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items.qh File Reference
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#define autocvar_g_weapon_stay   cvar("g_weapon_stay")
#define ITEM_DAMAGE_NEEDKILL(dt)   (((dt) == DEATH_HURTTRIGGER.m_id) || ((dt) == DEATH_SLIME.m_id) || ((dt) == DEATH_LAVA.m_id) || ((dt) == DEATH_SWAMP.m_id))
#define ITEM_TOUCH_NEEDKILL()   (((trace_dpstartcontents | trace_dphitcontents) & DPCONTENTS_NODROP) || (trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKY))
#define POSTGIVE_BIT(e, f, b, snd_incr, snd_decr)   GiveSound((e), save_##f & (b), (e).f & (b), 0, snd_incr, snd_decr)
#define POSTGIVE_RES_ROT(e, f, t, rotfield, rottime, regenfield, regentime, snd_incr, snd_decr)   GiveRot((e),save_##f,GetResource((e),(f)),rotfield,rottime,regenfield,regentime);GiveSound((e),save_##f,GetResource((e),(f)),t,snd_incr,snd_decr)
#define POSTGIVE_RESOURCE(e, f, t, snd_incr, snd_decr)   GiveSound((e), save_##f, GetResource((e), (f)), t, snd_incr, snd_decr)
#define POSTGIVE_STATUSEFFECT(e, f, snd_incr, snd_decr)   GiveSound((e), save_##f, StatusEffects_active(f, (e)), 0, snd_incr, snd_decr)
#define POSTGIVE_VALUE(e, f, t, snd_incr, snd_decr)   GiveSound((e), save_##f, (e).f, t, snd_incr, snd_decr)
#define POSTGIVE_VALUE_ROT(e, f, t, rotfield, rottime, regenfield, regentime, snd_incr, snd_decr)   GiveRot((e), save_##f, (e).f, rotfield, rottime, regenfield, regentime); GiveSound((e), save_##f, (e).f, t, snd_incr, snd_decr)
#define POSTGIVE_WEAPON(e, b, snd_incr, snd_decr)   GiveSound((e), !!(save_weapons & WepSet_FromWeapon(b)), !!(STAT(WEAPONS, e) & WepSet_FromWeapon(b)), 0, snd_incr, snd_decr)
#define PREGIVE(e, f)   float save_##f; save_##f = (e).f
#define PREGIVE_RESOURCE(e, f)   float save_##f = GetResource((e), (f))
#define PREGIVE_STATUSEFFECT(e, f)   bool save_##f = StatusEffects_active(f, (e))
#define PREGIVE_WEAPONS(e)   WepSet save_weapons; save_weapons = STAT(WEAPONS, e)


void _StartItem (entity this, entity def, float defaultrespawntime, float defaultrespawntimejitter)
float ammo_pickupevalfunc (entity player, entity item)
float generic_pickupevalfunc (entity player, entity item)
float GiveBit (entity e,.float fld, float bit, float op, float val)
float GiveItems (entity e, float beginarg, float endarg)
void GiveRandomWeapons (entity receiver, int num_weapons, string weapon_names, entity ammo_entity)
 Give several random weapons and ammo to the entity. More...
void GiveRot (entity e, float v0, float v1,.float rotfield, float rottime,.float regenfield, float regentime)
void GiveSound (entity e, float v0, float v1, float t, Sound snd_incr, Sound snd_decr)
float GiveValue (entity e,.float fld, float op, float val)
float GiveWeapon (entity e, float wpn, float op, float val)
bool have_pickup_item (entity this)
float healtharmor_pickupevalfunc (entity player, entity item)
void Item_FindTeam (entity this)
bool Item_GiveAmmoTo (entity item, entity player, Resource res_type, float ammomax)
bool Item_GiveTo (entity item, entity player)
void Item_Reset (entity this)
void Item_Respawn (entity this)
void Item_RespawnCountdown (entity this)
void Item_ScheduleInitialRespawn (entity e)
void Item_ScheduleRespawn (entity e)
void Item_ScheduleRespawnIn (entity e, float t)
void Item_Show (entity e, int mode)
void Item_Touch (entity this, entity toucher)
bool ItemSend (entity this, entity to, int sf)
void ItemUpdate (entity this)
void setItemGroup (entity this)
void setItemGroupCount ()
 spawnfunc (target_items)
void StartItem (entity this, entity a)
 STATIC_INIT (g_items)
void UpdateItemAfterTeleport (entity this)
float weapon_pickupevalfunc (entity player, entity item)


float autocvar_g_balance_superweapons_time
bool autocvar_g_fullbrightitems
float autocvar_g_items_dropped_lifetime
float autocvar_g_items_maxdist
float autocvar_g_items_mindist
bool autocvar_g_nodepthtestitems
int autocvar_g_pickup_items
float autocvar_sv_simple_items
int count
IntrusiveList g_items
bool is_item
int item_group
int item_group_count
entity item_model_ent
string item_pickupsound
entity item_pickupsound_ent
const float ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS = 10
float item_respawncounter
float item_spawnshieldtime
entity itemdef
float max_armorvalue
float noalign
float pickup_anyway
float respawntime
float respawntimejitter
float respawntimestart
float scheduledrespawntime
float superweapons_finished

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ autocvar_g_weapon_stay

#define autocvar_g_weapon_stay   cvar("g_weapon_stay")

Definition at line 13 of file items.qh.


