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1 #include "waypoints.qh"
3 #include <common/animdecide.qh>
4 #include <common/constants.qh>
5 #include <common/debug.qh>
8 #include <common/net_linked.qh>
10 #include <common/state.qh>
11 #include <common/stats.qh>
12 #include <common/weapons/_all.qh>
13 #include <lib/warpzone/common.qh>
15 #include <server/antilag.qh>
19 #include <server/items/items.qh>
20 #include <server/spawnpoints.qh>
23 STATIC_INIT(waypoints)
24 {
26 }
29 {
30  IL_EACH(g_waypoints, true,
31  {
32  it.colormod = '0.5 0.5 0.5';
33  it.effects &= ~(EF_NODEPTHTEST | EF_RED | EF_BLUE);
34  });
36  entity e2 = navigation_findnearestwaypoint(pl, false);
37  if(!e2)
38  {
39  LOG_INFO("Can't find any waypoint nearby\n");
40  return;
41  }
43  navigation_markroutes(pl, e2);
45  int j = 0;
46  int m = 0;
47  IL_EACH(g_waypoints, it.wpcost >= 10000000,
48  {
49  LOG_INFO("unreachable: ", etos(it), " ", vtos(it.origin), "\n");
50  it.colormod_z = 8;
51  it.effects |= EF_NODEPTHTEST | EF_BLUE;
52  j++;
53  m++;
54  });
55  if (j) LOG_INFOF("%d waypoints cannot be reached from here in any way (marked with blue light)\n", j);
58  j = 0;
59  IL_EACH(g_waypoints, it.wpcost >= 10000000,
60  {
61  LOG_INFO("cannot reach me: ", etos(it), " ", vtos(it.origin), "\n");
62  it.colormod_x = 8;
63  if (!(it.effects & EF_NODEPTHTEST)) // not already reported before
64  m++;
65  it.effects |= EF_NODEPTHTEST | EF_RED;
66  j++;
67  });
68  if (j) LOG_INFOF("%d waypoints cannot walk to here in any way (marked with red light)\n", j);
69  if (m) LOG_INFOF("%d waypoints have been marked total\n", m);
71  j = 0;
72  IL_EACH(g_spawnpoints, true,
73  {
74  if (navigation_findnearestwaypoint(it, false))
75  {
76  if(it.spawnpointmodel)
77  {
78  delete(it.spawnpointmodel);
79  it.spawnpointmodel = NULL;
80  }
81  }
82  else
83  {
84  if(!it.spawnpointmodel)
85  {
86  tracebox(it.origin, PL_MIN_CONST, PL_MAX_CONST, it.origin - '0 0 512', MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL);
87  entity e = new(spawnpointmodel);
88  vector org = trace_endpos + eZ;
89  setorigin(e, org);
90  e.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
91  it.spawnpointmodel = e;
92  }
93  LOG_INFO("spawn without waypoint: ", etos(it), " ", vtos(it.origin), "\n");
94  it.spawnpointmodel.effects |= EF_NODEPTHTEST;
95  _setmodel(it.spawnpointmodel, pl.model);
96  it.spawnpointmodel.frame = ANIM_idle.m_id;
97  it.spawnpointmodel.skin = pl.skin;
98  it.spawnpointmodel.colormap = 1024 + 68;
99  it.spawnpointmodel.glowmod = '1 0 0';
100  it.spawnpointmodel.angles = it.angles;
101  setsize(it.spawnpointmodel, PL_MIN_CONST, PL_MAX_CONST);
102  j++;
103  }
104  });
105  if (j) LOG_INFOF("%d spawnpoints have no nearest waypoint (marked by player model)\n", j);
107  j = 0;
108  IL_EACH(g_items, true,
109  {
110  it.effects &= ~(EF_NODEPTHTEST | EF_RED | EF_BLUE);
111  it.colormod = '0.5 0.5 0.5';
112  });
113  IL_EACH(g_items, true,
114  {
115  if (navigation_findnearestwaypoint(it, false))
116  continue;
117  LOG_INFO("item without waypoint: ", etos(it), " ", vtos(it.origin), "\n");
118  it.effects |= EF_NODEPTHTEST | EF_RED;
119  it.colormod_x = 8;
120  j++;
121  });
122  if (j) LOG_INFOF("%d items have no nearest waypoint and cannot be walked away from (marked with red light)\n", j);
124  j = 0;
125  IL_EACH(g_items, true,
126  {
127  if (navigation_findnearestwaypoint(it, true))
128  continue;
129  LOG_INFO("item without waypoint: ", etos(it), " ", vtos(it.origin), "\n");
130  it.effects |= EF_NODEPTHTEST | EF_BLUE;
131  it.colormod_z = 8;
132  j++;
133  });
134  if (j) LOG_INFOF("%d items have no nearest waypoint and cannot be walked to (marked with blue light)\n", j);
135 }
137 void waypoint_getSymmetricalAxis_cmd(entity caller, bool save, int arg_idx)
138 {
139  vector v1 = stov(argv(arg_idx++));
140  vector v2 = stov(argv(arg_idx++));
141  vector mid = (v1 + v2) / 2;
143  float diffy = (v2.y - v1.y);
144  float diffx = (v2.x - v1.x);
145  if (v1.y == v2.y)
146  diffy = 0.000001;
147  if (v1.x == v2.x)
148  diffx = 0.000001;
149  float m = - diffx / diffy;
150  float q = - m * mid.x + mid.y;
151  if (fabs(m) <= 0.000001) m = 0;
152  if (fabs(q) <= 0.000001) q = 0;
154  string axis_str = strcat(ftos(m), " ", ftos(q));
155  if (save)
156  cvar_set("g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_axis", axis_str);
157  axis_str = strcat("\"", axis_str, "\"");
158  sprint(caller, strcat("Axis of symmetry based on input points: ", axis_str, "\n"));
159  if (save)
160  sprint(caller, sprintf(" ^3saved to %s\n", "g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_axis"));
161  if (save)
162  {
163  cvar_set("g_waypointeditor_symmetrical", "-2");
164  sprint(caller, strcat("g_waypointeditor_symmetrical", " has been set to ",
165  cvar_string("g_waypointeditor_symmetrical"), "\n"));
166  }
167 }
169 void waypoint_getSymmetricalOrigin_cmd(entity caller, bool save, int arg_idx)
170 {
171  vector org = '0 0 0';
172  int ctf_flags = 0;
173  for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
174  {
175  if (argv(arg_idx + i) != "")
176  ctf_flags++;
177  }
178  if (ctf_flags < 2)
179  {
180  ctf_flags = 0;
181  org = vec2(havocbot_middlepoint);
182  if (argv(arg_idx) != "")
183  sprint(caller, "WARNING: Ignoring single input point\n");
185  {
186  sprint(caller, "Origin of symmetry can't be automatically determined\n");
187  return;
188  }
189  }
190  else
191  {
192  vector v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6;
193  for (int i = 1; i <= ctf_flags; i++)
194  {
195  if (i == 1) { v1 = stov(argv(arg_idx++)); org = v1 / ctf_flags; }
196  else if (i == 2) { v2 = stov(argv(arg_idx++)); org += v2 / ctf_flags; }
197  else if (i == 3) { v3 = stov(argv(arg_idx++)); org += v3 / ctf_flags; }
198  else if (i == 4) { v4 = stov(argv(arg_idx++)); org += v4 / ctf_flags; }
199  else if (i == 5) { v5 = stov(argv(arg_idx++)); org += v5 / ctf_flags; }
200  else if (i == 6) { v6 = stov(argv(arg_idx++)); org += v6 / ctf_flags; }
201  }
202  }
204  if (fabs(org.x) <= 0.000001) org.x = 0;
205  if (fabs(org.y) <= 0.000001) org.y = 0;
206  string org_str = strcat(ftos(org.x), " ", ftos(org.y));
207  if (save)
208  {
209  cvar_set("g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_origin", org_str);
210  cvar_set("g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_order", ftos(ctf_flags));
211  }
212  org_str = strcat("\"", org_str, "\"");
214  if (ctf_flags < 2)
215  sprint(caller, strcat("Origin of symmetry based on flag positions: ", org_str, "\n"));
216  else
217  sprint(caller, strcat("Origin of symmetry based on input points: ", org_str, "\n"));
218  if (save)
219  sprint(caller, sprintf(" ^3saved to %s\n", "g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_origin"));
221  if (ctf_flags < 2)
222  sprint(caller, "Order of symmetry: 0 (autodetected)\n");
223  else
224  sprint(caller, strcat("Order of symmetry: ", ftos(ctf_flags), "\n"));
225  if (save)
226  sprint(caller, sprintf(" ^3saved to %s\n", "g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_order"));
228  if (save)
229  {
230  if (ctf_flags < 2)
231  cvar_set("g_waypointeditor_symmetrical", "0");
232  else
233  cvar_set("g_waypointeditor_symmetrical", "-1");
234  sprint(caller, strcat("g_waypointeditor_symmetrical", " has been set to ",
235  cvar_string("g_waypointeditor_symmetrical"), "\n"));
236  }
237 }
240 {
241  vector new_org = org;
243  {
244  vector map_center = havocbot_middlepoint;
248  new_org = Rotate(org - map_center, 360 * DEG2RAD / ctf_flags) + map_center;
249  }
251  {
252  float m = havocbot_symmetry_axis_m;
253  float q = havocbot_symmetry_axis_q;
255  {
258  }
260  new_org.x = (1 / (1 + m*m)) * ((1 - m*m) * org.x + 2 * m * org.y - 2 * m * q);
261  new_org.y = (1 / (1 + m*m)) * (2 * m * org.x + (m*m - 1) * org.y + 2 * q);
262  }
263  new_org.z = org.z;
264  return new_org;
265 }
269 {
271  pl.wp_locked = trace_ent;
272 }
275 {
276  if (!wp)
277  return false;
278  return (wp.wphw00 != NULL);
279 }
282 {
283  if (!(wp_from && wp_to))
284  return false;
286  if (!wp_from.wphw00) return false; else if (wp_from.wphw00 == wp_to) return true;
287  if (!wp_from.wphw01) return false; else if (wp_from.wphw01 == wp_to) return true;
288  if (!wp_from.wphw02) return false; else if (wp_from.wphw02 == wp_to) return true;
289  if (!wp_from.wphw03) return false; else if (wp_from.wphw03 == wp_to) return true;
290  if (!wp_from.wphw04) return false; else if (wp_from.wphw04 == wp_to) return true;
291  if (!wp_from.wphw05) return false; else if (wp_from.wphw05 == wp_to) return true;
292  if (!wp_from.wphw06) return false; else if (wp_from.wphw06 == wp_to) return true;
293  if (!wp_from.wphw07) return false; else if (wp_from.wphw07 == wp_to) return true;
295  return false;
296 }
298 void waypoint_setupmodel(entity wp);
300 {
301  if (!(wp_from && wp_to))
302  return;
304  if (!wp_from.wphw00 || wp_from.wphw00 == wp_to) { wp_from.wphw00 = wp_to; waypoint_setupmodel(wp_from); return; }
305  if (!wp_from.wphw01 || wp_from.wphw01 == wp_to) { wp_from.wphw01 = wp_to; return; }
306  if (!wp_from.wphw02 || wp_from.wphw02 == wp_to) { wp_from.wphw02 = wp_to; return; }
307  if (!wp_from.wphw03 || wp_from.wphw03 == wp_to) { wp_from.wphw03 = wp_to; return; }
308  if (!wp_from.wphw04 || wp_from.wphw04 == wp_to) { wp_from.wphw04 = wp_to; return; }
309  if (!wp_from.wphw05 || wp_from.wphw05 == wp_to) { wp_from.wphw05 = wp_to; return; }
310  if (!wp_from.wphw06 || wp_from.wphw06 == wp_to) { wp_from.wphw06 = wp_to; return; }
311  if (!wp_from.wphw07 || wp_from.wphw07 == wp_to) { wp_from.wphw07 = wp_to; return; }
313  return;
314 }
317 {
318  if (!(wp_from && wp_to))
319  return;
321  int removed = -1;
322  if (removed < 0 && wp_from.wphw00 == wp_to) removed = 0;
323  if (removed < 0 && wp_from.wphw01 == wp_to) removed = 1;
324  if (removed < 0 && wp_from.wphw02 == wp_to) removed = 2;
325  if (removed < 0 && wp_from.wphw03 == wp_to) removed = 3;
326  if (removed < 0 && wp_from.wphw04 == wp_to) removed = 4;
327  if (removed < 0 && wp_from.wphw05 == wp_to) removed = 5;
328  if (removed < 0 && wp_from.wphw06 == wp_to) removed = 6;
329  if (removed < 0 && wp_from.wphw07 == wp_to) removed = 7;
331  if (removed >= 0)
332  {
333  if (removed <= 0) wp_from.wphw00 = wp_from.wphw01;
334  if (removed <= 1) wp_from.wphw01 = wp_from.wphw02;
335  if (removed <= 2) wp_from.wphw02 = wp_from.wphw03;
336  if (removed <= 3) wp_from.wphw03 = wp_from.wphw04;
337  if (removed <= 4) wp_from.wphw04 = wp_from.wphw05;
338  if (removed <= 5) wp_from.wphw05 = wp_from.wphw06;
339  if (removed <= 6) wp_from.wphw06 = wp_from.wphw07;
340  if (removed <= 7) wp_from.wphw07 = NULL;
341  if (!wp_from.wphw00)
342  waypoint_setupmodel(wp_from);
343  }
345  return;
346 }
349 {
350  if (wp.wphw00) waypoint_addlink(wp, wp.wphw00);
351  if (wp.wphw01) waypoint_addlink(wp, wp.wphw01);
352  if (wp.wphw02) waypoint_addlink(wp, wp.wphw02);
353  if (wp.wphw03) waypoint_addlink(wp, wp.wphw03);
354  if (wp.wphw04) waypoint_addlink(wp, wp.wphw04);
355  if (wp.wphw05) waypoint_addlink(wp, wp.wphw05);
356  if (wp.wphw06) waypoint_addlink(wp, wp.wphw06);
357  if (wp.wphw07) waypoint_addlink(wp, wp.wphw07);
358 }
