUDWeaponsDialog_fill(), XonoticInputSettingsTab_fill(), XonoticLanguageWarningDialog_fill(), XonoticMapInfoDialog_fill(), XonoticMapInfoDialog_loadMapInfo(), XonoticMediaTab_fill(), XonoticMiscSettingsTab_fill(), XonoticMonsterToolsDialog_fill(), XonoticMultiplayerDialog_fill(), XonoticMusicPlayerTab_fill(), XonoticMutatorsDialog_fill(), XonoticProfileTab_fill(), XonoticQuitDialog_fill(), XonoticRadioButton_draw(), XonoticRegisteredSettingsList_getTooltip_cb(), XonoticResetDialog_fill(), XonoticSandboxToolsDialog_fill(), XonoticScreenshotBrowserTab_fill(), XonoticScreenshotViewerDialog_fill(), XonoticServerCreateTab_fill(), XonoticServerInfoDialog_fill(), XonoticServerInfoTab_fill(), XonoticServerList_drawListBoxItem(), XonoticServerListTab_fill(), XonoticServerToSTab_fill(), XonoticSettingsDialog_fill(), XonoticSingleplayerDialog_fill(), XonoticTabController_makeTabButton_T(), XonoticTeamSelectDialog_fill(), XonoticToSDialog_fill(), XonoticUid2NameDialog_fill(), XonoticUserbindEditDialog_fill(), XonoticUserSettingsTab_fill(), XonoticVideoSettingsTab_fill(), XonoticWeaponsList_drawListBoxItem(), XonoticWeaponsList_toString(), and XonoticWinnerDialog_fill().

◆ entity() [2/9]

entity ( entity  start,
.string  fld,
string  match 

◆ entity() [3/9]

entity ( vector  org,
float  rad 

◆ entity() [4/9]

entity ( entity  e)

◆ entity() [5/9]

entity ( entity  start,
.float  fld,
float  match 
) = #449

◆ entity() [6/9]

entity ( entity  start,
.entity  fld,
entity  match 

◆ entity() [7/9]

entity ( .string  fld,
string  match 

◆ entity() [8/9]

entity ( .float  fld,
float  match 
) = #450

◆ entity() [9/9]

entity ( float  num)

◆ findfont()

float findfont ( string  s)

◆ float() [1/33]

float ( float  f,
float  t,
float  n 
) = #32

◆ float() [2/33]

float ( string  s) = #45

◆ float() [3/33]

float ( ) = #34

◆ float() [4/33]

float ( vector  v) = #13

◆ float() [5/33]

float ( vector  v1,
vector  v2,
float  tryents,
entity  ignoreentity 

◆ float() [6/33]

float ( float  v) = #37

◆ float() [7/33]

float ( entity  e)

◆ float() [8/33]

float ( string  name,
string  value 
) = #228

◆ float() [9/33]

float ( float  a,
) = #95

◆ float() [10/33]

float ( float  f,
float  f 

◆ float() [11/33]

float ( string  filename,
float  mode 

◆ float() [12/33]

float ( string  str,
string  sub,
float  startpos 

◆ float() [13/33]

float ( vector  position,
float  character,
vector  scale,
vector  rgb,
float  alpha,
float  flag 

◆ float() [14/33]

float ( vector  position,
string  text,
vector  scale,
vector  rgb,
float  alpha,
float  flag 
) = #322

◆ float() [15/33]

float ( vector  position,
vector  size,
vector  rgb,
float  alpha,
float  flag 

◆ float() [16/33]

float ( vector  position,
string  text,
vector  scale,
float  alpha,
float  flag 

◆ float() [17/33]

float ( entity  e,
float  s 

◆ float() [18/33]

float ( entity  e,
vector  p 

◆ float() [19/33]

float ( string  pattern,
float  caseinsensitive,
float  quiet 

◆ float() [20/33]

float ( entity  ent,
string  tagname 

◆ float() [21/33]

float ( float  bufhandle,
string  str,
float  order 
) = #630

◆ float() [22/33]

float ( vector  org,
vector  vel 

◆ float() [23/33]

float ( vector  org,
vector  vel,
float  theme 

◆ float() [24/33]

float ( vector  org,
vector  vel,
float  delay,
float  collisiondelay 

◆ float() [25/33]

float ( vector  org,
vector  vel,
float  delay,
float  collisiondelay,
float  theme 

◆ float() [26/33]

float ( string  url,
float  id,
string  content_type,
string  delim,
float  buf,
float  keyid 

◆ float() [27/33]

float ( string  s,
string  separator1,

◆ float() [28/33]

float ( float  caseinsensitive,
string  s,

◆ float() [29/33]

float ( float  skel,
entity  ent,
float  modlindex,
float  retainfrac,
float  firstbone,
float  lastbone 

◆ float() [30/33]

float ( float  skel,
string  tagname 

◆ float() [31/33]

float ( float  skel,
float  bonenum,
string  g1,
string  g2,
string  g3,
string  g4,
string  g5,
string  g6 

◆ float() [32/33]

float ( float  fieldnum,
entity  ent,
string  s 

◆ float() [33/33]

float ( string  pattern,
float  caseinsensitive,
float  quiet,
string  packfile 

◆ loadfont()

float loadfont ( string  fontname,
string  fontmaps,
string  sizes,
float  slot,
float  fix_scale,
float  fix_voffset 

◆ log()

float log ( float  f)

Referenced by acosh(), asinh(), atanh(), fromDecibelOfSquare(), gsl_ran_gaussian(), lgamma(), log10(), log1p(), log2(), logn(), and toDecibelOfSquare().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ string() [1/20]

string ( float  f) = #112

◆ string() [2/20]

string ( vector  v)

◆ string() [3/20]

string ( entity  ent)

◆ string() [4/20]

string ( string  s) = #75

◆ string() [5/20]

string (   ...)

◆ string() [6/20]

string ( string  s,
float  start,
float  length 

◆ string() [7/20]

string ( float  c,

◆ string() [8/20]

string ( float  ccase,
float  calpha,
float  cnum,
string  s,

◆ string() [9/20]

string ( float  chars,
string  s,
) = #478

◆ string() [10/20]

string ( string  info,
string  key,
string  value,

◆ string() [11/20]

string ( string  info,
string  key 

◆ string() [12/20]

string ( string  name,
) = #627

◆ string() [13/20]

string ( float  playernum,
string  keyname 
) = #465

◆ string() [14/20]

string ( )

◆ string() [15/20]

string ( entity  e,
float  s 

◆ string() [16/20]

string ( float  handle,
float  num 
) = #466

◆ string() [17/20]

string ( string  search,
string  replace,
string  subject 
) = #485

◆ string() [18/20]

string ( string  command,
float  bindmap 
) = #625

◆ string() [19/20]

string ( string  digest,
string  data,
) = #115

◆ string() [20/20]

string ( float  fieldnum,
entity  ent 

◆ stringwidth()

float stringwidth ( string  text,
float  allowColorCodes,
vector  size 

Definition at line 75 of file draw.qc.