#define ITEM_DAMAGE_NEEDKILL (   dt)    (((dt) == DEATH_HURTTRIGGER.m_id) || ((dt) == DEATH_SLIME.m_id) || ((dt) == DEATH_LAVA.m_id) || ((dt) == DEATH_SWAMP.m_id))



#define POSTGIVE_BIT (   e,
)    GiveSound((e), save_##f & (b), (e).f & (b), 0, snd_incr, snd_decr)

Definition at line 117 of file items.qh.

Referenced by GiveItems().


#define POSTGIVE_RES_ROT (   e,
)    GiveRot((e),save_##f,GetResource((e),(f)),rotfield,rottime,regenfield,regentime);GiveSound((e),save_##f,GetResource((e),(f)),t,snd_incr,snd_decr)

Definition at line 120 of file items.qh.

Referenced by GiveItems().


#define POSTGIVE_RESOURCE (   e,
)    GiveSound((e), save_##f, GetResource((e), (f)), t, snd_incr, snd_decr)

Definition at line 119 of file items.qh.

Referenced by GiveItems().


)    GiveSound((e), save_##f, StatusEffects_active(f, (e)), 0, snd_incr, snd_decr)

Definition at line 118 of file items.qh.

Referenced by GiveItems().


#define POSTGIVE_VALUE (   e,
)    GiveSound((e), save_##f, (e).f, t, snd_incr, snd_decr)

Definition at line 121 of file items.qh.


#define POSTGIVE_VALUE_ROT (   e,
)    GiveRot((e), save_##f, (e).f, rotfield, rottime, regenfield, regentime); GiveSound((e), save_##f, (e).f, t, snd_incr, snd_decr)

Definition at line 122 of file items.qh.


#define POSTGIVE_WEAPON (   e,
)    GiveSound((e), !!(save_weapons & WepSet_FromWeapon(b)), !!(STAT(WEAPONS, e) & WepSet_FromWeapon(b)), 0, snd_incr, snd_decr)

Definition at line 116 of file items.qh.

Referenced by GiveItems().


#define PREGIVE (   e,
)    float save_##f; save_##f = (e).f

Definition at line 113 of file items.qh.

Referenced by GiveItems().


#define PREGIVE_RESOURCE (   e,
)    float save_##f = GetResource((e), (f))

Definition at line 115 of file items.qh.

Referenced by GiveItems().


)    bool save_##f = StatusEffects_active(f, (e))

Definition at line 114 of file items.qh.

Referenced by GiveItems().


#define PREGIVE_WEAPONS (   e)    WepSet save_weapons; save_weapons = STAT(WEAPONS, e)

Definition at line 112 of file items.qh.

Referenced by GiveItems().

Function Documentation

◆ _StartItem()

void _StartItem ( entity  this,
entity  def,
float  defaultrespawntime,
float  defaultrespawntimejitter 

Definition at line 925 of file items.qc.

References angles, autocvar_g_items_dropped_lifetime, autocvar_g_items_maxdist, autocvar_g_items_mindist, autocvar_spawn_debug, bot_pickup, bot_pickupbasevalue, cnt, colormap, DAMAGE_YES, DPCONTENTS_NODROP, droptofloor, EF_NODRAW, effects, entity(), fade_end, fade_start, FL_ITEM, flags, float(), g_items, GetResource(), glowmod, gravity, have_pickup_item(), IL_PUSH(), InitializeEntity(), is_item, IT_KEY1, IT_KEY2, Item_Damage(), Item_FindTeam(), Item_IsExpiring(), Item_IsLoot(), Item_ItemsTime_SetTime(), item_model_ent, item_pickupsound, item_pickupsound_ent, Item_Reset(), Item_Touch(), item_use(), items, ItemSend(), max(), model, MOVE_NORMAL, MOVETYPE_NONE, MOVETYPE_TOSS, MUTATOR_CALLHOOK, netname, nextthink, noalign, origin, pickup_anyway, pos1, precache_sound(), REGISTRY_GET, RemoveItem(), RES_HEALTH, respawntime, respawntimejitter, set_movetype(), setItemGroup(), setmodel, setorigin(), setthink, skin, spawnflags, startitem_failed, state, strzone(), superweapons_finished, takedamage, target, targetname, team, time, trace_dpstartcontents, use, waypoint_spawnforitem(), weapon, and WepSet_FromWeapon.

Referenced by StartItem(), and weapon_defaultspawnfunc().