361 {
363  {
364  // TODO: add some sort of visible box in edit mode for box waypoints
365  vector m1 = wp.mins;
366  vector m2 = wp.maxs;
367  setmodel(wp, MDL_WAYPOINT);
368  setsize(wp, m1, m2);
369  wp.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION;
370  if (wp.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_ITEM)
371  wp.colormod = '1 0 0'; // red
372  else if (wp.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_GENERATED)
373  wp.colormod = '1 1 0'; // yellow
374  else if (wp.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_SUPPORT)
375  wp.colormod = '0 1 0'; // green
376  else if (wp.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_CUSTOM_JP)
377  wp.colormod = '1 0.5 0'; // orange
378  else if (wp.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_TELEPORT)
379  wp.colormod = '1 0.5 0'; // orange
380  else if (wp.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_LADDER)
381  wp.colormod = '1 0.5 0'; // orange
382  else if (wp.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_JUMP)
383  wp.colormod = '1 0.5 0'; // orange
384  else if (wp.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_CROUCH)
385  wp.colormod = '0 1 1'; // cyan
386  else if (waypoint_has_hardwiredlinks(wp))
387  wp.colormod = '0.5 0 1'; // purple
388  else
389  wp.colormod = '1 1 1';
390  }
391  else
392  wp.model = "";
393 }
396 {
397  if (wp.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_ITEM) return "^1Item waypoint";
398  else if (wp.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_CROUCH) return "^5Crouch waypoint";
399  else if (wp.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_JUMP) return "^xf80Jump waypoint";
400  else if (wp.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_SUPPORT) return "^2Support waypoint";
401  else if (waypoint_has_hardwiredlinks(wp)) return "^x80fHardwired waypoint";
402  else if (wp.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_LADDER) return "^3Ladder waypoint";
403  else if (wp.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_TELEPORT)
404  {
405  if (!wp.wpisbox) return "^3Warpzone waypoint";
406  else if (wp.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_CUSTOM_JP) return "^3Custom jumppad waypoint";
407  else
408  {
409  IL_EACH(g_jumppads, boxesoverlap(wp.absmin, wp.absmax, it.absmin, it.absmax),
410  { return "^3Jumppad waypoint"; });
411  return "^3Teleport waypoint";
412  }
413  }
415  return "^7Waypoint";
416 }
419 {
420  if (m1 == m2)
421  {
422  m1 -= '8 8 8';
423  m2 += '8 8 8';
424  }
425  IL_EACH(g_waypoints, boxesoverlap(m1, m2, it.absmin, it.absmax), { return it; });
427  return NULL;
428 }
430 .float createdtime;
432 {
434  {
435  entity wp_found = waypoint_get(m1, m2);
436  if (wp_found)
437  return wp_found;
438  }
439  // spawn only one destination waypoint for teleports teleporting player to the exact same spot
440  // otherwise links loaded from file would be applied only to the first destination
441  // waypoint since link format doesn't specify waypoint entities but just positions
443  {
444  IL_EACH(g_waypoints, boxesoverlap(m1, m2, it.absmin, it.absmax),
445  {
446  return it;
447  });
448  }
450  entity w = new(waypoint);
451  IL_PUSH(g_waypoints, w);
453  w.wpflags = f;
454  w.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
455  w.createdtime = time;
456  w.origin = (m1 + m2) * 0.5;
458  setorigin(w, w.origin);
459  else // don't link into the world, only bots are aware of waypoints
460  make_pure(w);
461  setsize(w, m1 - w.origin, m2 - w.origin);
462  if (w.size)
463  w.wpisbox = true;
465  if(!w.wpisbox)
466  {
468  setsize(w, PL_CROUCH_MIN_CONST - '1 1 0', PL_CROUCH_MAX_CONST + '1 1 0');
469  else
470  setsize(w, PL_MIN_CONST - '1 1 0', PL_MAX_CONST + '1 1 0');
471  if(!move_out_of_solid(w))
472  {
474  {
475  LOG_TRACE("Killed a waypoint that was stuck in solid at ", vtos(w.origin));
476  delete(w);
477  return NULL;
478  }
479  else
480  {
481  if(autocvar_developer > 0)
482  {
483  LOG_INFO("A generated waypoint is stuck in solid at ", vtos(w.origin));
484  backtrace("Waypoint stuck");
485  }
486  }
487  }
488  setsize(w, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
489  }
492  //waypoint_schedulerelink(w);
496  return w;
497 }
499 float trigger_push_get_push_time(entity this, vector endpos);
501 {
502  entity jp = NULL;
503  IL_EACH(g_jumppads, boxesoverlap(wp_from.absmin, wp_from.absmax, it.absmin, it.absmax),
504  {
505  jp = it;
506  break;
507  });
508  if (!jp)
509  return;
511  float cost = trigger_push_get_push_time(jp, wp_to.origin);
512  wp_from.wp00 = wp_to;
513  wp_from.wp00mincost = cost;
514  jp.nearestwaypoint = wp_from;
515  jp.nearestwaypointtimeout = -1;
516 }
524 {
525  start_wp_is_spawned = false;
526  start_wp_origin = '0 0 0';
527  pl.wp_locked = NULL;
528  start_wp_is_hardwired = false;
529  start_wp_is_support = false;
530  if (warn)
531  LOG_INFO("^xf80Start waypoint has been cleared.\n");
532 }
534 void waypoint_start_hardwiredlink(entity pl, bool at_crosshair)
535 {
536  entity wp = pl.nearestwaypoint;
537  if (at_crosshair)
538  {
540  wp = trace_ent;
541  }
542  string err = "";
544  err = "can't hardwire while in the process of creating a special link";
545  else if (!wp)
546  {
547  if (at_crosshair)
548  err = "couldn't find any waypoint at crosshair";
549  else
550  err = "couldn't find any waypoint nearby";
551  }
552  else if (wp.wpflags & WPFLAGMASK_NORELINK)
553  err = "can't hardwire a waypoint with special links";
555  if (err == "")
556  {
557  start_wp_is_hardwired = true;
558  start_wp_is_spawned = true;
559  start_wp_origin = wp.origin;
560  pl.wp_locked = wp;
561  LOG_INFOF("^x80fWaypoint %s marked as hardwired link origin.\n", vtos(wp.origin));
562  }
563  else
564  {
565  start_wp_is_hardwired = false;
566  LOG_INFO("Error: ", err, "\n");
567  }
568 }
570 void waypoint_spawn_fromeditor(entity pl, bool at_crosshair, bool is_jump_wp, bool is_crouch_wp, bool is_support_wp)
571 {
573  {
574  LOG_INFOF("^1Editing waypoints with a higher version number (%f) is not allowed.\n"
575  "Update Xonotic to make them editable.", waypoint_version_loaded);
576  return;
577  }
579  entity e = NULL, jp = NULL;
580  vector org = pl.origin;
581  if (at_crosshair)
582  {
584  org = trace_endpos;
585  if (!trace_ent)
586  org.z -= PL_MIN_CONST.z;
588  IL_EACH(g_jumppads, boxesoverlap(org + PL_MIN_CONST, org + PL_MAX_CONST, it.absmin, it.absmax),
589  {
590  jp = it;
591  break;
592  });
593  if (!jp && !start_wp_is_spawned && trace_ent)
594  {
595  if (trace_ent.wpflags & (WAYPOINTFLAG_JUMP))
596  is_jump_wp = true;
597  else if (trace_ent.wpflags & (WAYPOINTFLAG_SUPPORT))
598  is_support_wp = true;
599  }
600  }
601  if (jp || is_jump_wp || is_support_wp)
602  {
604  start_wp_is_spawned = false;
605  LOG_INFO("^xf80Spawning start waypoint...\n");
606  }
607  int ctf_flags = havocbot_symmetry_origin_order;
608  bool sym = ((autocvar_g_waypointeditor_symmetrical > 0 && ctf_flags >= 2)
612  if (sym && ctf_flags < 2)
613  ctf_flags = 2;
614  int wp_num = ctf_flags;
616  if(!PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_CROUCH(pl) && !at_crosshair && !is_jump_wp && !is_support_wp)
617  {
618  // snap waypoint to item's origin if close enough
619  IL_EACH(g_items, true,
620  {
621  vector item_org = (it.absmin + it.absmax) * 0.5;
622  item_org.z = it.absmin.z - PL_MIN_CONST.z;
623  if (vlen(item_org - org) < 20)
624  {
625  org = item_org;
626  break;
627  }
628  });
629  }
631  vector start_org = '0 0 0';
633  {
635  LOG_INFO("^xf80Spawning destination waypoint...\n");
636  start_org = start_wp_origin;
637  }
639  // save org as it can be modified spawning symmetrycal waypoints
640  vector initial_origin = '0 0 0';
641  bool initial_origin_is_set = false;
643  LABEL(add_wp);
645  if (jp)
646  {
647  e = NULL;
648  IL_EACH(g_waypoints, (it.wpflags & WPFLAGMASK_NORELINK)
649  && boxesoverlap(org + PL_MIN_CONST, org + PL_MAX_CONST, it.absmin, it.absmax),
650  {
651  e = it; break;
652  });
653  if (!e)
654  e = waypoint_spawn(jp.absmin - PL_MAX_CONST + '1 1 1', jp.absmax - PL_MIN_CONST + '-1 -1 -1', WAYPOINTFLAG_TELEPORT);
655  if (!pl.wp_locked)
656  pl.wp_locked = e;
657  }
658  else if (is_jump_wp || is_support_wp)
659  {
660  int type_flag = (is_jump_wp) ? WAYPOINTFLAG_JUMP : WAYPOINTFLAG_SUPPORT;
662  entity wp_found = waypoint_get(org, org);
663  if (wp_found && !(wp_found.wpflags & type_flag))
664  {
665  LOG_INFOF("Error: can't spawn a %s waypoint over an existent waypoint of a different type\n", (is_jump_wp) ? "Jump" : "Support");
666  return;
667  }
668  e = waypoint_spawn(org, org, type_flag);
669  if (!pl.wp_locked)
670  pl.wp_locked = e;
671  }
672  else
673  e = waypoint_spawn(org, org, (is_crouch_wp) ? WAYPOINTFLAG_CROUCH : 0);
674  if(!e)
675  {
676  LOG_INFOF("Couldn't spawn waypoint at %v\n", org);
679  return;
680  }
682  if (!initial_origin_is_set)
683  {
684  initial_origin = e.origin;
685  initial_origin_is_set = true;
686  }
688  entity start_wp = NULL;
690  {
692  && boxesoverlap(start_org, start_org, it.absmin, it.absmax),
693  {
694  start_wp = it; break;
695  });
696  if(!start_wp)
697  {
698  // should not happen
699  LOG_INFOF("Couldn't find start waypoint at %v\n", start_org);
701  return;
702  }
704  {
705  if (waypoint_is_hardwiredlink(start_wp, e))
706  {
707  waypoint_unmark_hardwiredlink(start_wp, e);
708  waypoint_removelink(start_wp, e);
709  string s = strcat(vtos(start_wp.origin), "*", vtos(e.origin));
710  LOG_INFOF("^x80fRemoved hardwired link %s.\n", s);
711  }
712  else
713  {
714  if (e.createdtime == time)
715  {
716  LOG_INFO("Error: hardwired links can be created only between 2 existing (and unconnected) waypoints.\n");
717  waypoint_remove(e);
719  waypoint_spawn_fromeditor(pl, at_crosshair, is_jump_wp, is_crouch_wp, is_support_wp);
720  return;
721  }
722  if (start_wp == e)
723  {
724  LOG_INFO("Error: start and destination waypoints coincide.\n");
726  return;
727  }
728  if (waypoint_islinked(start_wp, e))
729  {
730  LOG_INFO("Error: waypoints are already linked.\n");
732  return;
733  }
734  waypoint_addlink(start_wp, e);
735  waypoint_mark_hardwiredlink(start_wp, e);
736  string s = strcat(vtos(start_wp.origin), "*", vtos(e.origin));
737  LOG_INFOF("^x80fAdded hardwired link %s.\n", s);
738  }
739  }
740  else
741  {
743  {
744  if (e.SUPPORT_WP)
745  {
746  LOG_INFOF("Waypoint %v has already a support waypoint, delete it first.\n", e.origin);
748  return;
749  }
750  // clear all links to e
751  IL_EACH(g_waypoints, it != e,
752  {
753  if (waypoint_islinked(it, e) && !waypoint_is_hardwiredlink(it, e))
754  waypoint_removelink(it, e);
755  });
756  }
757  waypoint_addlink(start_wp, e);
758  }
759  }
761  if (!(jp || is_jump_wp || is_support_wp || start_wp_is_hardwired))
764  string wp_type_str = waypoint_get_type_name(e);
766  bprint(strcat(wp_type_str, "^7 spawned at ", vtos(e.origin), "\n"));
769  {
770  pl.wp_locked = NULL;
772  waypoint_schedulerelink(start_wp);
773  if (start_wp.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_TELEPORT)
774  {
775  if (start_wp.wp00_original == start_wp.wp00)
776  start_wp.wpflags &= ~WAYPOINTFLAG_CUSTOM_JP;
777  else