76 {
77  vector dfs = drawfontscale;
78  drawfontscale = '1 1 0';
79  float r = stringwidth_builtin(text, handleColors, sz);
80  drawfontscale = dfs;
81  return r;
82 }
vector drawfontscale
Definition: draw.qh:3
vector(float skel, float bonenum) _skel_get_boneabs_hidden

◆ stringwidth_menu()

float stringwidth_menu ( string  text,
float  allowColorCodes,
vector  size 

◆ vector() [1/12]

vector ( vector  v) = #51

◆ vector() [2/12]

vector ( vector  v,
vector  w 

◆ vector() [3/12]

vector ( ) = #344

◆ vector() [4/12]

vector ( vector  org,
float  lpflags 

◆ vector() [5/12]

vector ( string  ) = #318

◆ vector() [6/12]

vector ( float  property)

◆ vector() [7/12]

vector ( vector  position,
string  text,
vector  scale,
vector  rgb,
float  alpha,
float  flag 

◆ vector() [8/12]

vector ( entity  e,
float  s,
float  n 
) = #629

◆ vector() [9/12]

vector ( entity  e,
float  s 

◆ vector() [10/12]

vector ( entity  e,
float  s,
vector  p 

◆ vector() [11/12]

vector ( entity  e,
float  s,
float  n,
float  a 

◆ vector() [12/12]

vector ( float  entitynum,
float  fldnum 

◆ void() [1/45]

void ( )

◆ void() [2/45]

void ( float  w,
float  h 

◆ void() [3/45]

void ( vector  ang)

◆ void() [4/45]

void ( entity  e,
vector  o 

◆ void() [5/45]

void ( entity  e,
string  m 

◆ void() [6/45]

void ( entity  e,
vector  min,
vector  max 

◆ void() [7/45]

void ( entity  e,
float  chan,
string  samp,
float  volume,
float  atten,

◆ void() [8/45]

void ( string  e)

◆ void() [9/45]

void ( entity  e)

◆ void() [10/45]

void ( string  s,

◆ void() [11/45]

void ( float  style,
string  value 

◆ void() [12/45]

void ( vector  o,
vector  d,
float  color,
float  count 

◆ void() [13/45]

void ( entity  e,
entity  ignore 

◆ void() [14/45]

void ( string  var,
string  val 

◆ void() [15/45]

void ( vector  pos,
string  samp,
float  vol,
float  atten 

◆ void() [16/45]

void ( vector  v1,
vector  min,
vector  max,
vector  v2,
float  nomonsters,
entity  forent 

◆ void() [17/45]

void ( float  fhandle)

◆ void() [18/45]

void ( vector  org,
float  radius,
vector  lightcolours 

◆ void() [19/45]

void ( vector  org,
float  radius,
vector  lightcolours,
float  style,
string  cubemapname,
float  pflags 

◆ void() [20/45]

void ( string  texturename,
float  flag,

◆ void() [21/45]

void ( vector  org,
vector  texcoords,
vector  rgb,
float  alpha 

◆ void() [22/45]

void ( float  width,
vector  pos1,
vector  pos2,
vector  rgb,
float  alpha,
float  flag 

◆ void() [23/45]

void ( float  x,
float  y,
float  width,
float  height 

◆ void() [24/45]

void ( entity  e,
float  mdlindex 

◆ void() [25/45]

void ( entity  ent,
float  effectnum,
vector  start,
vector  end 

◆ void() [26/45]

void ( float  effectnum,
vector  origin,
vector  dir,
float  count 

◆ void() [27/45]

void (   ...)

◆ void() [28/45]

void ( vector  origin,
vector  forward,
vector  right,
vector  up 

◆ void() [29/45]

void ( vector  org,
string  modelname,
float  startframe,
float  endframe,
float  framerate 

◆ void() [30/45]

void ( vector  org,
vector  velocity,
float  howmany 

◆ void() [31/45]

void ( vector  org,
vector  color 

◆ void() [32/45]

void ( vector  mincorner,
vector  maxcorner,
vector  vel,
float  howmany,
float  color,
float  gravityflag,
float  randomveljitter 

◆ void() [33/45]

void ( vector  mincorner,
vector  maxcorner,
vector  vel,
float  howmany,
float  color 

◆ void() [34/45]

void ( vector  org,
float  radius,
float  lifetime,
vector  color 

◆ void() [35/45]

void ( vector  org,
float  colorstart,
float  colorlength 

◆ void() [36/45]

void ( entity  e,
entity  tagentity,
string  tagname 

◆ void() [37/45]

void ( float  bufhandle,
float  sortpower,
float  backward 

◆ void() [38/45]

void ( float  bufhandle,
float  string_index,
string  str 

◆ void() [39/45]

void ( entity  e,
float  chan,
string  samp,
float  vol,
float  atten,
float  speed,
float  flags 

◆ void() [40/45]

void ( float  skel,
float  bonenum,
vector  org 

◆ void() [41/45]

void ( float  skel,
float  startbone,
float  endbone,
vector  org 

◆ void() [42/45]

void ( float  animmodelindex,
float  framegroup,
float  framegroupstarttime,
float  blendalpha,
string  groupbonename,
string  excludegroupname1,
string  excludegroupname2 

◆ void() [43/45]

void ( vector  eyetarget,
string  bonename 

◆ void() [44/45]

void ( float  fh,
entity  e 

◆ void() [45/45]

void ( float  effectindex,
entity  own,
vector  org_from,
vector  org_to,
vector  dir_from,
vector  dir_to,
float  countmultiplier,
float  flags 

Variable Documentation

◆ absmax

◆ absmin

◆ angles


const float ATTN_IDLE = 2

Definition at line 227 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float ATTN_NONE = 0

Definition at line 225 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by HitSound().



const float ATTN_STATIC = 3

Definition at line 228 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ avelocity

◆ chain

entity chain

Definition at line 123 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by WarpZone_FindRadius().


const float CHAN_AUTO = 0

Definition at line 219 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by ons_GeneratorThink().


const float CHAN_BODY = 4

Definition at line 223 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float CHAN_ITEM = 3

Definition at line 222 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float CHAN_VOICE = 2

Definition at line 221 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float CHAN_WEAPON = 1

Definition at line 220 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ classname

◆ clientcommandframe

float clientcommandframe

Definition at line 23 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by CSQCPlayer_PredictTo(), and CSQCPlayer_SetCamera().

◆ colormap




const float CONTENT_SKY = -6

Definition at line 241 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by FindConnectedComponent().






Definition at line 1174 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by updateConwidths().




Definition at line 1175 of file csprogsdefs.qc.



Definition at line 1173 of file csprogsdefs.qc.



Definition at line 1176 of file csprogsdefs.qc.



Definition at line 1172 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by XonoticCvarList_drawListBoxItem().


float DEG2RAD = 0.0174532925199432957692369076848861271344287188854172545609719144










Definition at line 1135 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by _Movetype_CheckWater().





Definition at line 1131 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by _StartItem(), and FindConnectedComponent().











Definition at line 1125 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by FindConnectedComponent().