926 {
927  string itemname = def.m_name;
928  Model itemmodel = def.m_model;
929  Sound pickupsound = def.m_sound;
930  float(entity player, entity item) pickupevalfunc = def.m_pickupevalfunc;
931  float pickupbasevalue = def.m_botvalue;
932  int itemflags = def.m_itemflags;
934  startitem_failed = false;
936  this.item_model_ent = itemmodel;
937  this.item_pickupsound_ent = pickupsound;
939  if(def.m_iteminit)
940  def.m_iteminit(def, this);
942  if(!this.respawntime) // both need to be set
943  {
944  this.respawntime = defaultrespawntime;
945  this.respawntimejitter = defaultrespawntimejitter;
946  }
948  if(!this.pickup_anyway && def.m_pickupanyway)
949  this.pickup_anyway = def.m_pickupanyway();
951  int itemid = def.m_itemid;
952  this.items = itemid;
953  int weaponid = def.instanceOfWeaponPickup ? def.m_weapon.m_id : 0;
954  this.weapon = weaponid;
956  if(!this.fade_end)
957  {
960  }
962  if(weaponid)
963  STAT(WEAPONS, this) = WepSet_FromWeapon(REGISTRY_GET(Weapons, weaponid));
965  this.flags = FL_ITEM | itemflags;
966  IL_PUSH(g_items, this);
968  if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(FilterItem, this)) // error means we do not want the item
969  {
970  startitem_failed = true;
971  delete(this);
972  return;
973  }
975  precache_model(this.model);
978  if (Item_IsLoot(this))
979  {
980  this.reset = SUB_Remove;
983  // Savage: remove thrown items after a certain period of time ("garbage collection")
984  setthink(this, RemoveItem);
987  this.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
988  this.event_damage = Item_Damage;
989  // enable this to have thrown items burn in lava
990  //this.damagedbycontents = true;
991  //IL_PUSH(g_damagedbycontents, this);
993  if (Item_IsExpiring(this))
994  {
995  // if item is worthless after a timer, have it expire then
996  this.nextthink = max(this.strength_finished, this.invincible_finished, this.superweapons_finished);
997  }
999  // don't drop if in a NODROP zone (such as lava)
1000  traceline(this.origin, this.origin, MOVE_NORMAL, this);
1002  {
1003  startitem_failed = true;
1004  delete(this);
1005  return;
1006  }
1007  }
1008  else
1009  {
1010  if(!have_pickup_item(this))
1011  {
1012  startitem_failed = true;
1013  delete(this);
1014  return;
1015  }
1017  if(this.angles != '0 0 0')
1018  this.SendFlags |= ISF_ANGLES;
1020  this.reset = Item_Reset;
1021  // it's a level item
1022  if(this.spawnflags & 1)
1023  this.noalign = 1;
1024  if (this.noalign > 0)
1025  set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_NONE);
1026  else
1027  set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_TOSS);
1028  // do item filtering according to game mode and other things
1029  if (this.noalign <= 0)
1030  {
1031  // first nudge it off the floor a little bit to avoid math errors
1032  setorigin(this, this.origin + '0 0 1');
1033  // set item size before we spawn a spawnfunc_waypoint
1034  setsize(this, def.m_mins, def.m_maxs);
1035  this.SendFlags |= ISF_SIZE;
1036  // note droptofloor returns false if stuck/or would fall too far
1037  if (!this.noalign)
1038  droptofloor(this);
1039  waypoint_spawnforitem(this);
1040  }
1042  /*
1043  * can't do it that way, as it would break maps
1044  * TODO make a target_give like entity another way, that perhaps has
1045  * the weapon name in a key
1046  if(this.targetname)
1047  {
1048  // target_give not yet supported; maybe later
1049  print("removed targeted ", this.classname, "\n");
1050  startitem_failed = true;
1051  delete(this);
1052  return;
1053  }
1054  */
1056  if(this.targetname != "" && (this.spawnflags & 16))
1057  this.use = item_use;
1059  if(autocvar_spawn_debug >= 2)
1060  {
1061  // why not flags & fl_item?
1062  FOREACH_ENTITY_RADIUS(this.origin, 3, it.is_item, {
1063  LOG_TRACE("XXX Found duplicated item: ", itemname, vtos(this.origin));
1064  LOG_TRACE(" vs ", it.netname, vtos(it.origin));
1065  error("Mapper sucks.");
1066  });
1067  this.is_item = true;
1068  }
1070  weaponsInMap |= WepSet_FromWeapon(REGISTRY_GET(Weapons, weaponid));
1072  if ( def.instanceOfPowerup
1073  || def.instanceOfWeaponPickup
1074  || (def.instanceOfHealth && def != ITEM_HealthSmall)
1075  || (def.instanceOfArmor && def != ITEM_ArmorSmall)
1076  || (itemid & (IT_KEY1 | IT_KEY2))
1077  )
1078  {
1079  if(!this.target || this.target == "")
1080  this.target = "###item###"; // for finding the nearest item using findnearest
1081  }
1083  Item_ItemsTime_SetTime(this, 0);
1084  }
1086  this.bot_pickup = true;
1087  this.bot_pickupevalfunc = pickupevalfunc;
1088  this.bot_pickupbasevalue = pickupbasevalue;
1089  this.mdl = this.model ? this.model : strzone(this.item_model_ent.model_str());
1090  this.netname = itemname;
1091  settouch(this, Item_Touch);
1092  setmodel(this, MDL_Null); // precision set below
1093  //this.effects |= EF_LOWPRECISION;
1095  // support skinned models for powerups
1096  this.skin = def.m_skin;
1097  this.glowmod = def.m_color;
1099  setsize (this, this.pos1 = def.m_mins, this.pos2 = def.m_maxs);
1101  this.SendFlags |= ISF_SIZE;
1103  if (!(this.spawnflags & 1024)) {
1104  if(def.instanceOfPowerup)
1105  this.ItemStatus |= ITS_ANIMATE1;
1107  if(GetResource(this, RES_ARMOR) || GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH))
1108  this.ItemStatus |= ITS_ANIMATE2;