778  start_wp.wpflags |= WAYPOINTFLAG_CUSTOM_JP;
779  }
780  }
782  if (sym)
783  {
784  org = waypoint_getSymmetricalPoint(org, ctf_flags);
785  if (jp)
786  {
787  IL_EACH(g_jumppads, boxesoverlap(org + PL_MIN_CONST, org + PL_MAX_CONST, it.absmin, it.absmax),
788  {
789  jp = it; break;
790  });
791  }
793  start_org = waypoint_getSymmetricalPoint(start_org, ctf_flags);
794  if (vdist(org - pl.origin, >, 32))
795  {
796  if(wp_num > 2)
797  wp_num--;
798  else
799  sym = false;
800  goto add_wp;
801  }
802  }
803  if (jp || is_jump_wp || is_support_wp)
804  {
805  if (!start_wp_is_spawned)
806  {
807  // we've just created a custom jumppad waypoint
808  // the next one created by the user will be the destination waypoint
809  start_wp_is_spawned = true;
810  start_wp_origin = initial_origin;
811  if (is_support_wp)
812  start_wp_is_support = true;
813  }
814  }
815  else if (start_wp_is_spawned)
816  {
818  }
819 }
822 {
823  IL_EACH(g_waypoints, it != wp,
824  {
825  if (it.SUPPORT_WP == wp)
826  {
827  it.SUPPORT_WP = NULL;
828  waypoint_schedulerelink(it); // restore incoming links
829  }
830  if (waypoint_islinked(it, wp))
831  {
832  if (waypoint_is_hardwiredlink(it, wp))
834  waypoint_removelink(it, wp);
835  }
836  });
837  delete(wp);
838 }
841 {
843  {
844  LOG_INFOF("^1Editing waypoints with a higher version number (%f) is not allowed.\n"
845  "Update Xonotic to make them editable.", waypoint_version_loaded);
846  return;
847  }
849  entity e = navigation_findnearestwaypoint(pl, false);
851  int ctf_flags = havocbot_symmetry_origin_order;
852  bool sym = ((autocvar_g_waypointeditor_symmetrical > 0 && ctf_flags >= 2)
856  if (sym && ctf_flags < 2)
857  ctf_flags = 2;
858  int wp_num = ctf_flags;
860  LABEL(remove_wp);
861  if (!e) return;
863  if (e.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_GENERATED)
864  {
867  return;
868  }
871  {
872  LOG_INFO("Can't remove a waypoint with hardwired links, remove links with \"wpeditor hardwire\" first\n");
873  return;
874  }
876  entity wp_sym = NULL;
877  if (sym)
878  {
879  vector org = waypoint_getSymmetricalPoint(e.origin, ctf_flags);
880  FOREACH_ENTITY_CLASS("waypoint", !(it.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_GENERATED), {
881  if(vdist(org - it.origin, <, 3))
882  {
883  wp_sym = it;
884  break;
885  }
886  });
887  }
889  bprint(strcat("Waypoint removed at ", vtos(e.origin), "\n"));
890  te_explosion(e.origin);
891  waypoint_remove(e);
893  if (sym && wp_sym)
894  {
895  e = wp_sym;
896  if(wp_num > 2)
897  wp_num--;
898  else
899  sym = false;
900  goto remove_wp;
901  }
905 }
908 {
909  if (from == to || ((from.wpflags & WPFLAGMASK_NORELINK) && !(from.wpflags & (WAYPOINTFLAG_JUMP | WAYPOINTFLAG_SUPPORT))))
910  return;
912  entity fromwp31_prev = from.wp31;
914  switch (waypoint_getlinknum(from, to))
915  {
916  // fallthrough all the way
917  case 0: from.wp00 = from.wp01; from.wp00mincost = from.wp01mincost;
918  case 1: from.wp01 = from.wp02; from.wp01mincost = from.wp02mincost;
919  case 2: from.wp02 = from.wp03; from.wp02mincost = from.wp03mincost;
920  case 3: from.wp03 = from.wp04; from.wp03mincost = from.wp04mincost;
921  case 4: from.wp04 = from.wp05; from.wp04mincost = from.wp05mincost;
922  case 5: from.wp05 = from.wp06; from.wp05mincost = from.wp06mincost;
923  case 6: from.wp06 = from.wp07; from.wp06mincost = from.wp07mincost;
924  case 7: from.wp07 = from.wp08; from.wp07mincost = from.wp08mincost;
925  case 8: from.wp08 = from.wp09; from.wp08mincost = from.wp09mincost;
926  case 9: from.wp09 = from.wp10; from.wp09mincost = from.wp10mincost;
927  case 10: from.wp10 = from.wp11; from.wp10mincost = from.wp11mincost;
928  case 11: from.wp11 = from.wp12; from.wp11mincost = from.wp12mincost;
929  case 12: from.wp12 = from.wp13; from.wp12mincost = from.wp13mincost;
930  case 13: from.wp13 = from.wp14; from.wp13mincost = from.wp14mincost;
931  case 14: from.wp14 = from.wp15; from.wp14mincost = from.wp15mincost;
932  case 15: from.wp15 = from.wp16; from.wp15mincost = from.wp16mincost;
933  case 16: from.wp16 = from.wp17; from.wp16mincost = from.wp17mincost;
934  case 17: from.wp17 = from.wp18; from.wp17mincost = from.wp18mincost;
935  case 18: from.wp18 = from.wp19; from.wp18mincost = from.wp19mincost;
936  case 19: from.wp19 = from.wp20; from.wp19mincost = from.wp20mincost;
937  case 20: from.wp20 = from.wp21; from.wp20mincost = from.wp21mincost;
938  case 21: from.wp21 = from.wp22; from.wp21mincost = from.wp22mincost;
939  case 22: from.wp22 = from.wp23; from.wp22mincost = from.wp23mincost;
940  case 23: from.wp23 = from.wp24; from.wp23mincost = from.wp24mincost;
941  case 24: from.wp24 = from.wp25; from.wp24mincost = from.wp25mincost;
942  case 25: from.wp25 = from.wp26; from.wp25mincost = from.wp26mincost;
943  case 26: from.wp26 = from.wp27; from.wp26mincost = from.wp27mincost;
944  case 27: from.wp27 = from.wp28; from.wp27mincost = from.wp28mincost;
945  case 28: from.wp28 = from.wp29; from.wp28mincost = from.wp29mincost;
946  case 29: from.wp29 = from.wp30; from.wp29mincost = from.wp30mincost;
947  case 30: from.wp30 = from.wp31; from.wp30mincost = from.wp31mincost;
948  case 31: from.wp31 = NULL; from.wp31mincost = 10000000;
949  }
951  if (fromwp31_prev && !from.wp31)
953 }
956 {
957  if (from.wp00 == to) return 0; if (from.wp01 == to) return 1; if (from.wp02 == to) return 2; if (from.wp03 == to) return 3;
958  if (from.wp04 == to) return 4; if (from.wp05 == to) return 5; if (from.wp06 == to) return 6; if (from.wp07 == to) return 7;
959  if (from.wp08 == to) return 8; if (from.wp09 == to) return 9; if (from.wp10 == to) return 10; if (from.wp11 == to) return 11;
960  if (from.wp12 == to) return 12; if (from.wp13 == to) return 13; if (from.wp14 == to) return 14; if (from.wp15 == to) return 15;
961  if (from.wp16 == to) return 16; if (from.wp17 == to) return 17; if (from.wp18 == to) return 18; if (from.wp19 == to) return 19;
962  if (from.wp20 == to) return 20; if (from.wp21 == to) return 21; if (from.wp22 == to) return 22; if (from.wp23 == to) return 23;
963  if (from.wp24 == to) return 24; if (from.wp25 == to) return 25; if (from.wp26 == to) return 26; if (from.wp27 == to) return 27;
964  if (from.wp28 == to) return 28; if (from.wp29 == to) return 29; if (from.wp30 == to) return 30; if (from.wp31 == to) return 31;
965  return -1;
966 }
969 {
970  return (waypoint_getlinknum(from, to) >= 0);
971 }
974 {
975  IL_EACH(g_waypoints, !(it.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_TELEPORT),
976  {
977  if(it.wp00) it.wp00mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp00);
978  if(it.wp01) it.wp01mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp01);
979  if(it.wp02) it.wp02mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp02);
980  if(it.wp03) it.wp03mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp03);
981  if(it.wp04) it.wp04mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp04);
982  if(it.wp05) it.wp05mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp05);
983  if(it.wp06) it.wp06mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp06);
984  if(it.wp07) it.wp07mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp07);
985  if(it.wp08) it.wp08mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp08);
986  if(it.wp09) it.wp09mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp09);
987  if(it.wp10) it.wp10mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp10);
988  if(it.wp11) it.wp11mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp11);
989  if(it.wp12) it.wp12mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp12);
990  if(it.wp13) it.wp13mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp13);
991  if(it.wp14) it.wp14mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp14);
992  if(it.wp15) it.wp15mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp15);
993  if(it.wp16) it.wp16mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp16);
994  if(it.wp17) it.wp17mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp17);
995  if(it.wp18) it.wp18mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp18);
996  if(it.wp19) it.wp19mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp19);
997  if(it.wp20) it.wp20mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp20);
998  if(it.wp21) it.wp21mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp21);
999  if(it.wp22) it.wp22mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp22);
1000  if(it.wp23) it.wp23mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp23);
1001  if(it.wp24) it.wp24mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp24);
1002  if(it.wp25) it.wp25mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp25);
1003  if(it.wp26) it.wp26mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp26);
1004  if(it.wp27) it.wp27mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp27);
1005  if(it.wp28) it.wp28mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp28);
1006  if(it.wp29) it.wp29mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp29);
1007  if(it.wp30) it.wp30mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp30);
1008  if(it.wp31) it.wp31mincost = waypoint_getlinkcost(it, it.wp31);
1009  });
1010 }
1012 float waypoint_getlinearcost(float dist)
1013 {
1015  return dist / (autocvar_sv_maxspeed * 1.25);
1016  return dist / autocvar_sv_maxspeed;
1017 }
1020 {
1021  // NOTE: underwater speed factor is hardcoded in the engine too, see SV_WaterMove
1022  return dist / (autocvar_sv_maxspeed * 0.7);
1023 }
1026 {
1027  return dist / (autocvar_sv_maxspeed * 0.5);
1028 }
1030 float waypoint_gettravelcost(vector from, vector to, entity from_ent, entity to_ent)
1031 {
1032  bool submerged_from = navigation_check_submerged_state(from_ent, from);
1033  bool submerged_to = navigation_check_submerged_state(to_ent, to);
1035  if (submerged_from && submerged_to)
1036  return waypoint_getlinearcost_underwater(vlen(to - from));
1038  if ((from_ent.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_CROUCH) && (to_ent.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_CROUCH))
1039  return waypoint_getlinearcost_crouched(vlen(to - from));
1041  float c = waypoint_getlinearcost(vlen(to - from));
1043  float height = from.z - to.z;
1044  if(height > jumpheight_vec.z && autocvar_sv_gravity > 0)
1045  {
1046  float height_cost; // fall cost
1047  if (from_ent.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_JUMP)
1048  height_cost = jumpheight_time + sqrt((height + jumpheight_vec.z) / (autocvar_sv_gravity / 2));
1049  else
1050  height_cost = sqrt(height / (autocvar_sv_gravity / 2));
1051  c = waypoint_getlinearcost(vlen(vec2(to - from))); // xy distance cost
1052  if(height_cost > c)
1053  c = height_cost;
1054  }
1056  // consider half path underwater
1057  if (submerged_from || submerged_to)
1058  return (c + waypoint_getlinearcost_underwater(vlen(to - from))) / 2;
1060  // consider half path crouched
1061  if ((from_ent.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_CROUCH) || (to_ent.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_CROUCH))
1062  return (c + waypoint_getlinearcost_crouched(vlen(to - from))) / 2;
1064  return c;
1065 }
1068 {