◆ dphitcontentsmask


const float DRAWFLAG_2XMODULATE = 3

Definition at line 320 of file csprogsdefs.qc.



const float DRAWFLAG_MIPMAP = 0x100

Definition at line 322 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by draw_teamradar_background().


const float DRAWFLAG_MODULATE = 2

Definition at line 319 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by View_NightVision().



const float DRAWFLAG_SCREEN = 4

Definition at line 321 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by draw_teamradar_background().

◆ drawfont

float drawfont

Definition at line 820 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ drawmask


float E_ABSMAX = 15

Definition at line 795 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float E_ABSMIN = 14

Definition at line 794 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float E_ACTIVE = 0

Definition at line 780 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float E_ALPHA = 7

Definition at line 787 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float E_COLORMOD = 8

Definition at line 788 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float E_FORWARD = 2

Definition at line 782 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float E_LIGHT = 16

Definition at line 796 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float E_MAXS = 13

Definition at line 793 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float E_MINS = 12

Definition at line 792 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float E_ORIGIN = 1

Definition at line 781 of file csprogsdefs.qc.



Definition at line 786 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float E_PANTSCOLOR = 9

Definition at line 789 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float E_RIGHT = 3

Definition at line 783 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float E_SCALE = 5

Definition at line 785 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float E_SHIRTCOLOR = 10

Definition at line 790 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float E_SKIN = 11

Definition at line 791 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ E_UP

float E_UP = 4

Definition at line 784 of file csprogsdefs.qc.




const float EF_FLAME = 1024







const float EF_SELECTABLE = 16384

Definition at line 309 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by vehicle_addplayerslot(), and vehicles_reset_colors().


const float EF_STARDUST = 2048

◆ effects

◆ end_sys_fields

void end_sys_fields

Definition at line 136 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ end_sys_globals

void end_sys_globals

Definition at line 76 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ enemy

entity enemy

Definition at line 127 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ entnum


const float EXTRA_HIGH = 99999999

Definition at line 263 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float EXTRA_LOW = -99999999

Definition at line 262 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ false

const float false = 0

Definition at line 258 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float FALSE = 0

Definition at line 260 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float FIELD_ENTITY = 4

Definition at line 1416 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float FIELD_FLOAT = 2

Definition at line 1414 of file csprogsdefs.qc.



Definition at line 1417 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float FIELD_STRING = 1

Definition at line 1413 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float FIELD_VECTOR = 3

Definition at line 1415 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float FILE_APPEND = 1



◆ flags



Definition at line 826 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float FONT_CHAT = 4

Definition at line 825 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float FONT_CONSOLE = 1

Definition at line 822 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float FONT_DEFAULT = 0

Definition at line 821 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float FONT_INFOBAR = 6

Definition at line 827 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float FONT_MENU = 7

Definition at line 828 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float FONT_NOTIFY = 3

Definition at line 824 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float FONT_SBAR = 2

Definition at line 823 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float FONT_USER0 = 8

Definition at line 829 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float FONT_USER1 = 9

Definition at line 830 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float FONT_USER2 = 10

Definition at line 831 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float FONT_USER3 = 11

Definition at line 832 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float FONT_USER4 = 12

Definition at line 833 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float FONT_USER5 = 13

Definition at line 834 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float FONT_USER6 = 14

Definition at line 835 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float FONT_USER7 = 15

Definition at line 836 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ frame

float frame

Definition at line 109 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ frame1time

float frame1time

Definition at line 1247 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ frame2

float frame2

Definition at line 1241 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ frame2time

float frame2time

Definition at line 1248 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ frame3

float frame3

Definition at line 1242 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ frame3time

float frame3time

Definition at line 1249 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ frame4

float frame4

Definition at line 1243 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ frame4time

float frame4time

Definition at line 1250 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ frametime

◆ getlight_ambient

vector getlight_ambient

Definition at line 411 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ getlight_diffuse

vector getlight_diffuse

Definition at line 412 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ getlight_dir

vector getlight_dir

Definition at line 410 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ gettaginfo_forward

vector gettaginfo_forward

Definition at line 1473 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by GameCommand_gettaginfo().

◆ gettaginfo_name

string gettaginfo_name

Definition at line 1471 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by GameCommand_gettaginfo(), and MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION().

◆ gettaginfo_offset

vector gettaginfo_offset

Definition at line 1472 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by GameCommand_gettaginfo().

◆ gettaginfo_parent

float gettaginfo_parent

Definition at line 1470 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by GameCommand_gettaginfo().

◆ gettaginfo_right

vector gettaginfo_right

Definition at line 1474 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by GameCommand_gettaginfo().

◆ gettaginfo_up

vector gettaginfo_up

Definition at line 1475 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by GameCommand_gettaginfo().



Definition at line 1019 of file csprogsdefs.qc.







Definition at line 1007 of file csprogsdefs.qc.



Definition at line 1009 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by CommonCommand_time().

◆ input_angles

◆ input_buttons

float input_buttons

◆ input_movevalues

vector input_movevalues

Definition at line 61 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by viewloc_PlayerPhysics().

◆ input_timelength

float input_timelength

Definition at line 59 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ intermission

◆ lerpfrac

float lerpfrac

Definition at line 1244 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ lerpfrac3

float lerpfrac3

Definition at line 1245 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ lerpfrac4

float lerpfrac4

Definition at line 1246 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float LP_COMPLETE = 7

Definition at line 416 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float LP_DYNLIGHT = 4

Definition at line 415 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float LP_LIGHTMAP = 1

Definition at line 413 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float LP_RTWORLD = 2

Definition at line 414 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ M_PI

◆ mapname


const float MASK_ENGINE = 1

Definition at line 162 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by CSQC_UpdateView().



Definition at line 163 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by CSQC_UpdateView().


◆ maxclients

◆ maxs

◆ mins

◆ model

◆ modelindex

◆ modellight_ambient

vector modellight_ambient

Definition at line 762 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ modellight_diffuse

vector modellight_diffuse

Definition at line 763 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ modellight_dir

vector modellight_dir

Definition at line 764 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float MOVE_MISSILE = 2

Definition at line 254 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by _Movetype_Physics_Walk(), and _Movetype_PushEntityTrace().




◆ movetype

float movetype

Definition at line 98 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by Player_Physics(), and SV_OnEntityPreSpawnFunction().