1109  }
1111  if(Item_IsLoot(this))
1112  this.gravity = 1;
1114  if(def.instanceOfWeaponPickup)
1115  {
1116  if (!Item_IsLoot(this)) // if dropped, colormap is already set up nicely
1117  this.colormap = 1024; // color shirt=0 pants=0 grey
1118  if (!(this.spawnflags & 1024))
1119  this.ItemStatus |= ITS_ANIMATE1;
1120  this.SendFlags |= ISF_COLORMAP;
1121  }
1123  this.state = 0;
1124  if(this.team)
1125  {
1126  if(!this.cnt)
1127  this.cnt = 1; // item probability weight
1129  this.effects |= EF_NODRAW; // marker for item team search
1130  InitializeEntity(this, Item_FindTeam, INITPRIO_FINDTARGET);
1131  }
1132  else
1133  Item_Reset(this);
1135  Net_LinkEntity(this, !(def.instanceOfPowerup || def.instanceOfHealth || def.instanceOfArmor), 0, ItemSend);
1137  // call this hook after everything else has been done
1138  if (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(Item_Spawn, this))
1139  {
1140  startitem_failed = true;
1141  delete(this);
1142  return;
1143  }
1145  setItemGroup(this);
1146 }
float state
Definition: subs.qh:32
void Item_ItemsTime_SetTime(entity e, float t)
Definition: progsdefs.qc:246
float colormap
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:131
bool have_pickup_item(entity this)
Definition: items.qc:98
float autocvar_g_items_mindist
Definition: items.qh:8
void Item_FindTeam(entity this)
Definition: items.qc:749
float respawntimejitter
Definition: items.qh:37
float respawntime
Definition: items.qh:36
float IT_KEY2
Definition: progsdefs.qc:308
Definition: ent_cs.qc:143
entity item_model_ent
Definition: items.qh:29
float(entity, float) PlayerPhysplug
bool is_item
Definition: items.qh:93
int team
Definition: main.qh:157
Definition: progsdefs.qc:252
entity() spawn
#define REGISTRY_GET(id, i)
Definition: registry.qh:43
const float MOVE_NORMAL
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:252
float fade_start
Definition: models.qh:23
string netname
Definition: powerups.qc:20
int autocvar_spawn_debug
Definition: client.qh:50
float bot_pickupbasevalue
Definition: bot.qh:66
Definition: ent_cs.qc:114
#define droptofloor
Definition: pre.qh:5
float noalign
Definition: items.qh:42
float FL_ITEM
Definition: progsdefs.qc:239
float effects
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:111
float spawnflags
Definition: progsdefs.qc:191
string model
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:108
#define setmodel(this, m)
Definition: model.qh:26
Definition: ent_cs.qc:126
const float EF_NODRAW
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:305
float cnt
Definition: powerups.qc:24
ERASEABLE entity IL_PUSH(IntrusiveList this, entity it)
Push to tail.
float weapon
Definition: progsdefs.qc:139
void item_use(entity this, entity actor, entity trigger)
Definition: items.qc:919
IntrusiveList g_items
Definition: items.qh:126
float autocvar_g_items_maxdist
Definition: items.qh:9
float bot_pickup
Definition: api.qh:43
void RemoveItem(entity this)
Definition: items.qc:787
float trace_dpstartcontents
float IT_KEY1
Definition: progsdefs.qc:307
Definition: model.qh:3
float pickup_anyway
Definition: items.qh:32
float takedamage
Definition: progsdefs.qc:147
void Item_Touch(entity this, entity toucher)
Definition: items.qc:631
Definition: sound.qh:119
float autocvar_g_items_dropped_lifetime
Definition: items.qh:10
float nextthink
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:121
void setItemGroup(entity this)
Definition: items.qc:1171
bool ItemSend(entity this, entity to, int sf)
Definition: items.qc:31
float gravity
Definition: items.qh:16
float superweapons_finished
Definition: items.qh:44
float GetResource(entity e, Resource res_type)
Returns the current amount of resource the given entity has.
Definition: cl_resources.qc:10
float flags
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:129
void InitializeEntity(entity e, void(entity this) func, int order)
Definition: world.qc:2146
bool startitem_failed
Definition: spawning.qh:7
float items
Definition: progsdefs.qc:145
string targetname
Definition: progsdefs.qc:194
#define MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(id,...)
Definition: base.qh:140
vector pos1
Definition: subs.qh:50
setorigin(ent, v)
bool Item_IsLoot(entity item)
Returns whether the item is loot.
Definition: spawning.qc:121
#define setthink(e, f)
vector angles
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:104
#define use
Definition: csprogsdefs.qh:50
#define WepSet_FromWeapon(it)
Definition: all.qh:38
string target
Definition: progsdefs.qc:193
void waypoint_spawnforitem(entity e)
Definition: waypoints.qc:2007
vector glowmod
float time
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:16
bool Item_IsExpiring(entity item)
Returns whether the item is expiring (i.e.
Definition: spawning.qc:136
float fade_end
Definition: models.qh:23
entity item_pickupsound_ent
Definition: items.qh:28
string item_pickupsound
Definition: items.qh:27
void set_movetype(entity this, int mt)
void Item_Damage(entity this, entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, int deathtype,.entity weaponentity, vector hitloc, vector force)
Definition: items.qc:913
void Item_Reset(entity this)
Definition: items.qc:728
Definition: progsdefs.qc:283
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ammo_pickupevalfunc()