1069  vector v1 = from.origin;
1070  vector v2 = to.origin;
1071  if (from.wpisbox)
1072  {
1073  vector m1 = from.absmin, m2 = from.absmax;
1074  v1.x = bound(m1.x, v2.x, m2.x);
1075  v1.y = bound(m1.y, v2.y, m2.y);
1076  v1.z = bound(m1.z, v2.z, m2.z);
1077  }
1078  if (to.wpisbox)
1079  {
1080  vector m1 = to.absmin, m2 = to.absmax;
1081  v2.x = bound(m1.x, v1.x, m2.x);
1082  v2.y = bound(m1.y, v1.y, m2.y);
1083  v2.z = bound(m1.z, v1.z, m2.z);
1084  }
1085  return waypoint_gettravelcost(v1, v2, from, to);
1086 }
1088 // add a new link to the spawnfunc_waypoint, replacing the furthest link it already has
1089 // if c == -1 automatically determine cost of the link
1091 {
1092  if (from == to || waypoint_islinked(from, to))
1093  return;
1094  if (c == -1 && (from.wpflags & WPFLAGMASK_NORELINK) && !(from.wpflags & (WAYPOINTFLAG_JUMP | WAYPOINTFLAG_SUPPORT)))
1095  return;
1097  if(c == -1)
1098  c = waypoint_getlinkcost(from, to);
1100  if (from.wp31mincost < c) return;
1101  if (from.wp30mincost < c) {from.wp31 = to;from.wp31mincost = c;return;} from.wp31 = from.wp30;from.wp31mincost = from.wp30mincost;
1102  if (from.wp29mincost < c) {from.wp30 = to;from.wp30mincost = c;return;} from.wp30 = from.wp29;from.wp30mincost = from.wp29mincost;
1103  if (from.wp28mincost < c) {from.wp29 = to;from.wp29mincost = c;return;} from.wp29 = from.wp28;from.wp29mincost = from.wp28mincost;
1104  if (from.wp27mincost < c) {from.wp28 = to;from.wp28mincost = c;return;} from.wp28 = from.wp27;from.wp28mincost = from.wp27mincost;
1105  if (from.wp26mincost < c) {from.wp27 = to;from.wp27mincost = c;return;} from.wp27 = from.wp26;from.wp27mincost = from.wp26mincost;
1106  if (from.wp25mincost < c) {from.wp26 = to;from.wp26mincost = c;return;} from.wp26 = from.wp25;from.wp26mincost = from.wp25mincost;
1107  if (from.wp24mincost < c) {from.wp25 = to;from.wp25mincost = c;return;} from.wp25 = from.wp24;from.wp25mincost = from.wp24mincost;
1108  if (from.wp23mincost < c) {from.wp24 = to;from.wp24mincost = c;return;} from.wp24 = from.wp23;from.wp24mincost = from.wp23mincost;
1109  if (from.wp22mincost < c) {from.wp23 = to;from.wp23mincost = c;return;} from.wp23 = from.wp22;from.wp23mincost = from.wp22mincost;
1110  if (from.wp21mincost < c) {from.wp22 = to;from.wp22mincost = c;return;} from.wp22 = from.wp21;from.wp22mincost = from.wp21mincost;
1111  if (from.wp20mincost < c) {from.wp21 = to;from.wp21mincost = c;return;} from.wp21 = from.wp20;from.wp21mincost = from.wp20mincost;
1112  if (from.wp19mincost < c) {from.wp20 = to;from.wp20mincost = c;return;} from.wp20 = from.wp19;from.wp20mincost = from.wp19mincost;
1113  if (from.wp18mincost < c) {from.wp19 = to;from.wp19mincost = c;return;} from.wp19 = from.wp18;from.wp19mincost = from.wp18mincost;
1114  if (from.wp17mincost < c) {from.wp18 = to;from.wp18mincost = c;return;} from.wp18 = from.wp17;from.wp18mincost = from.wp17mincost;
1115  if (from.wp16mincost < c) {from.wp17 = to;from.wp17mincost = c;return;} from.wp17 = from.wp16;from.wp17mincost = from.wp16mincost;
1116  if (from.wp15mincost < c) {from.wp16 = to;from.wp16mincost = c;return;} from.wp16 = from.wp15;from.wp16mincost = from.wp15mincost;
1117  if (from.wp14mincost < c) {from.wp15 = to;from.wp15mincost = c;return;} from.wp15 = from.wp14;from.wp15mincost = from.wp14mincost;
1118  if (from.wp13mincost < c) {from.wp14 = to;from.wp14mincost = c;return;} from.wp14 = from.wp13;from.wp14mincost = from.wp13mincost;
1119  if (from.wp12mincost < c) {from.wp13 = to;from.wp13mincost = c;return;} from.wp13 = from.wp12;from.wp13mincost = from.wp12mincost;
1120  if (from.wp11mincost < c) {from.wp12 = to;from.wp12mincost = c;return;} from.wp12 = from.wp11;from.wp12mincost = from.wp11mincost;
1121  if (from.wp10mincost < c) {from.wp11 = to;from.wp11mincost = c;return;} from.wp11 = from.wp10;from.wp11mincost = from.wp10mincost;
1122  if (from.wp09mincost < c) {from.wp10 = to;from.wp10mincost = c;return;} from.wp10 = from.wp09;from.wp10mincost = from.wp09mincost;
1123  if (from.wp08mincost < c) {from.wp09 = to;from.wp09mincost = c;return;} from.wp09 = from.wp08;from.wp09mincost = from.wp08mincost;
1124  if (from.wp07mincost < c) {from.wp08 = to;from.wp08mincost = c;return;} from.wp08 = from.wp07;from.wp08mincost = from.wp07mincost;
1125  if (from.wp06mincost < c) {from.wp07 = to;from.wp07mincost = c;return;} from.wp07 = from.wp06;from.wp07mincost = from.wp06mincost;
1126  if (from.wp05mincost < c) {from.wp06 = to;from.wp06mincost = c;return;} from.wp06 = from.wp05;from.wp06mincost = from.wp05mincost;
1127  if (from.wp04mincost < c) {from.wp05 = to;from.wp05mincost = c;return;} from.wp05 = from.wp04;from.wp05mincost = from.wp04mincost;
1128  if (from.wp03mincost < c) {from.wp04 = to;from.wp04mincost = c;return;} from.wp04 = from.wp03;from.wp04mincost = from.wp03mincost;
1129  if (from.wp02mincost < c) {from.wp03 = to;from.wp03mincost = c;return;} from.wp03 = from.wp02;from.wp03mincost = from.wp02mincost;
1130  if (from.wp01mincost < c) {from.wp02 = to;from.wp02mincost = c;return;} from.wp02 = from.wp01;from.wp02mincost = from.wp01mincost;
1131  if (from.wp00mincost < c) {from.wp01 = to;from.wp01mincost = c;return;} from.wp01 = from.wp00;from.wp01mincost = from.wp00mincost;
1132  from.wp00 = to;from.wp00mincost = c;return;
1133 }
1136 {
1137  if ((from.wpflags & WPFLAGMASK_NORELINK) && !(from.wpflags & (WAYPOINTFLAG_JUMP | WAYPOINTFLAG_SUPPORT)))
1139  else
1140  waypoint_addlink_customcost(from, to, -1);
1142  if (from.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_SUPPORT)
1143  to.SUPPORT_WP = from;
1144 }
1146 // relink this spawnfunc_waypoint
1147 // (precompile a list of all reachable waypoints from this spawnfunc_waypoint)
1148 // (SLOW!)
1150 {
1151  vector sv = '0 0 0', sv2 = '0 0 0', ev = '0 0 0', ev2 = '0 0 0', dv;
1152  float sv2_height = 0, ev2_height = 0;
1156  int dphitcontentsmask_save = this.dphitcontentsmask;
1161  //dprint("waypoint_think wpisbox = ", ftos(this.wpisbox), "\n");
1162  IL_EACH(g_waypoints, this != it,
1163  {
1164  if (boxesoverlap(this.absmin, this.absmax, it.absmin, it.absmax))
1165  {
1166  if (!(this.wpflags & WPFLAGMASK_NORELINK))
1167  waypoint_addlink(this, it);
1168  if (!(it.wpflags & WPFLAGMASK_NORELINK))
1169  waypoint_addlink(it, this);
1170  }
1171  else
1172  {
1173  ++relink_total;
1174  if(!checkpvs(this.origin, it))
1175  {
1176  ++relink_pvsculled;
1177  continue;
1178  }
1180  sv = set_tracewalk_dest_2(this, it.origin);
1181  sv2 = tracewalk_dest;
1182  sv2_height = tracewalk_dest_height;
1183  ev = set_tracewalk_dest_2(it, this.origin);
1184  ev2 = tracewalk_dest;
1185  ev2_height = tracewalk_dest_height;
1187  dv = ev - sv;
1188  dv.z = 0;
1189  int maxdist = 1050;
1190  vector m1 = PL_MIN_CONST;
1191  vector m2 = PL_MAX_CONST;
1193  if ((this.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_CROUCH) || (it.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_CROUCH))
1194  {
1197  // links from crouch wp to normal wp (and viceversa) are very short to avoid creating many links
1198  // that would be wasted due to rough travel cost calculation (the longer link is, the higher cost is)
1199  // links from crouch wp to crouch wp can be as long as normal links
1200  if (!((this.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_CROUCH) && (it.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_CROUCH)))
1201  maxdist = 100;
1202  }
1204  if (vdist(dv, >=, maxdist)) // max search distance in XY
1205  {
1207  continue;
1208  }
1212  //traceline(this.origin, it.origin, false, NULL);
1213  //if (trace_fraction == 1)
1214  if (this.wpisbox || (this.wpflags & (WAYPOINTFLAG_JUMP | WAYPOINTFLAG_SUPPORT)) // forbid outgoing links
1215  || it.SUPPORT_WP) // forbid incoming links
1216  {
1217  relink_walkculled += 0.5;
1218  }
1219  else
1220  {
1221  if (tracewalk(this, sv, m1, m2, ev2, ev2_height, MOVE_NOMONSTERS))
1222  waypoint_addlink(this, it);
1223  else
1224  relink_walkculled += 0.5;
1225  }
1227  // reverse direction
1228  if (it.wpisbox || (it.wpflags & (WAYPOINTFLAG_JUMP | WAYPOINTFLAG_SUPPORT)) // forbid incoming links
1229  || this.SUPPORT_WP) // forbid outgoing links
1230  {
1231  relink_walkculled += 0.5;
1232  }
1233  else
1234  {
1235  if (tracewalk(this, ev, m1, m2, sv2, sv2_height, MOVE_NOMONSTERS))
1236  waypoint_addlink(it, this);
1237  else
1238  relink_walkculled += 0.5;
1239  }
1240  }
1241  });
1243  // waypoint_clearlinks preserves references to old hardwired links (.wphwXX links)
1244  // so they can be restored here when a wp is spawned over an existing one
1248  this.wplinked = true;
1249  this.dphitcontentsmask = dphitcontentsmask_save;
1251  setthink(this, func_null);
1252  this.nextthink = 0;
1253 }
1256 {
1257  // clear links to other waypoints
1258  float f = 10000000;
1259  wp.wp00 = wp.wp01 = wp.wp02 = wp.wp03 = wp.wp04 = wp.wp05 = wp.wp06 = wp.wp07 = NULL;
1260  wp.wp08 = wp.wp09 = wp.wp10 = wp.wp11 = wp.wp12 = wp.wp13 = wp.wp14 = wp.wp15 = NULL;
1261  wp.wp16 = wp.wp17 = wp.wp18 = wp.wp19 = wp.wp20 = wp.wp21 = wp.wp22 = wp.wp23 = NULL;
1262  wp.wp24 = wp.wp25 = wp.wp26 = wp.wp27 = wp.wp28 = wp.wp29 = wp.wp30 = wp.wp31 = NULL;
1264  wp.wp00mincost = wp.wp01mincost = wp.wp02mincost = wp.wp03mincost = wp.wp04mincost = wp.wp05mincost = wp.wp06mincost = wp.wp07mincost = f;
1265  wp.wp08mincost = wp.wp09mincost = wp.wp10mincost = wp.wp11mincost = wp.wp12mincost = wp.wp13mincost = wp.wp14mincost = wp.wp15mincost = f;
1266  wp.wp16mincost = wp.wp17mincost = wp.wp18mincost = wp.wp19mincost = wp.wp20mincost = wp.wp21mincost = wp.wp22mincost = wp.wp23mincost = f;
1267  wp.wp24mincost = wp.wp25mincost = wp.wp26mincost = wp.wp27mincost = wp.wp28mincost = wp.wp29mincost = wp.wp30mincost = wp.wp31mincost = f;
1269  // don't remove references to hardwired links (.wphwXX fields)
1271  wp.wplinked = false;
1272 }
1274 // tell a spawnfunc_waypoint to relink
1276 {
1277  if (wp == NULL)
1278  return;
1280  waypoint_setupmodel(wp);
1281  wp.wpisbox = vdist(wp.size, >, 0);
1282  wp.enemy = NULL;
1283  if (!(wp.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_PERSONAL))
1284  wp.owner = NULL;
1285  if (!(wp.wpflags & WPFLAGMASK_NORELINK))
1286  waypoint_clearlinks(wp);
1287  // schedule an actual relink on next frame
1288  setthink(wp, waypoint_think);
1289  wp.nextthink = time;
1290  wp.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION;
1291 }
1293 // spawnfunc_waypoint map entity
1294 spawnfunc(waypoint)
1295 {
1296  IL_PUSH(g_waypoints, this);
1299  setorigin(this, this.origin);
1300  else
1301  make_pure(this);
1302  // schedule a relink after other waypoints have had a chance to spawn
1303  waypoint_clearlinks(this);
1304  //waypoint_schedulerelink(this);
1305 }
1307 // tell all waypoints to relink
1308 // actually this is useful only to update relink_* stats
1310 {
1312  IL_EACH(g_waypoints, true,
1313  {
1315  });
1317 }
1319 #define GET_GAMETYPE_EXTENSION() ((g_race) ? ".race" : "")
1321 // Load waypoint links from file
1323 {
1324  string s;
1325  float file, tokens, c = 0, found;
1326  entity wp_from = NULL, wp_to;
1327  vector wp_to_pos, wp_from_pos;
1329  string gt_ext = GET_GAMETYPE_EXTENSION();
