16 it.origin =
'-100 0 0';
21 it.origin =
'100 0 0';
22 it.angles =
'0 180 0';
26 it.items |= IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO;
46 it.origin =
'0 0 100';
void W_SwitchWeapon_Force(Player this, Weapon w,.entity weaponentity)
#define EXPECT_NE(val1, val2)
#define SUCCEED()
Must be present at the end of a test.
void W_GiveWeapon(entity e, int wep)
void test_weapons_hurt(entity this)
float GetResource(entity e, Resource res_type)
Returns the current amount of resource the given entity has.
#define WITH(type, name, value, block)
entity weaponentities[MAX_WEAPONSLOTS]
fields which are explicitly/manually set are marked with "M", fields set automatically are marked wit...
float autocvar_g_spawnshieldtime
bool vehicle_initialize(entity this, Vehicle info, bool nodrop)