float ammo_pickupevalfunc ( entity  player,
entity  item 

Definition at line 821 of file items.qc.

References ammo, entity(), FOREACH, g_pickup_cells_max, g_pickup_fuel_max, g_pickup_nails_max, g_pickup_plasma_max, g_pickup_rockets_max, g_pickup_shells_max, GetResource(), max(), min(), and NULL.

Referenced by weapon_pickupevalfunc().

822 {
823  bool need_shells = false, need_nails = false, need_rockets = false, need_cells = false, need_plasma = false, need_fuel = false;
824  entity wpn = NULL;
825  float c = 0;
826  float rating = 0;
828  // Detect needed ammo
829  if(item.itemdef.instanceOfWeaponPickup)
830  {
831  entity ammo = NULL;
832  if(GetResource(item, RES_SHELLS)) { need_shells = true; ammo = ITEM_Shells; }
833  else if(GetResource(item, RES_BULLETS)) { need_nails = true; ammo = ITEM_Bullets; }
834  else if(GetResource(item, RES_ROCKETS)) { need_rockets = true; ammo = ITEM_Rockets; }
835  else if(GetResource(item, RES_CELLS)) { need_cells = true; ammo = ITEM_Cells; }
836  else if(GetResource(item, RES_PLASMA)) { need_plasma = true; ammo = ITEM_Plasma; }
837  else if(GetResource(item, RES_FUEL)) { need_fuel = true; ammo = ITEM_JetpackFuel; }
839  if(!ammo)
840  return 0;
841  wpn = item;
842  rating = ammo.m_botvalue;
843  }
844  else
845  {
846  FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, {
847  if(!(STAT(WEAPONS, player) & (it.m_wepset)))
848  continue;
850  switch(it.ammo_type)
851  {
852  case RES_SHELLS: need_shells = true; break;
853  case RES_BULLETS: need_nails = true; break;
854  case RES_ROCKETS: need_rockets = true; break;
855  case RES_CELLS: need_cells = true; break;
856  case RES_PLASMA: need_plasma = true; break;
857  case RES_FUEL: need_fuel = true; break;
858  }
859  });
860  rating = item.bot_pickupbasevalue;
861  }
863  float noammorating = 0.5;
865  if ((need_shells) && GetResource(item, RES_SHELLS) && (GetResource(player, RES_SHELLS) < g_pickup_shells_max))
866  c = GetResource(item, RES_SHELLS) / max(noammorating, GetResource(player, RES_SHELLS));
868  if ((need_nails) && GetResource(item, RES_BULLETS) && (GetResource(player, RES_BULLETS) < g_pickup_nails_max))
869  c = GetResource(item, RES_BULLETS) / max(noammorating, GetResource(player, RES_BULLETS));
871  if ((need_rockets) && GetResource(item, RES_ROCKETS) && (GetResource(player, RES_ROCKETS) < g_pickup_rockets_max))
872  c = GetResource(item, RES_ROCKETS) / max(noammorating, GetResource(player, RES_ROCKETS));
874  if ((need_cells) && GetResource(item, RES_CELLS) && (GetResource(player, RES_CELLS) < g_pickup_cells_max))
875  c = GetResource(item, RES_CELLS) / max(noammorating, GetResource(player, RES_CELLS));
877  if ((need_plasma) && GetResource(item, RES_PLASMA) && (GetResource(player, RES_PLASMA) < g_pickup_plasma_max))
878  c = GetResource(item, RES_PLASMA) / max(noammorating, GetResource(player, RES_PLASMA));
880  if ((need_fuel) && GetResource(item, RES_FUEL) && (GetResource(player, RES_FUEL) < g_pickup_fuel_max))
881  c = GetResource(item, RES_FUEL) / max(noammorating, GetResource(player, RES_FUEL));
883  rating *= min(c, 2);
884  if(wpn)
885  rating += wpn.bot_pickupbasevalue * 0.1;
886  return rating;
887 }
float g_pickup_nails_max
Definition: world.qh:70
entity() spawn
float ammo
Definition: sv_turrets.qh:44
float g_pickup_rockets_max
Definition: world.qh:71
#define NULL
Definition: post.qh:17
float g_pickup_fuel_max
Definition: world.qh:74
float g_pickup_shells_max
Definition: world.qh:69
float GetResource(entity e, Resource res_type)
Returns the current amount of resource the given entity has.
Definition: cl_resources.qc:10
float g_pickup_plasma_max
Definition: world.qh:73
float g_pickup_cells_max
Definition: world.qh:72
#define FOREACH(list, cond, body)
Definition: iter.qh:19
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ generic_pickupevalfunc()

float generic_pickupevalfunc ( entity  player,
entity  item 

Definition at line 797 of file items.qc.

Referenced by buff_Init().

797 {return item.bot_pickupbasevalue;}
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GiveBit()

float GiveBit ( entity  e,
.float  fld,
float  bit,
float  op,
float  val 

◆ GiveItems()

float GiveItems ( entity  e,
float  beginarg,
float  endarg 

Definition at line 1504 of file items.qc.

References argv(), autocvar_g_balance_pause_armor_rot, autocvar_g_balance_pause_fuel_regen, autocvar_g_balance_pause_fuel_rot, autocvar_g_balance_pause_health_regen, autocvar_g_balance_pause_health_rot, autocvar_g_balance_superweapons_time, BIT, buff_Available(), Buff_UndeprecateName(), cmd(), CS_CVAR, FOREACH, g_weaponarena, GiveBit(), GiveResourceValue(), GiveStatusEffect(), GiveWeapon(), items, GameItem::m_id, max(), MAX_WEAPONSLOTS, OP_MAX, OP_MIN, OP_MINUS, OP_PLUS, OP_SET, pauseregen_finished, pauserotarmor_finished, pauserotfuel_finished, pauserothealth_finished, POSTGIVE_BIT, POSTGIVE_RES_ROT, POSTGIVE_RESOURCE, POSTGIVE_STATUSEFFECT, POSTGIVE_WEAPON, PREGIVE, PREGIVE_RESOURCE, PREGIVE_STATUSEFFECT, PREGIVE_WEAPONS, RES_HEALTH, stof(), time, w_getbestweapon, W_SwitchWeapon_Force(), W_UndeprecateName(), weaponentities, WEP_FLAG_MUTATORBLOCKED, WEP_FLAG_SPECIALATTACK, WepSet_FromWeapon, and WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS.