1331  string filename = sprintf("maps/%s.waypoints.cache", strcat(mapname, gt_ext));
1332  file = fopen(filename, FILE_READ);
1334  if (gt_ext != "" && file < 0)
1335  {
1336  // if race waypoint file doesn't exist load the default one
1337  filename = sprintf("maps/%s.waypoints.cache", mapname);
1338  file = fopen(filename, FILE_READ);
1339  }
1341  if (file < 0)
1342  {
1343  LOG_TRACE("waypoint links load from ", filename, " failed");
1345  return false;
1346  }
1348  bool parse_comments = true;
1349  float ver = 0;
1350  string links_time = string_null;
1352  while ((s = fgets(file)))
1353  {
1354  if(parse_comments)
1355  {
1356  if(substring(s, 0, 2) == "//")
1357  {
1358  if(substring(s, 2, 17) == "WAYPOINT_VERSION ")
1359  ver = stof(substring(s, 19, -1));
1360  else if(substring(s, 2, 14) == "WAYPOINT_TIME ")
1361  links_time = substring(s, 16, -1);
1362  continue;
1363  }
1364  else
1365  {
1366  if(ver < WAYPOINT_VERSION || links_time != waypoint_time)
1367  {
1368  if (links_time != waypoint_time)
1369  LOG_TRACE("waypoint links for this map are not made for these waypoints.");
1370  else
1371  LOG_TRACE("waypoint links for this map are outdated.");
1372  if (g_assault)
1373  {
1374  LOG_TRACE("Assault waypoint links need to be manually updated in the editor");
1375  }
1376  else
1377  {
1378  LOG_TRACE("automatically updating...");
1380  fclose(file);
1381  return false;
1382  }
1383  }
1384  parse_comments = false;
1385  }
1386  }
1388  tokens = tokenizebyseparator(s, "*");
1390  if (tokens!=2)
1391  {
1392  // bad file format
1393  fclose(file);
1394  waypoint_schedulerelinkall(); // link all the autogenerated waypoints (teleporters)
1395  return false;
1396  }
1398  wp_from_pos = stov(argv(0));
1399  wp_to_pos = stov(argv(1));
1401  // Search "from" waypoint
1402  if(!wp_from || wp_from.origin!=wp_from_pos)
1403  {
1404  wp_from = findradius(wp_from_pos, 1);
1405  found = false;
1406  while(wp_from)
1407  {
1408  if(vdist(wp_from.origin - wp_from_pos, <, 1))
1409  if(wp_from.classname == "waypoint")
1410  {
1411  found = true;
1412  break;
1413  }
1414  wp_from = wp_from.chain;
1415  }
1417  if(!found)
1418  {
1419  LOG_TRACE("waypoint_load_links: couldn't find 'from' waypoint at ", vtos(wp_from_pos));
1420  continue;
1421  }
1422  }
1424  // Search "to" waypoint
1425  wp_to = findradius(wp_to_pos, 1);
1426  found = false;
1427  while(wp_to)
1428  {
1429  if(vdist(wp_to.origin - wp_to_pos, <, 1))
1430  if(wp_to.classname == "waypoint")
1431  {
1432  found = true;
1433  break;
1434  }
1435  wp_to = wp_to.chain;
1436  }
1438  if(!found)
1439  {
1440  LOG_TRACE("waypoint_load_links: couldn't find 'to' waypoint at ", vtos(wp_to_pos));
1441  continue;
1442  }
1444  ++c;
1445  waypoint_addlink(wp_from, wp_to);
1446  if (wp_from.wp00_original && wp_from.wp00_original != wp_from.wp00)
1447  wp_from.wpflags |= WAYPOINTFLAG_CUSTOM_JP;
1448  }
1450  fclose(file);
1452  LOG_TRACE("loaded ", ftos(c), " waypoint links from ", filename);
1454  bool scheduled = false;
1455  IL_EACH(g_waypoints, it.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_ITEM,
1456  {
1457  if (!it.wp00)
1458  {
1459  waypoint_schedulerelink(it);
1460  scheduled = true;
1461  }
1462  });
1463  if (scheduled)
1464  return false;
1467  return true;
1468 }
1471 {
1472  string s;
1473  float file, tokens, c = 0, found;
1474  entity wp_from = NULL, wp_to;
1475  vector wp_to_pos, wp_from_pos;
1477  string gt_ext = GET_GAMETYPE_EXTENSION();
1479  string filename = sprintf("maps/%s.waypoints.hardwired", strcat(mapname, gt_ext));
1480  file = fopen(filename, FILE_READ);
1482  if (gt_ext != "" && file < 0)
1483  {
1484  // if race waypoint file doesn't exist load the default one
1485  filename = sprintf("maps/%s.waypoints.hardwired", mapname);
1486  file = fopen(filename, FILE_READ);
1487  }
1491  if (file < 0)
1492  {
1493  LOG_TRACE("waypoint links load from ", filename, " failed");
1494  return;
1495  }
1497  bool is_special = false;
1498  while ((s = fgets(file)))
1499  {
1500  if(substring(s, 0, 2)=="//")
1501  continue;
1503  if(substring(s, 0, 1)=="#")
1504  continue;
1506  // special links start with *, so old xonotic versions don't load them
1507  is_special = false;
1508  if (substring(s, 0, 1) == "*")
1509  {
1510  is_special = true;
1511  s = substring(s, 1, -1);
1512  }
1514  tokens = tokenizebyseparator(s, "*");
1516  if (tokens!=2)
1517  continue;
1519  wp_from_pos = stov(argv(0));
1520  wp_to_pos = stov(argv(1));
1522  // Search "from" waypoint
1523  if(!wp_from || wp_from.origin!=wp_from_pos)
1524  {
1525  wp_from = findradius(wp_from_pos, 5);
1526  found = false;
1527  while(wp_from)
1528  {
1529  if(vdist(wp_from.origin - wp_from_pos, <, 5))
1530  if(wp_from.classname == "waypoint")
1531  {
1532  found = true;
1533  break;
1534  }
1535  wp_from = wp_from.chain;
1536  }
1538  if(!found)
1539  {
1540  s = strcat(((is_special) ? "special link " : "hardwired link "), s);
1541  LOG_INFO("NOTICE: Can not find origin waypoint of the ", s, ". Path skipped");
1542  continue;
1543  }
1544  }
1546  // Search "to" waypoint
1547  wp_to = findradius(wp_to_pos, 5);
1548  found = false;
1549  while(wp_to)
1550  {
1551  if(vdist(wp_to.origin - wp_to_pos, <, 5))
1552  if(wp_to.classname == "waypoint")
1553  {
1554  found = true;
1555  break;
1556  }
1557  wp_to = wp_to.chain;
1558  }
1560  if(!found)
1561  {
1562  s = strcat(((is_special) ? "special link " : "hardwired link "), s);
1563  LOG_INFO("NOTICE: Can not find destination waypoint of the ", s, ". Path skipped");
1564  continue;
1565  }
1567  ++c;
1569  if (!is_special)
1570  {
1571  waypoint_addlink(wp_from, wp_to);
1572  waypoint_mark_hardwiredlink(wp_from, wp_to);
1573  } else if (wp_from.wpflags & WPFLAGMASK_NORELINK
1574  && ((wp_from.wpflags & (WAYPOINTFLAG_JUMP | WAYPOINTFLAG_SUPPORT))
1575  || (wp_from.wpisbox && wp_from.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_TELEPORT)))
1576  {
1577  waypoint_addlink(wp_from, wp_to);
1578  }
1579  }
1581  fclose(file);
1583  LOG_TRACE("loaded ", ftos(c), " waypoint links from maps/", mapname, ".waypoints.hardwired");
1584 }
1587 {
1588  switch(i)
1589  {
1590  case 0: return w.wp00mincost;
1591  case 1: return w.wp01mincost;
1592  case 2: return w.wp02mincost;
1593  case 3: return w.wp03mincost;
1594  case 4: return w.wp04mincost;
1595  case 5: return w.wp05mincost;
1596  case 6: return w.wp06mincost;
1597  case 7: return w.wp07mincost;
1598  case 8: return w.wp08mincost;
1599  case 9: return w.wp09mincost;
1600  case 10: return w.wp10mincost;
1601  case 11: return w.wp11mincost;
1602  case 12: return w.wp12mincost;
1603  case 13: return w.wp13mincost;
1604  case 14: return w.wp14mincost;
1605  case 15: return w.wp15mincost;
1606  case 16: return w.wp16mincost;
1607  case 17: return w.wp17mincost;
1608  case 18: return w.wp18mincost;
1609  case 19: return w.wp19mincost;
1610  case 20: return w.wp20mincost;
1611  case 21: return w.wp21mincost;
1612  case 22: return w.wp22mincost;
1613  case 23: return w.wp23mincost;
1614  case 24: return w.wp24mincost;
1615  case 25: return w.wp25mincost;
1616  case 26: return w.wp26mincost;
1617  case 27: return w.wp27mincost;
1618  case 28: return w.wp28mincost;
1619  case 29: return w.wp29mincost;
1620  case 30: return w.wp30mincost;
1621  case 31: return w.wp31mincost;
1622  default: return -1;
1623  }
1624 }
1627 {
1628  switch(i)
1629  {
1630  case 0:return w.wp00;
1631  case 1:return w.wp01;
1632  case 2:return w.wp02;
1633  case 3:return w.wp03;
1634  case 4:return w.wp04;
1635  case 5:return w.wp05;
1636  case 6:return w.wp06;
1637  case 7:return w.wp07;
1638  case 8:return w.wp08;
1639  case 9:return w.wp09;
1640  case 10:return w.wp10;
1641  case 11:return w.wp11;
1642  case 12:return w.wp12;
1643  case 13:return w.wp13;
1644  case 14:return w.wp14;
1645  case 15:return w.wp15;
1646  case 16:return w.wp16;
1647  case 17:return w.wp17;
1648  case 18:return w.wp18;
1649  case 19:return w.wp19;
1650  case 20:return w.wp20;
1651  case 21:return w.wp21;
1652  case 22:return w.wp22;
1653  case 23:return w.wp23;
1654  case 24:return w.wp24;
1655  case 25:return w.wp25;
1656  case 26:return w.wp26;
1657  case 27:return w.wp27;
1658  case 28:return w.wp28;
1659  case 29:return w.wp29;
1660  case 30:return w.wp30;
1661  case 31:return w.wp31;
1662  default:return NULL;
1663  }
1664 }
1666 // Save all hardwired waypoint links to a file
1668 {
1669  string gt_ext = GET_GAMETYPE_EXTENSION();
1671  string filename = sprintf("maps/%s.waypoints.hardwired", strcat(mapname, gt_ext));
1672  int file = fopen(filename, FILE_WRITE);
1673  if (file < 0)
1674  {
1675  LOG_TRACE("waypoint hardwired links ", filename, " creation failed");
1676  return;
1677  }
1679  // write hardwired links to file
1680  int count = 0;
1681  fputs(file, "// HARDWIRED LINKS\n");
1683  {
1684  for (int j = 0; j < 32; ++j)
1685  {
1686  entity link = waypoint_get_link(it, j);
1687  if (waypoint_is_hardwiredlink(it, link))
1688  {
1689  // NOTE: vtos rounds vector components to 1 decimal place
1690  string s = strcat(vtos(it.origin), "*", vtos(link.origin), "\n");
1691  fputs(file, s);
1692  ++count;
1693  }
1694  }
1695  });
1697  // write special links to file
1698  int count2 = 0;
1699  fputs(file, "\n// SPECIAL LINKS\n");
1701  {
1702  for (int j = 0; j < 32; ++j)
1703  {
1704  entity link = waypoint_get_link(it, j);
1705  if (link)
1706  {
1707  // NOTE: vtos rounds vector components to 1 decimal place
1708  string s = strcat("*", vtos(it.origin), "*", vtos(link.origin), "\n");
1709  fputs(file, s);
1710  ++count2;
1711  }
1712  }
1713  });
1715  fclose(file);
1717  LOG_INFOF("saved %d hardwired links and %d special links to %s", count, count2, filename);
1718 }
1720 // Save all waypoint links to a file
1722 {
1723  string gt_ext = GET_GAMETYPE_EXTENSION();
1725  string filename = sprintf("maps/%s.waypoints.cache", strcat(mapname, gt_ext));
1726  int file = fopen(filename, FILE_WRITE);
1727  if (file < 0)
1728  {
1729  LOG_INFOF("waypoint link save to %s failed", filename);
1730  return;
1731  }
1733  fputs(file, strcat("//", "WAYPOINT_VERSION ", ftos_decimals(WAYPOINT_VERSION, 2), "\n"));
1734  if (waypoint_time != "")
1735  fputs(file, strcat("//", "WAYPOINT_TIME ", waypoint_time, "\n"));
1737  int c = 0;
1739  {
1740  for(int j = 0; j < 32; ++j)
1741  {
1742  entity link = waypoint_get_link(it, j);
1743  if (link && !waypoint_is_hardwiredlink(it, link))
1744  {
1745  // NOTE: vtos rounds vector components to 1 decimal place
1746  string s = strcat(vtos(it.origin), "*", vtos(link.origin), "\n");
1747  fputs(file, s);
1748  ++c;
1749  }
1750  }
1751  });
1752  fclose(file);
1756  LOG_INFOF("saved %d waypoint links to %s", c, filename);
1757 }
1759 // save waypoints to gamedir/data/maps/mapname.waypoints
1761 {
1763  {
1764  LOG_INFOF("^1Overwriting waypoints with a higher version number (%f) is not allowed.\n"
1765  "Update Xonotic to make them editable.", waypoint_version_loaded);
1766  return;
1767  }
1768  string gt_ext = GET_GAMETYPE_EXTENSION();
1770  string filename = sprintf("maps/%s.waypoints", strcat(mapname, gt_ext));
1771  int file = fopen(filename, FILE_WRITE);
1772  if (file < 0)
1773  {
1774  waypoint_save_links(); // save anyway?