◆ movevar_accelerate

float movevar_accelerate

Definition at line 68 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ movevar_airaccelerate

float movevar_airaccelerate

Definition at line 69 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ movevar_entgravity

float movevar_entgravity

Definition at line 73 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ movevar_friction

float movevar_friction

Definition at line 71 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ movevar_gravity

float movevar_gravity

Definition at line 64 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ movevar_maxspeed

float movevar_maxspeed

Definition at line 66 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ movevar_spectatormaxspeed

float movevar_spectatormaxspeed

Definition at line 67 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ movevar_stopspeed

float movevar_stopspeed

Definition at line 65 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ movevar_wateraccelerate

float movevar_wateraccelerate

Definition at line 70 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ movevar_waterfriction

float movevar_waterfriction

Definition at line 72 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ netname

string netname

Definition at line 125 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ nextthink

float nextthink

Definition at line 121 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by _Movetype_Physics_Push(), _StartItem(), a_think(), AnimateDomPoint(), Announcer_Countdown(), assault_wall_think(), basketball_touch(), buff_Init(), buff_Think(), buffs_BuffModel_Think(), ChatBubbleThink(), CL_ExteriorWeaponentity_Think(), CL_Weaponentity_Think(), ClientInit_CheckUpdate(), conveyor_think(), CopyBody(), CopyBody_Think(), ctf_FlagThink(), dom_controlpoint_setup(), dompointthink(), door_go_up(), door_hit_top(), door_reset(), DragBox_Think(), football_touch(), func_ladder_think(), GotoFirstMap(), GrapplingHook_Stop(), GrapplingHookThink(), Ice_Think(), InitBall(), Item_Reset(), Item_Respawn(), Item_RespawnCountdown(), Item_RespawnThink(), Item_Think(), ka_Handler_CheckBall(), ka_RespawnBall(), ka_TimeScoring(), ka_TouchEvent(), kh_Controller_Think(), kh_Key_Think(), KillIndicator_Think(), make_mapinfo_Think(), Monster_Appear_Check(), Monster_Damage(), Monster_Dead(), Monster_Dead_Damage(), Monster_Dead_Fade(), Monster_Dead_Think(), Monster_Delay_Action(), Monster_Spawn_Setup(), Monster_Think(), OnlineBanList_Think(), ons_ControlPoint_Icon_BuildThink(), ons_ControlPoint_Icon_Think(), ons_ControlPoint_Reset(), ons_ControlPoint_Think(), ons_DelayedLinkSetup(), ons_GeneratorDamage(), ons_GeneratorReset(), ons_GeneratorThink(), ons_Link_CheckUpdate(), physical_item_think(), PingPLReport_Think(), plas_think(), plat_hit_top(), Playerchecker_Think(), PlayerDamage(), Portal_Think(), powerups_DropItem_Think(), PutObserverInServer(), PutPlayerInServer(), RandomSeed_Think(), relocate_spawnpoint(), ResetBall(), round_handler_FirstThink(), round_handler_Reset(), round_handler_Spawn(), round_handler_Think(), RunThink(), sandbox_ObjectFunction_Think(), shieldhit_think(), SpawnBall(), spawnfunc(), spawnpoint_think(), SUB_CalcAngleMove(), SUB_CalcAngleMoveDone(), SUB_CalcMove(), SUB_CalcMove_Bezier(), SUB_CalcMove_controller_think(), SUB_CalcMoveDone(), SUB_Friction(), SUB_SetFade_Think(), thrown_wep_think(), timeout_handler_think(), train_next(), train_wait(), trigger_push_touch(), turret_gib_draw(), vehicle_initialize(), vehicle_use(), vehicles_gib_think(), vehicles_projectile_damage(), vehicles_spawn(), vehicles_think(), W_Model(), W_Nexball_Think(), W_PrepareExplosionByDamage(), WarpZone_Projectile_Touch(), WarpZone_RefSys_GC(), and waypoint_think().

◆ oldorigin

◆ origin

vector origin

Definition at line 101 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ other

◆ owner

entity owner

Definition at line 133 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_airfriction

float particle_airfriction

Definition at line 671 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_alpha

float particle_alpha

Definition at line 666 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_alphafade

float particle_alphafade

Definition at line 667 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_angle

float particle_angle

Definition at line 684 of file csprogsdefs.qc.



Definition at line 656 of file csprogsdefs.qc.



Definition at line 653 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_blendmode

float particle_blendmode

Definition at line 659 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_bounce

float particle_bounce

Definition at line 670 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_color1

vector particle_color1

Definition at line 661 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_color2

vector particle_color2

Definition at line 662 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_delaycollision

float particle_delaycollision

Definition at line 683 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_delayspawn

float particle_delayspawn

Definition at line 682 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_gravity

float particle_gravity

Definition at line 669 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_liquidfriction

float particle_liquidfriction

Definition at line 672 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_orientation

float particle_orientation

Definition at line 660 of file csprogsdefs.qc.



Definition at line 655 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_originjitter

float particle_originjitter

Definition at line 673 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_qualityreduction

float particle_qualityreduction

Definition at line 675 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_size

float particle_size

Definition at line 664 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_sizeincrease

float particle_sizeincrease

Definition at line 665 of file csprogsdefs.qc.



Definition at line 654 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_spin

float particle_spin

Definition at line 685 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_stainalpha

float particle_stainalpha

Definition at line 680 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_staincolor1

vector particle_staincolor1

Definition at line 677 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_staincolor2

vector particle_staincolor2

Definition at line 678 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_stainsize

float particle_stainsize

Definition at line 681 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_staintex

float particle_staintex

Definition at line 679 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_stretch

float particle_stretch

Definition at line 676 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_tex

float particle_tex

Definition at line 663 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_time

float particle_time

Definition at line 668 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_type

float particle_type

Definition at line 658 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particle_velocityjitter

float particle_velocityjitter

Definition at line 674 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particles_alphamax

float particles_alphamax

Definition at line 1458 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by Projectile_DrawTrail().

◆ particles_alphamin

float particles_alphamin

Definition at line 1458 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by Projectile_DrawTrail().

◆ particles_colormax

vector particles_colormax

Definition at line 1460 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ particles_colormin

vector particles_colormin

Definition at line 1460 of file csprogsdefs.qc.



Definition at line 1463 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by Projectile_DrawTrail(), and WarpZone_TrailParticles().

◆ particles_fade

float particles_fade

Definition at line 1462 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by Projectile_DrawTrail().



Definition at line 1457 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by Projectile_DrawTrail().



Definition at line 1459 of file csprogsdefs.qc.



Definition at line 1461 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by Projectile_DrawTrail().


float PBLEND_ADD = 1

Definition at line 650 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float PBLEND_ALPHA = 0

Definition at line 649 of file csprogsdefs.qc.



Definition at line 651 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float PFL_CROUCH = 2

Definition at line 312 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float PFL_DEAD = 4

Definition at line 313 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float PFL_GIBBED = 8

Definition at line 314 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float PFL_ONGROUND = 1

Definition at line 311 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float PFLAGS_CORONA = 2

Definition at line 297 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC = 128

Definition at line 298 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by buff_Customize(), buff_Init(), and buffs_BuffModel_Spawn().


const float PFLAGS_NOSHADOW = 1

Definition at line 296 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ PI

float PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923

Definition at line 963 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by cpicon_draw(), and HUD_Physics().

◆ player_localentnum

◆ player_localnum


float PMF_DUCKED = 4

Definition at line 921 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by CSQCPlayer_Physics().


float PMF_ONGROUND = 8

◆ pmove_maxs

vector pmove_maxs

Definition at line 57 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ pmove_mins

vector pmove_mins

Definition at line 56 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ pmove_org

vector pmove_org

Definition at line 54 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by View_EventChase(), and WarpZone_FixPMove().