Referenced by CheatCommand(), and target_items_use().

1505 {
1506  float got, i, val, op;
1507  string cmd;
1509  val = 999;
1510  op = OP_SET;
1512  got = 0;
1514  int _switchweapon = 0;
1516  if(CS_CVAR(e).cvar_cl_autoswitch)
1517  {
1518  for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
1519  {
1520  .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
1521  if(e.(weaponentity).m_weapon != WEP_Null || slot == 0)
1522  if(e.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon == w_getbestweapon(e, weaponentity))
1523  _switchweapon |= BIT(slot);
1524  }
1525  }
1527  if(e.statuseffects)
1528  {
1529  FOREACH(StatusEffect, true,
1530  {
1531  e.statuseffects.statuseffect_time[it.m_id] = max(0, e.statuseffects.statuseffect_time[it.m_id] - time);
1532  });
1533  }
1535  PREGIVE(e, items);
1551  for(i = beginarg; i < endarg; ++i)
1552  {
1553  cmd = argv(i);
1555  if(cmd == "0" || stof(cmd))
1556  {
1557  val = stof(cmd);
1558  continue;
1559  }
1560  switch(cmd)
1561  {
1562  case "no":
1563  op = OP_MAX;
1564  val = 0;
1565  continue;
1566  case "max":
1567  op = OP_MAX;
1568  continue;
1569  case "min":
1570  op = OP_MIN;
1571  continue;
1572  case "plus":
1573  op = OP_PLUS;
1574  continue;
1575  case "minus":
1576  op = OP_MINUS;
1577  continue;
1578  case "ALL":
1579  got += GiveBit(e, items, ITEM_JetpackRegen.m_itemid, op, val);
1580  FOREACH(StatusEffect, it.instanceOfPowerups, got += GiveStatusEffect(e, it, op, val));
1581  got += GiveBit(e, items, IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO | IT_UNLIMITED_SUPERWEAPONS, op, val);
1582  case "all":
1583  got += GiveBit(e, items, ITEM_Jetpack.m_itemid, op, val);
1584  got += GiveResourceValue(e, RES_HEALTH, op, val);
1585  got += GiveResourceValue(e, RES_ARMOR, op, val);
1586  case "allweapons":
1587  FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null && !(it.spawnflags & (WEP_FLAG_MUTATORBLOCKED | WEP_FLAG_SPECIALATTACK)), got += GiveWeapon(e, it.m_id, op, val));
1588  //case "allbuffs": // all buffs makes a player god, do not want!
1589  //FOREACH(StatusEffect, it.instanceOfBuff, got += GiveBuff(e, it, op, val));
1590  case "allammo":
1591  got += GiveResourceValue(e, RES_CELLS, op, val);
1592  got += GiveResourceValue(e, RES_PLASMA, op, val);
1593  got += GiveResourceValue(e, RES_SHELLS, op, val);
1594  got += GiveResourceValue(e, RES_BULLETS, op, val);
1595  got += GiveResourceValue(e, RES_ROCKETS, op, val);
1596  got += GiveResourceValue(e, RES_FUEL, op, val);
1597  break;
1598  case "unlimited_ammo":
1599  // this is from a time when unlimited superweapons were handled together with ammo in some parts of the code
1600  got += GiveBit(e, items, IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO | IT_UNLIMITED_SUPERWEAPONS, op, val);
1601  break;
1602  case "unlimited_weapon_ammo":
1603  got += GiveBit(e, items, IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO, op, val);
1604  break;
1605  case "unlimited_superweapons":
1606  got += GiveBit(e, items, IT_UNLIMITED_SUPERWEAPONS, op, val);
1607  break;
1608  case "jetpack":
1609  got += GiveBit(e, items, ITEM_Jetpack.m_itemid, op, val);
1610  break;
1611  case "fuel_regen":
1612  got += GiveBit(e, items, ITEM_JetpackRegen.m_itemid, op, val);
1613  break;
1614  case "strength":
1615  got += GiveStatusEffect(e, STATUSEFFECT_Strength, op, val);
1616  break;
1617  case "invincible":
1618  case "shield":
1619  got += GiveStatusEffect(e, STATUSEFFECT_Shield, op, val);
1620  break;
1621  case "speed":
1622  got += GiveStatusEffect(e, STATUSEFFECT_Speed, op, val);
1623  break;
1624  case "invisibility":
1625  got += GiveStatusEffect(e, STATUSEFFECT_Invisibility, op, val);
1626  break;
1627  case "superweapons":
1628  got += GiveStatusEffect(e, STATUSEFFECT_Superweapons, op, val);
1629  break;
1630  case "cells":
1631  got += GiveResourceValue(e, RES_CELLS, op, val);
1632  break;
1633  case "plasma":
1634  got += GiveResourceValue(e, RES_PLASMA, op, val);
1635  break;
1636  case "shells":
1637  got += GiveResourceValue(e, RES_SHELLS, op, val);
1638  break;
1639  case "nails":
1640  case "bullets":
1641  got += GiveResourceValue(e, RES_BULLETS, op, val);
1642  break;
1643  case "rockets":
1644  got += GiveResourceValue(e, RES_ROCKETS, op, val);
1645  break;
1646  case "health":
1647  got += GiveResourceValue(e, RES_HEALTH, op, val);
1648  break;
1649  case "armor":
1650  got += GiveResourceValue(e, RES_ARMOR, op, val);
1651  break;
1652  case "fuel":
1653  got += GiveResourceValue(e, RES_FUEL, op, val);
1654  break;
1655  default:
1656  FOREACH(StatusEffect, it.instanceOfBuff && buff_Available(it) && Buff_UndeprecateName(cmd) == it.netname,
1657  {
1658  got += GiveBuff(e, it, op, val);
1659  break;
1660  });