1777  LOG_INFOF("waypoint links: save to %s failed", filename);
1778  return;
1779  }
1782  string sym_str = ftos(sym);
1783  if (sym == -1 || (sym == 1 && autocvar_g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_order >= 2))
1784  {
1785  if (sym == 1)
1786  {
1787  sym_str = cons(sym_str, "-");
1788  sym_str = cons(sym_str, "-");
1789  }
1790  else
1791  {
1794  }
1797  }
1799  {
1800  sym_str = cons(sym_str, ftos(autocvar_g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_axis.x));
1801  sym_str = cons(sym_str, ftos(autocvar_g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_axis.y));
1802  }
1804  // a group of 3 comments doesn't break compatibility with older Xonotic versions
1805  // (they are read as a waypoint with origin '0 0 0' and flag 0 though)
1806  fputs(file, strcat("//", "WAYPOINT_VERSION ", ftos_decimals(WAYPOINT_VERSION, 2), "\n"));
1807  fputs(file, strcat("//", "WAYPOINT_SYMMETRY ", sym_str, "\n"));
1809  strcpy(waypoint_time, strftime(true, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"));
1810  fputs(file, strcat("//", "WAYPOINT_TIME ", waypoint_time, "\n"));
1811  //fputs(file, strcat("//", "\n"));
1812  //fputs(file, strcat("//", "\n"));
1813  //fputs(file, strcat("//", "\n"));
1815  int c = 0;
1816  IL_EACH(g_waypoints, true,
1817  {
1818  if(it.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_GENERATED)
1819  continue;
1821  string s;
1822  // NOTE: vtos rounds vector components to 1 decimal place
1823  s = strcat(vtos(it.origin + it.mins), "\n");
1824  s = strcat(s, vtos(it.origin + it.maxs));
1825  s = strcat(s, "\n");
1826  s = strcat(s, ftos(it.wpflags));
1827  s = strcat(s, "\n");
1828  fputs(file, s);
1829  c++;
1830  });
1831  fclose(file);
1838  LOG_INFOF("saved %d waypoints to %s", c, filename);
1839 }
1841 // load waypoints from file
1843 {
1844  string s;
1845  int file, cwp, cwb, fl;
1846  vector m1, m2;
1847  cwp = 0;
1848  cwb = 0;
1850  string gt_ext = GET_GAMETYPE_EXTENSION();
1852  string filename = sprintf("maps/%s.waypoints", strcat(mapname, gt_ext));
1853  file = fopen(filename, FILE_READ);
1855  if (gt_ext != "" && file < 0)
1856  {
1857  // if race waypoint file doesn't exist load the default one
1858  filename = sprintf("maps/%s.waypoints", mapname);
1859  file = fopen(filename, FILE_READ);
1860  }
1862  if (file < 0)
1863  {
1864  LOG_TRACE("waypoint load from ", filename, " failed");
1865  return 0;
1866  }
1868  bool parse_comments = true;
1869  float ver = 0;
1870  float sym = 0;
1871  float sym_param1 = 0, sym_param2 = 0, sym_param3 = 0;
1873  while ((s = fgets(file)))
1874  {
1875  if(parse_comments)
1876  {
1877  if(substring(s, 0, 2) == "//")
1878  {
1879  if(substring(s, 2, 17) == "WAYPOINT_VERSION ")
1880  ver = stof(substring(s, 19, -1));
1881  else if(substring(s, 2, 18) == "WAYPOINT_SYMMETRY ")
1882  {
1883  int tokens = tokenizebyseparator(substring(s, 20, -1), " ");
1884  if (tokens) { sym = stof(argv(0)); }
1885  if (tokens > 1) { sym_param1 = stof(argv(1)); }
1886  if (tokens > 2) { sym_param2 = stof(argv(2)); }
1887  if (tokens > 3) { sym_param3 = stof(argv(3)); }
1888  }
1889  else if(substring(s, 2, 14) == "WAYPOINT_TIME ")
1890  strcpy(waypoint_time, substring(s, 16, -1));
1891  continue;
1892  }
1893  else
1894  {
1895  if(floor(ver) < floor(WAYPOINT_VERSION))
1896  {
1897  LOG_TRACE("waypoints for this map are outdated");
1898  LOG_TRACE("please update them in the editor");
1899  }
1900  parse_comments = false;
1901  }
1902  }
1903  m1 = stov(s);
1904  s = fgets(file);
1905  if (!s)
1906  break;
1907  m2 = stov(s);
1908  s = fgets(file);
1909  if (!s)
1910  break;
1911  fl = stof(s);
1913  waypoint_spawn(m1, m2, fl);
1914  if (m1 == m2)
1915  cwp = cwp + 1;
1916  else
1917  cwb = cwb + 1;
1918  }
1919  fclose(file);
1921  LOG_TRACE("loaded ", ftos(cwp), " waypoints and ", ftos(cwb), " wayboxes from maps/", mapname, ".waypoints");
1924  {
1925  string sym_str = "";
1926  cvar_set("g_waypointeditor_symmetrical", ftos(sym));
1927  if (sym == 1 && sym_param3 < 2)
1928  cvar_set("g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_order", "0"); // make sure this is reset if not loaded
1929  if (sym == -1 || (sym == 1 && sym_param3 >= 2))
1930  {
1931  string params;
1932  if (sym == 1)
1933  params = cons("-", "-");
1934  else
1935  {
1936  params = cons(ftos(sym_param1), ftos(sym_param2));
1937  cvar_set("g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_origin", params);
1938  }
1939  cvar_set("g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_order", ftos(sym_param3));
1940  sym_str = strcat(ftos(sym), " with origin ", params, " and order ", ftos(sym_param3));
1941  }
1942  else if (sym == -2)
1943  {
1944  string params = strcat(ftos(sym_param1), " ", ftos(sym_param2));
1945  cvar_set("g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_axis", params);
1946  sym_str = strcat(ftos(sym), " with axis ", params);
1947  }
1948  else
1949  sym_str = ftos(sym);
1950  if (sym_str != "")
1951  LOG_INFO("Waypoint editor: loaded symmetry ", sym_str);
1952  LOG_INFO(strcat("g_waypointeditor_symmetrical", " has been set to ", cvar_string("g_waypointeditor_symmetrical")));
1953  }
1956  LOG_INFOF("^1Editing waypoints with a higher version number (%f) is not allowed.\n"
1957  "Update Xonotic to make them editable.", waypoint_version_loaded);
1959  return cwp + cwb;
1960 }
1962 #define waypoint_fixorigin(position, tracetest_ent) \
1963  waypoint_fixorigin_down_dir(position, tracetest_ent, '0 0 -1')
1965 vector waypoint_fixorigin_down_dir(vector position, entity tracetest_ent, vector down_dir)
1966 {
1967  vector endpos = position + down_dir * 3000;
1968  tracebox(position + '0 0 1', PL_MIN_CONST, PL_MAX_CONST, endpos, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, tracetest_ent);
1969  if(trace_startsolid)
1970  tracebox(position + '0 0 1' * (1 - PL_MIN_CONST.z / 2), PL_MIN_CONST, PL_MAX_CONST, endpos, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, tracetest_ent);
1971  if(trace_startsolid)
1972  tracebox(position + '0 0 1' * (1 - PL_MIN_CONST.z), PL_MIN_CONST, PL_MAX_CONST, endpos, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, tracetest_ent);
1973  if(trace_fraction < 1)
1974  position = trace_endpos;
1975  return position;
1976 }
1979 {
1980  // Fix the waypoint altitude if necessary
1981  org = waypoint_fixorigin(org, NULL);
1983  // don't spawn an item spawnfunc_waypoint if it already exists
1984  IL_EACH(g_waypoints, true,
1985  {
1986  if(it.wpisbox)
1987  {
1988  if(boxesoverlap(org, org, it.absmin, it.absmax))
1989  {
1990  e.nearestwaypoint = it;
1991  return;
1992  }
1993  }
1994  else
1995  {
1996  if(vdist(it.origin - org, <, 16))
1997  {
1998  e.nearestwaypoint = it;
1999  return;
2000  }
2001  }
2002  });
2004  e.nearestwaypoint = waypoint_spawn(org, org, WAYPOINTFLAG_GENERATED | WAYPOINTFLAG_ITEM);
2005 }
2008 {
2010  return;
2012  waypoint_spawnforitem_force(e, e.origin);
2013 }
2015 void waypoint_spawnforteleporter_boxes(entity e, int teleport_flag, vector org1, vector org2, vector destination1, vector destination2, float timetaken)
2016 {
2017  entity w;
2018  entity dw;
2019  w = waypoint_spawn(org1, org2, WAYPOINTFLAG_GENERATED | teleport_flag);
2020  dw = waypoint_spawn(destination1, destination2, WAYPOINTFLAG_GENERATED);
2021  // one way link to the destination
2022  w.wp00_original = dw;
2023  w.wp00 = dw;
2024  w.wp00mincost = timetaken; // this is just for jump pads
2025  // the teleporter's nearest spawnfunc_waypoint is this one
2026  // (teleporters are not goals, so this is probably useless)
2027  e.nearestwaypoint = w;
2028  e.nearestwaypointtimeout = -1;
2029 }
2032 {
2033  float src_angle = e.warpzone_angles.x;
2034  while (src_angle < -180) src_angle += 360;
2035  while (src_angle > 180) src_angle -= 360;
2037  float dest_angle = e.enemy.warpzone_angles.x;
2038  while (dest_angle < -180) dest_angle += 360;
2039  while (dest_angle > 180) dest_angle -= 360;
2041  // no waypoints for warpzones pointing upwards, they can't be used by the bots
2042  if (src_angle == -90 || dest_angle == -90)
2043  return;
2045  makevectors(e.warpzone_angles);
2046  vector src = (e.absmin + e.absmax) * 0.5;
2047  src += ((e.warpzone_origin - src) * v_forward) * v_forward + 16 * v_right;
2048  vector down_dir_src = -v_up;
2050  makevectors(e.enemy.warpzone_angles);
2051  vector dest = (e.enemy.absmin + e.enemy.absmax) * 0.5;
2052  dest += ((e.enemy.warpzone_origin - dest) * v_forward) * v_forward - 16 * v_right;
2053  vector down_dir_dest = -v_up;
2055  int extra_flag = 0;
2056  // don't snap to the ground waypoints for source warpzones pointing downwards
2057  if (src_angle != 90)
2058  {
2059  src = waypoint_fixorigin_down_dir(src, tracetest_ent, down_dir_src);
2060  dest = waypoint_fixorigin_down_dir(dest, tracetest_ent, down_dir_dest);
2061  // oblique warpzones need a jump otherwise bots gets stuck
2062  if (src_angle != 0)
2063  extra_flag = WAYPOINTFLAG_JUMP;
2064  }
2066  waypoint_spawnforteleporter_boxes(e, WAYPOINTFLAG_TELEPORT | extra_flag, src, src, dest, dest, 0);
2067 }
2069 void waypoint_spawnforteleporter(entity e, vector destination, float timetaken, entity tracetest_ent)
2070 {
2071  destination = waypoint_fixorigin(destination, tracetest_ent);
2072  waypoint_spawnforteleporter_boxes(e, WAYPOINTFLAG_TELEPORT, e.absmin - PL_MAX_CONST + '1 1 1', e.absmax - PL_MIN_CONST + '-1 -1 -1', destination, destination, timetaken);
2073 }
2076 {
2077  entity w;
2079  // drop the waypoint to a proper location:
2080  // first move it up by a player height
2081  // then move it down to hit the floor with player bbox size
2082  position = waypoint_fixorigin(position, this);
2084  w = waypoint_spawn(position, position, WAYPOINTFLAG_GENERATED | WAYPOINTFLAG_PERSONAL);
2085  w.nearestwaypoint = NULL;
2086  w.nearestwaypointtimeout = 0;
2087  w.owner = this;
2091  return w;
2092 }
2094 void waypoint_showlink(entity wp1, entity wp2, int display_type)
2095 {
2096  if (!(wp1 && wp2))
2097  return;
2100  te_beam(NULL, wp1.origin, wp2.origin);
2101  else if (display_type == 1)
2102  te_lightning2(NULL, wp1.origin, wp2.origin);
2103 }
2105 void waypoint_showlinks_to(entity wp, int display_type)
2106 {
2107  IL_EACH(g_waypoints, it != wp,
2108  {
2109  if (waypoint_islinked(it, wp))
2110  waypoint_showlink(it, wp, display_type);
2111  });
2112 }
2114 void waypoint_showlinks_from(entity wp, int display_type)
2115 {
2116  waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp00, display_type); waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp16, display_type);
2117  waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp01, display_type); waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp17, display_type);
2118  waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp02, display_type); waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp18, display_type);
2119  waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp03, display_type); waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp19, display_type);
2120  waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp04, display_type); waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp20, display_type);
2121  waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp05, display_type); waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp21, display_type);
2122  waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp06, display_type); waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp22, display_type);
2123  waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp07, display_type); waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp23, display_type);
2124  waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp08, display_type); waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp24, display_type);
2125  waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp09, display_type); waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp25, display_type);
2126  waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp10, display_type); waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp26, display_type);
2127  waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp11, display_type); waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp27, display_type);
2128  waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp12, display_type); waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp28, display_type);
2129  waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp13, display_type); waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp29, display_type);
2130  waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp14, display_type); waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp30, display_type);
2131  waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp15, display_type); waypoint_showlink(wp, wp.wp31, display_type);
2132 }
2135 {
2136  IL_EACH(g_waypoints, true, {
2137  it.solid = SOLID_BSP;
2138  if (!it.wpisbox)
2139  setsize(it, '-16 -16 -16', '16 16 16');
2140  });
2144  IL_EACH(g_waypoints, true, {
2145  it.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
2146  if (!it.wpisbox)
2147  setsize(it, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
2148  });
2150  if (trace_ent.classname != "waypoint")
2151  trace_ent = NULL;
2152  else if (!trace_ent.wpisbox)
2153  trace_endpos = trace_ent.origin;
2154 }
2157 {
2159  return;
2161  FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it) && !it.isbot,
2162  {
2163  int display_type = 0;
2164  if (wasfreed(it.wp_aimed))
2165  it.wp_aimed = NULL;
2166  if (wasfreed(it.wp_locked))
2167  it.wp_locked = NULL;
2168  entity head = it.wp_locked;
2169  if (!head)
2170  head = navigation_findnearestwaypoint(it, false);
2171  it.nearestwaypoint = head; // mainly useful for debug
2172  it.nearestwaypointtimeout = time + 2; // while I'm at it...