◆ pmove_vel

vector pmove_vel

Definition at line 55 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by CSQCPlayer_SetCamera(), GetCurrentFov(), and HUD_Physics().



Definition at line 1080 of file csprogsdefs.qc.



Definition at line 1082 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by XonoticGametypeList_configureXonoticGametypeList().



Definition at line 1081 of file csprogsdefs.qc.



Definition at line 636 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float PT_BEAM = 4

Definition at line 639 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float PT_BLOOD = 9

Definition at line 644 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float PT_BUBBLE = 8

Definition at line 643 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float PT_DECAL = 11

Definition at line 646 of file csprogsdefs.qc.



Definition at line 647 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float PT_RAIN = 5

Definition at line 640 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float PT_RAINDECAL = 6

Definition at line 641 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float PT_SMOKE = 10

Definition at line 645 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float PT_SNOW = 7

Definition at line 642 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float PT_SPARK = 3

Definition at line 638 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


float PT_STATIC = 2

Definition at line 637 of file csprogsdefs.qc.



Definition at line 1144 of file csprogsdefs.qc.



Definition at line 1141 of file csprogsdefs.qc.



Definition at line 1150 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by PM_check_hitground(), and PM_Footsteps().



Definition at line 1138 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by CreatureFrame_FallDamage().



Definition at line 1145 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by fireBullet_antilag().



Definition at line 1142 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by CheatCommand(), ka_TouchEvent(), SUB_NoImpactCheck(), and vehicles_impact().



Definition at line 1143 of file csprogsdefs.qc.



Definition at line 1152 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by fireBullet_antilag().



Definition at line 1151 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by PM_check_hitground(), and PM_Footsteps().




Definition at line 1139 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by HUD_StrafeHUD(), and PM_check_slick().


float RAD2DEG = 57.2957795130823208767981548141051703324054724665643215491602438612



Definition at line 925 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by CSQCPlayer_SetCamera().



Definition at line 926 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by CSQCPlayer_SetCamera().



Definition at line 924 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by CSQCPlayer_SetCamera().



Definition at line 923 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by CSQCPlayer_SetCamera().


const float RF_ADDITIVE = 8

Definition at line 169 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by CSQCModel_Effects_Apply().


const float RF_DEPTHHACK = 4

Definition at line 168 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by CSQCModel_Effects_Apply().



Definition at line 1468 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by CSQCModel_Effects_Apply().


const float RF_EXTERNALMODEL = 2

Definition at line 167 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by CSQCModel_Draw(), and NET_HANDLE().


const float RF_FULLBRIGHT = 256

Definition at line 1466 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by CSQCModel_Effects_Apply().


const float RF_MODELLIGHT = 4096

Definition at line 761 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float RF_NOSHADOW = 512

Definition at line 1467 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by CSQCModel_Effects_Apply().


const float RF_USEAXIS = 16

Definition at line 170 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by CSQCModel_Effects_Apply().


const float RF_VIEWMODEL = 1

Definition at line 166 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by CSQCModel_Draw(), and W_Model().


const float RF_WORLDOBJECT = 128

Definition at line 754 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ self

entity self

Definition at line 13 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ servercommandframe

float servercommandframe

Definition at line 24 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by CSQCPlayer_SavePrediction(), and CSQCPlayer_SetCamera().

◆ size

◆ skeletonindex

float skeletonindex

Definition at line 1239 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by Ent_Remove().

◆ skin

float skin

Definition at line 110 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ solid









Definition at line 1053 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON = 10

Definition at line 210 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float STAT_AMMO = 3

Definition at line 203 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float STAT_ARMOR = 4

Definition at line 204 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float STAT_CELLS = 9

Definition at line 209 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by GetAmmoItem().


const float STAT_FRAGLIMIT = 235

Definition at line 1453 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float STAT_HEALTH = 0

Definition at line 201 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float STAT_ITEMS = 15

Definition at line 215 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float STAT_MONSTERS = 14

Definition at line 214 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float STAT_MOVEVARS_GRAVITY = 242

Definition at line 1455 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float STAT_MOVEVARS_TICRATE = 240

Definition at line 1451 of file csprogsdefs.qc.



Definition at line 1452 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float STAT_NAILS = 7

Definition at line 207 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by GetAmmoItem().


const float STAT_ROCKETS = 8

Definition at line 208 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by GetAmmoItem().


const float STAT_SECRETS = 13

Definition at line 213 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float STAT_SHELLS = 6

Definition at line 206 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by GetAmmoItem().


const float STAT_TIMELIMIT = 236

Definition at line 1454 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float STAT_TOTALMONSTERS = 12

Definition at line 212 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float STAT_TOTALSECRETS = 11

Definition at line 211 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float STAT_VIEWHEIGHT = 16

Definition at line 216 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float STAT_WEAPONFRAME = 5

Definition at line 205 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float STAT_WEAPONMODEL = 2

Definition at line 202 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float TE_EXPLOSION = 3

Definition at line 278 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by EFFECT_CAP(), and SUB().


const float TE_EXPLOSION2 = 12

Definition at line 287 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float TE_EXPLOSIONQUAD = 70

Definition at line 291 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by SUB().


const float TE_EXPLOSIONRGB = 53

Definition at line 289 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float TE_GUNSHOT = 2

Definition at line 277 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by SUB().


const float TE_GUNSHOTQUAD = 57

Definition at line 290 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by SUB().


const float TE_KNIGHTSPIKE = 8

Definition at line 283 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by SUB().


const float TE_LAVASPLASH = 10

Definition at line 285 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by SUB().


const float TE_LIGHTNING1 = 5

Definition at line 280 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float TE_LIGHTNING2 = 6

Definition at line 281 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float TE_LIGHTNING3 = 9

Definition at line 284 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float TE_SPIKE = 0

Definition at line 275 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by SUB().


const float TE_SPIKEQUAD = 58

Definition at line 292 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by SUB().


const float TE_SUPERSPIKE = 1

Definition at line 276 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by SUB().


const float TE_SUPERSPIKEQUAD = 59

Definition at line 293 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by SUB().


const float TE_TAREXPLOSION = 4

Definition at line 279 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by SUB().


const float TE_TELEPORT = 11

Definition at line 286 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by SUB().


const float TE_WIZSPIKE = 7

Definition at line 282 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by SUB().