1661  FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null && W_UndeprecateName(cmd) == it.netname, {
1662  got += GiveWeapon(e, it.m_id, op, val);
1663  break;
1664  });
1665  break;
1666  }
1667  val = 999;
1668  op = OP_SET;
1669  }
1671  POSTGIVE_BIT(e, items, ITEM_JetpackRegen.m_itemid, SND_ITEMPICKUP, SND_Null);
1674  POSTGIVE_BIT(e, items, ITEM_Jetpack.m_itemid, SND_ITEMPICKUP, SND_Null);
1675  FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, {
1677  if(!(save_weapons & (it.m_wepset)))
1678  if(STAT(WEAPONS, e) & (it.m_wepset))
1679  it.wr_init(it);
1680  });
1694  if(!StatusEffects_active(STATUSEFFECT_Superweapons, e))
1695  {
1696  if(!g_weaponarena && (STAT(WEAPONS, e) & WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS))
1697  StatusEffects_apply(STATUSEFFECT_Superweapons, e, autocvar_g_balance_superweapons_time, 0);
1698  }
1700  if(e.statuseffects)
1701  {
1702  FOREACH(StatusEffect, true,
1703  {
1704  if(e.statuseffects.statuseffect_time[it.m_id] <= 0)
1705  e.statuseffects.statuseffect_time[it.m_id] = 0;
1706  else
1707  e.statuseffects.statuseffect_time[it.m_id] += time;
1708  });
1710  StatusEffects_update(e);
1711  }
1713  for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
1714  {
1715  .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
1716  if(e.(weaponentity).m_weapon != WEP_Null || slot == 0)
1717  if(!(STAT(WEAPONS, e) & WepSet_FromWeapon(e.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon)))
1718  _switchweapon |= BIT(slot);
1719  }
1721  if(_switchweapon)
1722  {
1723  for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
1724  {
1725  .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
1726  if(_switchweapon & BIT(slot))
1727  {
1728  Weapon wep = w_getbestweapon(e, weaponentity);
1729  if(wep != e.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon)
1730  W_SwitchWeapon_Force(e, wep, weaponentity);
1731  }
1732  }
1733  }
1735  return got;
1736 }
float autocvar_g_balance_pause_armor_rot
Definition: sv_resources.qh:32
Definition: all.qh:307
#define POSTGIVE_RESOURCE(e, f, t, snd_incr, snd_decr)
Definition: items.qh:119
float autocvar_g_balance_superweapons_time
Definition: items.qh:6
void W_SwitchWeapon_Force(Player this, Weapon w,.entity weaponentity)
Definition: selection.qc:243
float autocvar_g_balance_pause_health_regen
Definition: sv_resources.qh:35
#define w_getbestweapon(ent, wepent)
Definition: selection.qh:23
#define PREGIVE_RESOURCE(e, f)
Definition: items.qh:115
#define CS_CVAR(this)
Definition: state.qh:51
float autocvar_g_balance_pause_fuel_regen
Definition: sv_resources.qh:33
#define POSTGIVE_RES_ROT(e, f, t, rotfield, rottime, regenfield, regentime, snd_incr, snd_decr)
Definition: items.qh:120
Definition: bits.qh:79
string Buff_UndeprecateName(string buffname)
Definition: all.inc:1
Definition: ent_cs.qc:126
Definition: bits.qh:78
bool GiveStatusEffect(entity e, StatusEffects this, int op, float val)
Definition: items.qc:1471
#define BIT(n)
Only ever assign into the first 24 bits in QC (so max is BIT(23)).
Definition: bits.qh:8
Definition: bits.qh:77
Definition: items.qh:114
Definition: weapon.qh:13
Definition: bits.qh:80
float pauserothealth_finished
Definition: client.qh:343
#define POSTGIVE_BIT(e, f, b, snd_incr, snd_decr)
Definition: items.qh:117
float pauserotfuel_finished
Definition: client.qh:345
float pauserotarmor_finished
Definition: client.qh:344
Definition: bits.qh:81
float autocvar_g_balance_pause_health_rot
Definition: sv_resources.qh:36
string W_UndeprecateName(string s)
Definition: all.qc:110
bool GiveResourceValue(entity e, Resource res_type, int op, int val)
Definition: items.qc:1454
Definition: weapon.qh:211
#define PREGIVE(e, f)
Definition: items.qh:113
float items
Definition: progsdefs.qc:145
entity weaponentities[MAX_WEAPONSLOTS]
Definition: weapon.qh:14
#define POSTGIVE_STATUSEFFECT(e, f, snd_incr, snd_decr)
Definition: items.qh:118
float pauseregen_finished
Definition: client.qh:342
float GiveWeapon(entity e, float wpn, float op, float val)
Definition: items.qc:1364
Definition: weapon.qh:203
#define WepSet_FromWeapon(it)
Definition: all.qh:38
ERASEABLE bool GiveBit(entity e,.int fld, int bit, int op, int val)
Definition: bits.qh:85
float buff_Available(entity buff)
Definition: sv_buffs.qc:257
fields which are explicitly/manually set are marked with "M", fields set automatically are marked wit...
Definition: weapon.qh:41
float time
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:16
#define FOREACH(list, cond, body)
Definition: iter.qh:19
Definition: items.qh:112
#define POSTGIVE_WEAPON(e, b, snd_incr, snd_decr)
Definition: items.qh:116
float g_weaponarena
Definition: world.qh:76
float autocvar_g_balance_pause_fuel_rot
Definition: sv_resources.qh:34
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GiveRandomWeapons()