2173  if (IS_ONGROUND(it) || it.waterlevel > WATERLEVEL_NONE || it.wp_locked)
2174  display_type = 1; // default
2175  else if(waypoint_has_hardwiredlinks(head))
2176  display_type = 2; // only hardwired
2178  if (display_type)
2179  {
2180  //navigation_testtracewalk = true;
2181  //print("currently selected WP is ", etos(head), "\n");
2182  //navigation_testtracewalk = false;
2183  if (head)
2184  {
2185  te_lightning2(NULL, head.origin, it.origin);
2187  waypoint_showlinks_to(head, display_type);
2188  else
2189  waypoint_showlinks_from(head, display_type);
2190  }
2191  }
2192  string str;
2193  entity wp = NULL;
2194  if (vdist(vec2(it.velocity), <, autocvar_sv_maxspeed * 1.1))
2195  {
2196  crosshair_trace_waypoints(it);
2197  if (trace_ent)
2198  {
2199  wp = trace_ent;
2200  if (wp != it.wp_aimed)
2201  {
2202  string wp_type_str = waypoint_get_type_name(wp);
2203  str = sprintf("\necho Entity %d: %s^7, flags: %d, origin: %s\n", etof(wp), wp_type_str, wp.wpflags, vtos(wp.origin));
2204  if (wp.wpisbox)
2205  str = strcat(str, sprintf("echo \" absmin: %s, absmax: %s\"\n", vtos(wp.absmin), vtos(wp.absmax)));
2206  stuffcmd(it, str);
2207  str = sprintf("Entity %d: %s^7\nflags: %d\norigin: %s", etof(wp), wp_type_str, wp.wpflags, vtos(wp.origin));
2208  if (wp.wpisbox)
2209  str = strcat(str, sprintf(" \nabsmin: %s\nabsmax: %s", vtos(wp.absmin), vtos(wp.absmax)));
2210  debug_text_3d(wp.origin, str, 0, 7, '0 0 0');
2211  }
2212  }
2213  }
2214  if (it.wp_aimed != wp)
2215  it.wp_aimed = wp;
2216  });
2217 }
2220 {
2221  tracebox(v, PL_MIN_CONST, PL_MAX_CONST, v + '0 0 -64', MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL);
2222  if(trace_fraction >= 1)
2223  return 0;
2224  return 1;
2225 }
2228 {
2229  IL_EACH(g_waypoints, boxesoverlap(v - '32 32 32', v + '32 32 32', it.absmin, it.absmax),
2230  {
2231  // if a matching spawnfunc_waypoint already exists, don't add a duplicate
2232  return 0;
2233  });
2235  waypoint_schedulerelink(p.(fld) = waypoint_spawn(v, v, f));
2236  return 1;
2237 }
2239 // return value:
2240 // 1 = WP created
2241 // 0 = no action needed
2242 // -1 = temp fail, try from world too
2243 // -2 = permanent fail, do not retry
2244 float botframe_autowaypoints_fix_from(entity p, float walkfromwp, entity wp, .entity fld)
2245 {
2246  // make it possible to go from p to wp, if we can
2247  // if wp is NULL, nearest is chosen
2249  entity w;
2250  vector porg;
2251  float t, tmin, tmax;
2252  vector o;
2253  vector save;
2255  if(!botframe_autowaypoints_fixdown(p.origin))
2256  return -2;
2257  porg = trace_endpos;
2259  if(wp)
2260  {
2261  // if any WP w fulfills wp -> w -> porg and w is closer than wp, then switch from wp to w
2263  // if wp -> porg, then OK
2264  float maxdist;
2265  if(navigation_waypoint_will_link(wp.origin, porg, p, porg, 0, wp.origin, 0, walkfromwp, 1050))
2266  {
2267  // we may find a better one
2268  maxdist = vlen(wp.origin - porg);
2269  }
2270  else
2271  {
2272  // accept any "good"
2273  maxdist = 2100;
2274  }
2276  float bestdist = maxdist;
2277  IL_EACH(g_waypoints, it != wp && !(it.wpflags & WPFLAGMASK_NORELINK),
2278  {
2279  float d = vlen(wp.origin - it.origin) + vlen(it.origin - porg);
2280  if(d < bestdist)
2281  if(navigation_waypoint_will_link(wp.origin, it.origin, p, it.origin, 0, wp.origin, 0, walkfromwp, 1050))
2282  if(navigation_waypoint_will_link(it.origin, porg, p, porg, 0, it.origin, 0, walkfromwp, 1050))
2283  {
2284  bestdist = d;
2285  p.(fld) = it;
2286  }
2287  });
2288  if(bestdist < maxdist)
2289  {
2290  LOG_INFO("update chain to new nearest WP ", etos(p.(fld)));
2291  return 0;
2292  }
2294  if(bestdist < 2100)
2295  {
2296  // we know maxdist < 2100
2297  // so wp -> porg is still valid
2298  // all is good
2299  p.(fld) = wp;
2300  return 0;
2301  }
2303  // otherwise, no existing WP can fix our issues
2304  }
2305  else
2306  {
2307  save = p.origin;
2308  setorigin(p, porg);
2309  w = navigation_findnearestwaypoint(p, walkfromwp);
2310  setorigin(p, save);
2311  if(w)
2312  {
2313  p.(fld) = w;
2314  return 0;
2315  }
2316  }
2318  tmin = 0;
2319  tmax = 1;
2320  for (;;)
2321  {
2322  if(tmax - tmin < 0.001)
2323  {
2324  // did not get a good candidate
2325  return -1;
2326  }
2328  t = (tmin + tmax) * 0.5;
2329  o = antilag_takebackorigin(p, CS(p), time - t);
2331  return -2;
2332  o = trace_endpos;
2334  if(wp)
2335  {
2336  if(!navigation_waypoint_will_link(wp.origin, o, p, o, 0, wp.origin, 0, walkfromwp, 1050))
2337  {
2338  // we cannot walk from wp.origin to o
2339  // get closer to tmax
2340  tmin = t;
2341  continue;
2342  }
2343  }
2344  else
2345  {
2346  save = p.origin;
2347  setorigin(p, o);
2348  w = navigation_findnearestwaypoint(p, walkfromwp);
2349  setorigin(p, save);
2350  if(!w)
2351  {
2352  // we cannot walk from any WP to o
2353  // get closer to tmax
2354  tmin = t;
2355  continue;
2356  }
2357  }
2359  // if we get here, o is valid regarding waypoints
2360  // check if o is connected right to the player
2361  // we break if it succeeds, as that means o is a good waypoint location
2362  if(navigation_waypoint_will_link(o, porg, p, porg, 0, o, 0, walkfromwp, 1050))
2363  break;
2365  // o is no good, we need to get closer to the player
2366  tmax = t;
2367  }
2369  LOG_INFO("spawning a waypoint for connecting to ", etos(wp));
2370  botframe_autowaypoints_createwp(o, p, fld, 0);
2371  return 1;
2372 }
2374 // automatically create missing waypoints
2375 void botframe_autowaypoints_fix(entity p, float walkfromwp, .entity fld)
2376 {
2377  float r = botframe_autowaypoints_fix_from(p, walkfromwp, p.(fld), fld);
2378  if(r != -1)
2379  return;
2380  r = botframe_autowaypoints_fix_from(p, walkfromwp, NULL, fld);
2381  if(r != -1)
2382  return;
2384  LOG_INFO("emergency: got no good nearby WP to build a link from, starting a new chain");
2385  if(!botframe_autowaypoints_fixdown(p.origin))
2386  return; // shouldn't happen, caught above
2388 }
2391 {
2392  IL_EACH(g_items, it.bot_pickup,
2393  {
2394  // NOTE: this protects waypoints if they're the ONLY nearest
2395  // waypoint. That's the intention.
2396  navigation_findnearestwaypoint(it, false); // Walk TO item.
2397  navigation_findnearestwaypoint(it, true); // Walk FROM item.
2398  });
2399  IL_EACH(g_waypoints, true,
2400  {
2401  it.wpflags |= WAYPOINTFLAG_DEAD_END;
2402  it.wpflags &= ~WAYPOINTFLAG_USEFUL;
2403  // WP is useful if:
2404  if (it.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_ITEM)
2405  it.wpflags |= WAYPOINTFLAG_USEFUL;
2406  if (it.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_TELEPORT)
2407  it.wpflags |= WAYPOINTFLAG_USEFUL;
2408  if (it.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_LADDER)
2409  it.wpflags |= WAYPOINTFLAG_USEFUL;
2410  if (it.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_PROTECTED)
2411  it.wpflags |= WAYPOINTFLAG_USEFUL;
2412  // b) WP is closest WP for an item/spawnpoint/other entity
2413  // This has been done above by protecting these WPs.
2414  });
2415  // c) There are w1, w, w2 so that w1 -> w, w -> w2 and not w1 -> w2.
2416  IL_EACH(g_waypoints, !(it.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_PERSONAL),
2417  {
2418  for (int m = 0; m < 32; ++m)
2419  {
2420  entity w = waypoint_get_link(it, m);
2421  if (!w)
2422  break;
2423  if (w.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_PERSONAL)
2424  continue;
2425  if (w.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_USEFUL)
2426  continue;
2427  for (int j = 0; j < 32; ++j)
2428  {
2429  entity w2 = waypoint_get_link(w, j);
2430  if (!w2)
2431  break;
2432  if (it == w2)
2433  continue;
2434  if (w2.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_PERSONAL)
2435  continue;
2436  // If we got here, it != w2 exist with it -> w
2437  // and w -> w2. That means the waypoint is not
2438  // a dead end.
2439  w.wpflags &= ~WAYPOINTFLAG_DEAD_END;
2440  for (int k = 0; k < 32; ++k)
2441  {
2442  if (waypoint_get_link(it, k) == w2)
2443  continue;
2444  // IF WE GET HERE, w is proven useful
2445  // to get from it to w2!
2446  w.wpflags |= WAYPOINTFLAG_USEFUL;
2447  goto next;
2448  }
2449  }
2450 LABEL(next)
2451  }
2452  });
2453  // d) The waypoint is a dead end. Dead end waypoints must be kept as
2454  // they are needed to complete routes while autowaypointing.