◆ time

float time

Definition at line 16 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by _StartItem(), a_think(), accuracy_add(), accuracy_isgooddamage(), Accuracy_LoadColors(), anim_set(), anim_update(), AnimateDomPoint(), animdecide_getloweranim(), animdecide_getupperanim(), animdecide_setaction(), animdecide_setimplicitstate(), animdecide_setstate(), Announcer_Countdown(), Announcer_Gamestart(), Announcer_Time(), anticheat_physics(), antilag_record(), antilag_takeback_all(), assault_new_round(), assault_wall_think(), AuxiliaryXhair_Draw2D(), Ban_Insert(), Ban_IsClientBanned(), Ban_LoadBans(), Ban_SaveBans(), Ban_View(), basketball_touch(), blink_synced(), bobmodel_ofs(), bot_aim(), bot_aim_reset(), bot_aimdir(), bot_clientconnect(), bot_cmd_aim(), bot_cmd_aimtarget(), bot_cmd_barrier(), bot_cmd_debug_assert_canfire(), bot_cmd_wait(), bot_cmd_wait_until(), bot_fixcount(), bot_serverframe(), bot_think(), botframe_autowaypoints_fix_from(), botframe_showwaypointlinks(), buff_Customize(), buff_Effect(), buff_Inferno_CalculateTime(), buff_Init(), buff_Respawn(), buff_SetCooldown(), buff_Think(), buff_Touch(), buffs_BuffModel_Spawn(), buffs_BuffModel_Think(), CA_CheckWinner(), calc_followmodel_ofs(), calculate_player_respawn_time(), CampaignPreIntermission(), changematchtime(), ChatBubbleThink(), CheatCommand(), CheatImpulse(), checkpoint_passed(), CheckRules_World(), CheckWaterJump(), CL_ExteriorWeaponentity_Think(), CL_SpawnWeaponentity(), CL_Weaponentity_Think(), client_hasweapon(), ClientCommand_join(), ClientCommand_ready(), ClientConnect(), ClientInit_CheckUpdate(), ClientKill_Silent(), ClientKill_TeamChange(), CommonCommand_time(), CommonCommand_timein(), CommonCommand_timeout(), CommonCommand_who(), conveyor_think(), CopyBody(), CopyBody_Think(), cpicon_construct(), cpicon_damage(), cpicon_draw(), CreatureFrame_All(), CreatureFrame_hotliquids(), crosshair_getcolor(), CSQC_Ent_Update(), CSQC_UpdateView(), CSQCModel_ApplyStairSmoothing(), CSQCModel_CheckUpdate(), CSQCModel_Effects_Apply(), CSQCModel_InterpolateAnimation_1To2_Do(), CSQCModel_InterpolateAnimation_1To2_Note(), CSQCModel_InterpolateAnimation_2To4_Do(), CSQCModel_InterpolateAnimation_2To4_Note(), CSQCPlayer_ApplyBobbing(), CSQCPlayer_ApplyIdleScaling(), CSQCPlayer_ApplySmoothing(), CSQCPlayer_GetPredictionErrorO(), CSQCPlayer_GetPredictionErrorV(), CSQCPlayer_ModelAppearance_Apply(), CSQCPlayer_SetPredictionError(), CSQCProjectile_SendEntity(), ctf_CaptureRecord(), ctf_CheckFlagReturn(), ctf_CheckStalemate(), ctf_FlagSetup(), ctf_FlagThink(), ctf_Handle_Capture(), ctf_Handle_Drop(), ctf_Handle_Pickup(), ctf_Handle_Retrieve(), ctf_Handle_Return(), ctf_Handle_Throw(), ctf_RespawnFlag(), current_alpha(), Damage(), DamageText::DamageText_draw2d(), DamageText::DamageText_update(), DecodeLevelParms(), dom_controlpoint_setup(), dom_spawnpoint(), Domination_CheckWinner(), dompoint_captured(), dompointthink(), dompointtouch(), door_check_keys(), door_reset(), door_touch(), door_trigger_touch(), DragBox_Think(), Draw_ShowNames(), draw_teamradar_icon(), DrawDebugModel(), DropBall(), dropclient_schedule(), DrownPlayer(), dumpnode(), DumpStats(), EndFrame(), Fire_AddDamage(), Fire_ApplyDamage(), FireGrapplingHook(), FixIntermissionClient(), football_touch(), formatmessage(), Freeze(), freezetag_CheckWinner(), freezetag_Freeze(), func_ladder_think(), GameCommand_make_mapinfo(), GameCommand_nospectators(), GameTypeVote_Start(), generator_construct(), generator_draw(), GENERIC_COMMAND(), generic_plat_blocked(), GenericCommand_rpn(), GiveBall(), GiveItems(), GiveResource(), GiveRot(), GoalTouch(), GotoFirstMap(), GrapplingHook_Damage(), GrapplingHook_Stop(), GrapplingHookThink(), havocbot_ai(), havocbot_aim(), havocbot_bunnyhop(), havocbot_checkgoaldistance(), havocbot_chooseenemy(), havocbot_chooseweapon(), havocbot_ctf_reset_role(), havocbot_goalrating_ast_targets(), havocbot_goalrating_enemyplayers(), havocbot_goalrating_items(), havocbot_goalrating_ons_controlpoints_attack(), havocbot_goalrating_ons_generator_attack(), havocbot_keyboard_movement(), havocbot_moveto(), havocbot_movetogoal(), havocbot_role_ast_defense(), havocbot_role_ast_offense(), havocbot_role_ctf_carrier(), havocbot_role_ctf_defense(), havocbot_role_ctf_escort(), havocbot_role_ctf_middle(), havocbot_role_ctf_offense(), havocbot_role_ctf_retriever(), havocbot_role_ctf_setrole(), havocbot_role_ft_freeing(), havocbot_role_ft_offense(), havocbot_role_kh_defense(), havocbot_role_kh_freelancer(), havocbot_role_kh_offense(), havocbot_role_ons_offense(), HitSound(), HUD_Ammo(), HUD_CenterPrint(), HUD_Chat(), HUD_Configure_Frame(), HUD_Crosshair(), HUD_Damage(), Hud_Dynamic_Frame(), HUD_Get_Num_Color(), HUD_HealthArmor(), HUD_Main(), HUD_Mod_Keepaway(), HUD_Mod_KH(), HUD_Mod_NexBall(), HUD_Mod_Race(), HUD_Notify(), HUD_Notify_Push(), HUD_Panel_Arrow_Action(), HUD_Panel_InputEvent(), HUD_Panel_LoadCvars(), HUD_Panel_Mouse(), HUD_Physics(), HUD_QuickMenu_Forbidden(), HUD_Radar(), Hud_Shake_Update(), HUD_StrafeHUD(), HUD_Timer(), HUD_Vehicle(), HUD_Weapons(), Ice_Think(), Image_setZoom(), img_select(), InitBall(), InitiateSuddenDeath(), InputBox_draw(), InputBox_keyDown(), InputBox_mouseDrag(), instagib_ammocheck(), IntermissionThink(), InterpolateOrigin_Do(), InterpolateOrigin_Note(), Invasion_CheckWinner(), invasion_PickSpawn(), Item_GiveTo(), Item_InitializeLoot(), Item_ItemsTime_Allow(), Item_Reset(), Item_Respawn(), Item_RespawnCountdown(), Item_RespawnThink(), Item_ScheduleInitialRespawn(), Item_ScheduleRespawnIn(), Item_Think(), Item_Touch(), ItemDraw(), joinAllowed(), jumppad_push(), ka_DropEvent(), ka_Handler_CheckBall(), ka_Initialize(), ka_RespawnBall(), ka_TimeScoring(), ka_TouchEvent(), kh_Controller_SetThink(), kh_Controller_Think(), kh_Key_AssignTo(), kh_Key_Attach(), kh_Key_Damage(), kh_Key_Detach(), kh_Key_DropAll(), kh_Key_DropOne(), kh_Key_Spawn(), kh_Key_Think(), kh_Key_Touch(), kh_StartRound(), kh_WaitForPlayers(), KillIndicator_Think(), lag_update(), ListBox_mouseRelease(), lms_AddPlayer(), lms_RemovePlayer(), Local_Notification_sprintf(), Local_Notification_WOVA(), LocalCommand_blurtest(), m_draw(), m_play_focus_sound(), make_mapinfo_Think(), makeHostedEasing(), makeKeyframe(), MapVote_CheckRules_2(), MapVote_Init(), MapVote_Think(), MapVote_UpdateMask(), Monster_Attack_Check(), Monster_Attack_Leap(), Monster_Attack_Leap_Check(), Monster_Attack_Melee(), Monster_Damage(), Monster_Dead(), Monster_Dead_Damage(), Monster_Dead_Fade(), Monster_Dead_Think(), Monster_Delay(), Monster_Delay_Action(), monster_dropitem(), Monster_Move(), Monster_Move_2D(), Monster_Move_Target(), Monster_Sound(), Monster_Spawn(), Monster_Spawn_Setup(), Monster_Think(), Monster_ValidTarget(), Movetype_Physics_MatchTicrate(), Movetype_Physics_NoMatchServer(), Movetype_Physics_NoMatchTicrate(), MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(), navigation_dynamicgoal_init(), navigation_dynamicgoal_set(), navigation_goalrating_timeout(), navigation_goalrating_timeout_can_be_anticipated(), navigation_goalrating_timeout_expire(), navigation_goalrating_timeout_extend_if_needed(), navigation_goalrating_timeout_set(), navigation_poptouchedgoals(), navigation_routerating(), navigation_shortenpath(), NET_HANDLE(), nexball_setstatus(), NextLevel(), NIX_GiveCurrentWeapon(), nJoinAllowed(), Obituary(), ObserverOrSpectatorThink(), OnlineBanList_Think(), OnlineBanList_URI_Get_Callback(), ons_ControlPoint_Icon_BuildThink(), ons_ControlPoint_Icon_Damage(), ons_ControlPoint_Icon_Heal(), ons_ControlPoint_Icon_Spawn(), ons_ControlPoint_Icon_Think(), ons_ControlPoint_Reset(), ons_ControlPoint_Setup(), ons_ControlPoint_Think(), ons_ControlPoint_Touch(), ons_DelayedLinkSetup(), ons_generator_ray_draw(), ons_generator_ray_spawn(), ons_GeneratorDamage(), ons_GeneratorReset(), ons_GeneratorSetup(), ons_GeneratorThink(), ons_Link_CheckUpdate(), ons_Teleport(), Onslaught_CheckWinner(), onslaught_controlpoint_icon_link(), pathlib_deletepath(), pathlib_mknode(), pathlib_walknode(), pathlib_waypointpath_autostep(), physical_item_think(), PingPLReport_Spawn(), PingPLReport_Think(), plas_think(), play_countdown(), player_powerups(), player_powerups_remove_all(), player_regen(), Playerchecker_Think(), PlayerCorpseDamage(), PlayerDamage(), PlayerJump(), PlayerPostThink(), PlayerPreThink(), PlayerThink(), PM_check_hitground(), PM_check_nickspam(), PM_dodging_checkpressedkeys(), PM_Footsteps(), PM_jetpack(), Portal_Connect(), Portal_MakeInPortal(), Portal_Remove(), Portal_RemoveLater(), Portal_Spawn(), Portal_TeleportPlayer(), Portal_Think(), Portal_Touch(), PostInit(), powerups_DropItem(), powerups_DropItem_Think(), PrintWelcomeMessage(), Projectile_Draw(), Projectile_DrawTrail(), Projectile_ResetTrail(), Promise_sleep(), PutObserverInServer(), PutPlayerInServer(), QuickMenu_ActionForNumber(), QuickMenu_Mouse(), QuickMenu_TimeOut_Set(), race_ImposePenaltyTime(), race_SendNextCheckpoint(), race_SendTime(), race_setTime(), race_SpeedAwardFrame(), RandomSeed_Think(), readlevelcvars(), ReadyRestart_force(), RedirectionThink(), REGISTER_MUTATOR(), relocate_spawnpoint(), reset_map(), ResetBall(), respawn(), round_handler_FirstThink(), round_handler_Spawn(), round_handler_Think(), RunThink(), sandbox_ObjectFunction_Think(), sandbox_ObjectFunction_Touch(), sandbox_ObjectSpawn(), SaveHUDSkin_Click(), Say(), Scoreboard_AccuracyStats_WouldDraw(), Scoreboard_Draw(), Scoreboard_ItemStats_WouldDraw(), ScreenshotList_Filter_Would_Change(), SetChangeParms(), SetPlayerTeam(), shieldhit_think(), ShowRespawnCountdown(), spawnfunc(), spawnpoint_think(), StartFrame(), STATIC_INIT(), SUB_CalcMove_Bezier(), SUB_CalcMove_controller_think(), SUB_Friction(), SUB_SetFade_Think(), SUB_UseTargets_Ex(), SV_ParseClientCommand_floodcheck(), sys_phys_monitor(), sys_phys_override(), sys_phys_postupdate(), sys_phys_pregame_hold(), sys_phys_update(), systems_update(), target_give_init(), target_init_use(), TeamBalance_CheckAllowedTeams(), Teleport_Touch(), TeleportPlayer(), TEST(), thrown_wep_think(), timeout_handler_think(), train_next(), train_wait(), trigger_impulse_touch_accel(), trigger_impulse_touch_directional(), trigger_impulse_touch_radial(), trigger_keylock_touch(), trigger_push_findtarget(), trigger_push_touch(), turret_draw(), turret_draw2d(), turret_gib_draw(), turret_gibtoss(), Unfreeze(), UpdateChatBubble(), vehicle_initialize(), vehicle_tossgib(), vehicle_use(), vehicles_crushable(), vehicles_damage(), Vehicles_drawHUD(), vehicles_enter(), vehicles_exit(), vehicles_gib_think(), vehicles_impact(), vehicles_locktarget(), vehicles_painframe(), vehicles_projectile(), vehicles_projectile_damage(), vehicles_regen(), vehicles_regen_resource(), vehicles_return(), vehicles_setreturn(), vehicles_showwp(), vehicles_spawn(), vehicles_think(), vehicles_touch(), View_CheckButtonStatus(), View_DemoCamera(), View_NightVision(), viewmodel_draw(), VoteCommand_call(), VoteCommand_master(), VoteCount(), VoteStop(), VoteThink(), W_HitPlotAnalysis(), W_Model(), W_Nexball_Attack2(), W_Nexball_Think(), W_Nexball_Touch(), W_PrepareExplosionByDamage(), W_Reload(), W_ThrowNewWeapon(), W_ThrowWeapon(), W_WeaponFrame(), WantEventchase(), WarpZone_Projectile_Touch(), WarpZone_RefSys_CheckCreate(), WarpZone_RefSys_GC(), WarpZone_Teleport(), WarpZone_TeleportPlayer(), WarpZone_Touch(), waypoint_schedulerelink(), waypoint_spawn(), waypoint_spawn_fromeditor(), weapon_prepareattack_check(), weapon_prepareattack_checkammo(), weapon_prepareattack_do(), weapon_thinkf(), weaponLocked(), WinningCondition_Assault(), WinningCondition_LMS(), WinningCondition_Scores(), XonoticCreditsDialog_focusEnter(), XonoticCreditsList_draw(), XonoticHUDSkinList_draw(), XonoticMapList_keyDown(), XonoticPlayList_drawListBoxItem(), XonoticProfileTab_draw(), XonoticScreenshotImage_draw(), XonoticScreenshotImage_load(), XonoticScreenshotList_draw(), XonoticScreenshotList_setSelected(), XonoticScreenshotList_startSlideShow(), XonoticServerList_focusEnter(), and XonoticStatsList_getStats().