2457  {
2458  LOG_INFOF("Removed a waypoint at %v. Try again for more!", it.origin);
2459  te_explosion(it.origin);
2460  waypoint_remove(it);
2461  break;
2462  });
2464  IL_EACH(g_waypoints, true,
2465  {
2466  it.wpflags &= ~(WAYPOINTFLAG_USEFUL | WAYPOINTFLAG_DEAD_END); // temp flag
2467  });
2468 }
2470 //.entity botframe_autowaypoints_lastwp0;
2473 {
2475  // going back is broken, so only fix waypoints to walk TO the player
2476  //botframe_autowaypoints_fix(p, false, botframe_autowaypoints_lastwp0);
2478  //te_explosion(p.botframe_autowaypoints_lastwp0.origin);
2479  });
2481  if (autocvar_g_waypointeditor_auto >= 2) {
2483  }
2484 }
Definition: waypoints.qc:23
Definition: api.qh:22
#define IL_EACH(this, cond, body)
void waypoint_updatecost_foralllinks()
Definition: waypoints.qc:973
float waypoint_getlinearcost_underwater(float dist)
Definition: waypoints.qc:1019
Definition: player.qh:150
bool start_wp_is_spawned
Definition: waypoints.qc:518
ERASEABLE string ftos_decimals(float number, int decimals)
converts a number to a string with the indicated number of decimals
Definition: string.qh:450
float DEG2RAD
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:961
vector waypoint_fixorigin_down_dir(vector position, entity tracetest_ent, vector down_dir)
Definition: waypoints.qc:1965
string string_null
Definition: nil.qh:9
vector dest
Definition: jumppads.qh:41
float botframe_loadedforcedlinks
Definition: waypoints.qh:23
void navigation_markroutes_inverted(entity fixed_source_waypoint)
Definition: navigation.qc:1171
float waypoint_gettravelcost(vector from, vector to, entity from_ent, entity to_ent)
Definition: waypoints.qc:1030
void waypoint_clear_start_wp_globals(entity pl, bool warn)
Definition: waypoints.qc:523
void waypoint_mark_hardwiredlink(entity wp_from, entity wp_to)
Definition: waypoints.qc:299
void waypoint_remove_fromeditor(entity pl)
Definition: waypoints.qc:840
Definition: api.qh:16
bool start_wp_is_support
Definition: waypoints.qc:521
Definition: api.qh:19
entity() spawn
float botframe_autowaypoints_fix_from(entity p, float walkfromwp, entity wp,.entity fld)
Definition: waypoints.qc:2244
const float MOVE_NORMAL
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:252
ClientState CS(Client this)
Definition: state.qh:47
#define FOREACH_CLIENT(cond, body)
Definition: utils.qh:49
Definition: api.qh:20
#define waypoint_fixorigin(position, tracetest_ent)
Definition: waypoints.qc:1962
float trigger_push_get_push_time(entity this, vector endpos)
bool waypoint_islinked(entity from, entity to)
Definition: waypoints.qc:968
float skill
Definition: api.qh:35
void navigation_markroutes(entity this, entity fixed_source_waypoint)
Definition: navigation.qc:1081
bool autocvar_g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_allowload
Definition: waypoints.qh:7
entity err
Definition: promise.qc:44
float waypoint_getlinkcost(entity from, entity to)
Definition: waypoints.qc:1067
const float FILE_READ
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:231
vector waypoint_getSymmetricalPoint(vector org, int ctf_flags)
Definition: waypoints.qc:239
Definition: api.qh:29
entity waypoint_spawn(vector m1, vector m2, float f)
Definition: waypoints.qc:431
float waypoint_get_assigned_link_cost(entity w, float i)
Definition: waypoints.qc:1586
entity spawnpointmodel
Definition: waypoints.qc:27
float relink_pvsculled
Definition: waypoints.qh:20
entity to
Definition: self.qh:96
Definition: ent_cs.qc:114
const float EF_NODEPTHTEST
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:304
int wplinked
Definition: waypoints.qh:45
float havocbot_middlepoint_radius
Definition: api.qh:92
void waypoint_think(entity this)
Definition: waypoints.qc:1149
void waypoint_spawnforteleporter_wz(entity e, entity tracetest_ent)
Definition: waypoints.qc:2031
Definition: api.qh:28
#define move_out_of_solid(e)
Definition: common.qh:110
void waypoint_unmark_hardwiredlink(entity wp_from, entity wp_to)
Definition: waypoints.qc:316
float botframe_cachedwaypointlinks
Definition: waypoints.qh:24
int wpflags
Definition: api.qh:64
void bot_calculate_stepheightvec()
Definition: bot.qc:583
#define IS_REAL_CLIENT(v)
Definition: utils.qh:17
void botframe_autowaypoints_fix(entity p, float walkfromwp,.entity fld)
Definition: waypoints.qc:2375
entity trace_ent
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:40
float autocvar_bot_ai_bunnyhop_skilloffset
Definition: cvars.qh:22
#define strcpy(this, s)
Definition: string.qh:49
IntrusiveList g_jumppads
Definition: jumppads.qh:7
int autocvar_g_waypointeditor_auto
Definition: cvars.qh:63
#define setmodel(this, m)
Definition: model.qh:26
string mapname
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:26
void waypoint_showlink(entity wp1, entity wp2, int display_type)
Definition: waypoints.qc:2094
float botframe_autowaypoints_fixdown(vector v)
Definition: waypoints.qc:2219
vector absmax
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:92
void waypoint_getSymmetricalAxis_cmd(entity caller, bool save, int arg_idx)
Definition: waypoints.qc:137
#define FOREACH_ENTITY_CLASS(class, cond, body)
Definition: iter.qh:189
vector autocvar_g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_axis
Definition: waypoints.qh:10
float relink_lengthculled
Definition: waypoints.qh:20
bool start_wp_is_hardwired
Definition: waypoints.qc:520
float havocbot_symmetry_axis_q
Definition: api.qh:94
entity botframe_autowaypoints_lastwp1
Definition: waypoints.qc:2471
bool waypointeditor_enabled
Definition: waypoints.qh:3
float havocbot_symmetry_axis_m
Definition: api.qh:93
float createdtime
Definition: waypoints.qc:430
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:253
void waypoint_addlink_customcost(entity from, entity to, float c)
Definition: waypoints.qc:1090
void waypoint_load_hardwiredlinks()
Definition: waypoints.qc:1470
void waypoint_removelink(entity from, entity to)
Definition: waypoints.qc:907
ERASEABLE entity IL_PUSH(IntrusiveList this, entity it)
Push to tail.
bool waypoint_load_links()
Definition: waypoints.qc:1322
float waypoint_loadall()
Definition: waypoints.qc:1842
Definition: waypoints.qc:1319
float waypoint_version_loaded
Definition: waypoints.qh:16
bool bot_waypoints_for_items
Definition: api.qh:9
#define LOG_INFOF(...)
Definition: log.qh:71
const float EF_BLUE
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:301
vector v_up
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:31
Definition: api.qh:13
ERASEABLE float boxesoverlap(vector m1, vector m2, vector m3, vector m4)
requires that m2>m1 in all coordinates, and that m4>m3
Definition: vector.qh:73
spree_cen s1 spree_cen s1 spree_cen s1 spree_cen s1 spree_cen s1 spree_cen s1 spree_cen s1 f1 s1 strcat(_("Level %s: "), "^BG%s\3\, _("^BGPress ^F2%s^BG to enter the game"))
void waypoint_saveall()
Definition: waypoints.qc:1760
#define g_assault
Definition: assault.qh:27
float height
Definition: jumppads.qh:12
void waypoint_schedulerelinkall()
Definition: waypoints.qc:1309
float waypoint_getlinearcost_crouched(float dist)
Definition: waypoints.qc:1025
IntrusiveList g_items
Definition: items.qh:126
vector havocbot_middlepoint
Definition: api.qh:91
entity waypoint_get(vector m1, vector m2)
Definition: waypoints.qc:418
void waypoint_schedulerelink(entity wp)
Definition: waypoints.qc:1275
#define NULL
Definition: post.qh:17
void waypoint_save_hardwiredlinks()
Definition: waypoints.qc:1667
#define LOG_INFO(...)
Definition: log.qh:70
vector start_wp_origin
Definition: waypoints.qc:519
#define backtrace(msg)
Definition: log.qh:105
void waypoint_start_hardwiredlink(entity pl, bool at_crosshair)
Definition: waypoints.qc:534
vector trace_endpos
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:37
void waypoint_spawnforitem(entity e)
Definition: waypoints.qc:2007
vector set_tracewalk_dest_2(entity ent, vector org)
Definition: navigation.qc:177
#define make_pure(e)
Definition: oo.qh:12
string waypoint_time
Definition: waypoints.qh:17
bool waypoint_has_hardwiredlinks(entity wp)
Definition: waypoints.qc:274
#define IS_DEAD(s)
Definition: utils.qh:26
float waypoint_getlinearcost(float dist)
Definition: waypoints.qc:1012
float nextthink
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:121
IntrusiveList g_waypoints
Definition: api.qh:148
entity waypoint_spawnpersonal(entity this, vector position)
Definition: waypoints.qc:2075
void botframe_deleteuselesswaypoints()
Definition: waypoints.qc:2390
void waypoint_addlink_for_custom_jumppad(entity wp_from, entity wp_to)
Definition: waypoints.qc:500
vector(float skel, float bonenum) _skel_get_boneabs_hidden
const float FILE_WRITE
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:233
const float EF_RED
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:307
vector v
Definition: ent_cs.qc:116
const float SOLID_BSP
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:248
void WarpZone_crosshair_trace(entity pl)
Definition: tracing.qc:544
void waypoint_showlinks_to(entity wp, int display_type)
Definition: waypoints.qc:2105
void waypoint_addlink(entity from, entity to)
Definition: waypoints.qc:1135
void waypoint_spawnforitem_force(entity e, vector org)
Definition: waypoints.qc:1978
#define vdist(v, cmp, f)
Vector distance comparison, avoids sqrt()
Definition: vector.qh:8
float count
Definition: powerups.qc:22
Definition: waypoints.qc:1294
void waypoint_clearlinks(entity wp)
Definition: waypoints.qc:1255
#define LOG_TRACE(...)
Definition: log.qh:81
bool autocvar_g_waypointeditor_symmetrical
Definition: waypoints.qh:6
Definition: api.qh:18
void waypoint_save_links()
Definition: waypoints.qc:1721
bool waypoint_is_hardwiredlink(entity wp_from, entity wp_to)
Definition: waypoints.qc:281
float relink_total
Definition: waypoints.qh:20
const float SOLID_TRIGGER
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:245
void waypoint_getSymmetricalOrigin_cmd(entity caller, bool save, int arg_idx)
Definition: waypoints.qc:169
vector v_right
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:31
#define tokenizebyseparator
Definition: dpextensions.qh:21
vector autocvar_g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_origin
Definition: waypoints.qh:8
void waypoint_spawnforteleporter(entity e, vector destination, float timetaken, entity tracetest_ent)
Definition: waypoints.qc:2069
#define vec2(...)
Definition: vector.qh:90
#define LABEL(id)
Definition: compiler.qh:36
entity waypoint_get_link(entity w, float i)
Definition: waypoints.qc:1626
void crosshair_trace_waypoints(entity pl)
Definition: waypoints.qc:2134
Definition: api.qh:11
float havocbot_symmetry_origin_order
Definition: api.qh:95
setorigin(ent, v)
float dphitcontentsmask
noref int autocvar_developer
Definition: log.qh:102
#define setthink(e, f)
ERASEABLE vector Rotate(vector v, float a)
Definition: vector.qh:105
Definition: api.qh:15
void botframe_showwaypointlinks()
Definition: waypoints.qc:2156
Definition: api.qh:17
void waypoint_restore_hardwiredlinks(entity wp)
Definition: waypoints.qc:348
float botframe_waypointeditorlightningtime
Definition: waypoints.qh:22
void waypoint_showlinks_from(entity wp, int display_type)
Definition: waypoints.qc:2114
void waypoint_spawn_fromeditor(entity pl, bool at_crosshair, bool is_jump_wp, bool is_crouch_wp, bool is_support_wp)
Definition: waypoints.qc:570
float trace_startsolid
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:35
ERASEABLE string cons(string a, string b)
Definition: string.qh:257
vector absmin
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:92
int waypoint_getlinknum(entity from, entity to)
Definition: waypoints.qc:955
void waypoint_remove(entity wp)
Definition: waypoints.qc:821
Definition: impulse.qc:92
void waypoint_spawnforteleporter_boxes(entity e, int teleport_flag, vector org1, vector org2, vector destination1, vector destination2, float timetaken)
Definition: waypoints.qc:2015
float relink_walkculled
Definition: waypoints.qh:20
Definition: api.qh:12
float time
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:16
void waypoint_lock(entity pl)
Definition: waypoints.qc:268
Definition: api.qh:21
#define makevectors
Definition: post.qh:21
int autocvar_g_waypointeditor_symmetrical_order
Definition: waypoints.qh:9
float trace_fraction
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:36
bool autocvar_g_waypointeditor
Definition: waypoints.qh:5
void waypoint_unreachable(entity pl)
Definition: waypoints.qc:28
#define IS_PLAYER(v)
Definition: utils.qh:9
var void func_null()
Definition: waypoints.qh:15
string waypoint_get_type_name(entity wp)
Definition: waypoints.qc:395
IntrusiveList g_spawnpoints
Definition: spawnpoints.qh:32
Definition: api.qh:23
vector v_forward
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:31
bool autocvar_bot_navigation_ignoreplayers
Definition: cvars.qh:53
int wpisbox
Definition: waypoints.qh:45
entity navigation_findnearestwaypoint(entity ent, float walkfromwp)
Definition: navigation.qc:1011
void botframe_autowaypoints()
Definition: waypoints.qc:2472
void waypoint_setupmodel(entity wp)
Definition: waypoints.qc:360
float botframe_autowaypoints_createwp(vector v, entity p,.entity fld, float f)
Definition: waypoints.qc:2227
vector antilag_takebackorigin(entity e, entity store, float t)
Definition: antilag.qc:60