◆ trace_allsolid

◆ trace_dphitcontents

◆ trace_dphitq3surfaceflags

◆ trace_dphittexturename

◆ trace_dpstartcontents

◆ trace_endpos

vector trace_endpos

Definition at line 37 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by _Movetype_FlyMove(), _Movetype_Impact(), _Movetype_LinkEdict_TouchAreaGrid(), _Movetype_NudgeOutOfSolid_PivotIsKnownGood(), _Movetype_PushEntity(), _Movetype_TestEntityPosition(), beamsweep(), bot_aimdir(), botframe_autowaypoints_fix(), botframe_autowaypoints_fix_from(), buff_Respawn(), CheatCommand(), CommonCommand_editmob(), crosshair_trace_waypoints(), CSQCPlayer_ApplyChase(), ctf_CalculatePassVelocity(), ctf_Handle_Throw(), Drag(), EnemyHitCheck(), Ent_RemoveProjectile(), findtrajectorywithleading(), fireBullet_antilag(), FireRailgunBullet(), formatmessage(), func_ladder_think(), GameCommand_bbox(), GameCommand_trace(), havocbot_goalrating_items(), havocbot_movetogoal(), HUD_Crosshair(), IMPULSE(), Monster_CalculateVelocity(), Monster_Spawn(), movelib_groundalign4point(), MoveToRandomLocationWithinBounds(), Movetype_Physics_MatchTicrate(), MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(), navigation_routerating(), pathlib_walknode(), pathlib_wateroutnode(), Portal_SpawnInPortalAtTrace(), Portal_SpawnOutPortalAtTrace(), Portal_TeleportPlayer(), sandbox_ObjectSpawn(), set_tracewalk_dest(), spawnfunc(), swapInPriorityList(), sys_phys_simulate_simple(), target_checkpoint_setup(), tile_check_cross(), tile_check_plus(), tile_check_plus2(), tracewalk(), trigger_push_test(), trigger_push_touch(), TrueAimCheck(), vehicle_initialize(), View_EventChase(), viewloc_PlayerPhysics(), W_HitPlotAnalysis(), W_SetupShot_Dir_ProjectileSize_Range(), WarpZone_Camera_camera_transform(), WarpZone_camera_transform(), WarpZone_FindRadius_Recurse(), WarpZone_Projectile_Touch(), WarpZone_Teleport(), WarpZone_TraceBox_ThroughZone(), WarpZone_TraceToss_ThroughZone(), waypoint_fixorigin_down_dir(), and waypoint_spawn_fromeditor().

◆ trace_ent

◆ trace_fraction

float trace_fraction

◆ trace_inopen

float trace_inopen

◆ trace_inwater

float trace_inwater

◆ trace_networkentity

float trace_networkentity

◆ trace_plane_dist

◆ trace_plane_normal

◆ trace_startsolid

◆ transparent_offset

float transparent_offset

Definition at line 746 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ true

const float true = 1

Definition at line 257 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


const float TRUE = 1

Definition at line 259 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ v_forward

◆ v_right

◆ v_up

◆ VEC_0

const vector VEC_0 = '0 0 0'

Definition at line 266 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ VEC_1

const vector VEC_1 = '1 1 1'

Definition at line 265 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


vector VEC_HULL_MAX = '16 16 32'

Definition at line 272 of file csprogsdefs.qc.


vector VEC_HULL_MIN = '-16 -16 -24'

Definition at line 271 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ VEC_M1

const vector VEC_M1 = '-1 -1 -1'

Definition at line 267 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

◆ velocity

vector velocity

Definition at line 103 of file csprogsdefs.qc.

Referenced by _Movetype_FlyMove(), _Movetype_Physics_ClientFrame(), _Movetype_Physics_Frame(), _Movetype_Physics_Toss(), _Movetype_Physics_Walk(), _Movetype_PushMove(), basketball_touch(), bot_cmd_eval(), buff_Respawn(), CheatImpulse(), CopyBody(), CPM_PM_Aircontrol(), CreatureFrame_FallDamage(), CSQCModel_Effects_Apply(), CSQCPlayer_ApplyBobbing(), CSQCPlayer_CalcRoll(), CSQCPlayer_PredictTo(), CSQCPlayer_SavePrediction(), CSQCPlayer_Unpredict(), CSQCProjectile_SendEntity(), ctf_FlagThink(), door_reset(), Ent_RemoveProjectile(), football_touch(), formatmessage(), GENERIC_COMMAND(), GrapplingHook_Stop(), havocbot_aim(), havocbot_bunnyhop(), havocbot_movetogoal(), IMPULSE(), InterpolateOrigin_Do(), InterpolateOrigin_Note(), InterpolateOrigin_Undo(), ItemSend(), ka_RespawnBall(), ka_TouchEvent(), Monster_Attack_Leap(), Monster_Attack_Leap_Check(), Monster_CalculateVelocity(), Monster_Damage(), Monster_Dead(), Monster_Move(), Monster_Move_2D(), Monster_Reset(), Monster_Spawn(), Movetype_Physics_MatchTicrate(), navigation_poptouchedgoals(), NET_HANDLE(), PlayerDamage(), PlayerJump(), PM_Accelerate(), PM_AirAccelerate(), PM_dodging(), PM_dodging_checkpressedkeys(), PM_Footsteps(), PM_jetpack(), Projectile_Draw(), Projectile_DrawTrail(), PutObserverInServer(), PutPlayerInServer(), ResetBall(), respawn(), sandbox_ObjectFunction_Touch(), SpectateCopy(), SUB_CalcMove(), SUB_CalcMove_Bezier(), SUB_CalcMoveDone(), SUB_Friction(), SUB_NoImpactCheck(), SUB_Stop(), sys_phys_land(), sys_phys_postupdate(), sys_phys_pregame_hold(), sys_phys_simul