void GiveRandomWeapons ( entity  receiver,
int  num_weapons,
string  weapon_names,
entity  ammo_entity 

Give several random weapons and ammo to the entity.

[in,out]receiverEntity to give weapons to.
[in]num_weaponsNumber of weapons to give.
[in]weapon_namesNames of weapons to give separated by spaces.
[in]ammoEntity containing the ammo amount for each possible weapon.
No return.

Definition at line 406 of file items.qc.

References argv(), FOREACH, GetResource(), GiveResource(), NULL, RandomSelection_chosen_ent, RandomSelection_Init(), tokenize_console, and weapon.

Referenced by PutPlayerInServer().

408 {
409  if (num_weapons == 0)
410  {
411  return;
412  }
413  int num_potential_weapons = tokenize_console(weapon_names);
414  for (int give_attempt = 0; give_attempt < num_weapons; ++give_attempt)
415  {
417  for (int weapon_index = 0; weapon_index < num_potential_weapons;
418  ++weapon_index)
419  {
420  string weapon = argv(weapon_index);
421  FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null,
422  {
423  // Finding a weapon which player doesn't have.
424  if (!(STAT(WEAPONS, receiver) & it.m_wepset) && (it.netname == weapon))
425  {
426  RandomSelection_AddEnt(it, 1, 1);
427  break;
428  }
429  });
430  }
432  {
433  return;
434  }
435  STAT(WEAPONS, receiver) |= RandomSelection_chosen_ent.m_wepset;
436  if (RandomSelection_chosen_ent.ammo_type == RES_NONE)
437  {
438  continue;
439  }
440  if (GetResource(receiver,
441  RandomSelection_chosen_ent.ammo_type) != 0)
442  {
443  continue;
444  }
445  GiveResource(receiver, RandomSelection_chosen_ent.ammo_type,
446  GetResource(ammo_entity,
447  RandomSelection_chosen_ent.ammo_type));
448  }
449 }
ERASEABLE void RandomSelection_Init()
Definition: random.qc:4
float weapon
Definition: progsdefs.qc:139
entity RandomSelection_chosen_ent
Definition: random.qh:5
#define NULL
Definition: post.qh:17
#define tokenize_console
Definition: dpextensions.qh:24
void GiveResource(entity receiver, Resource res_type, float amount)
Gives an entity some resource.
float GetResource(entity e, Resource res_type)
Returns the current amount of resource the given entity has.
Definition: cl_resources.qc:10
#define FOREACH(list, cond, body)
Definition: iter.qh:19
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GiveRot()

void GiveRot ( entity  e,
float  v0,
float  v1,
.float  rotfield,
float  rottime,
.float  regenfield,
float  regentime 

Definition at line 1447 of file items.qc.

References max(), and time.

1448 {
1449  if(v0 < v1)
1450  e.(rotfield) = max(e.(rotfield), time + rottime);
1451  else if(v0 > v1)
1452  e.(regenfield) = max(e.(regenfield), time + regentime);
1453 }
float time
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:16
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GiveSound()

void GiveSound ( entity  e,
float  v0,
float  v1,
float  t,
Sound  snd_incr,
Sound  snd_decr 

Definition at line 1431 of file items.qc.


1432 {
1433  if(v1 == v0)
1434  return;
1435  if(v1 <= v0 - t)
1436  {
1437  if(snd_decr != NULL)
1438  sound(e, CH_TRIGGER, snd_decr, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM);
1439  }
1440  else if(v0 >= v0 + t)
1441  {
1442  if(snd_incr != NULL)
1443  sound(e, ((snd_incr == SND_POWERUP) ? CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE : CH_TRIGGER), snd_incr, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM);
1444  }
1445 }
const int CH_TRIGGER
Definition: sound.qh:12
#define NULL
Definition: post.qh:17
const float VOL_BASE
Definition: sound.qh:36
const float ATTEN_NORM
Definition: sound.qh:30
Definition: sound.qh:13
#define sound(e, c, s, v, a)
Definition: sound.qh:52

◆ GiveValue()

float GiveValue ( entity  e,
.float  fld,
float  op,
float  val 

◆ GiveWeapon()

float GiveWeapon ( entity  e,
float  wpn,
float  op,
float  val 

Definition at line 1364 of file items.qc.

References OP_MAX, OP_MIN, OP_MINUS, OP_PLUS, OP_SET, REGISTRY_GET, and WepSet_FromWeapon.

Referenced by GiveItems().

1365 {
1366  WepSet v0, v1;
1367  WepSet s = WepSet_FromWeapon(REGISTRY_GET(Weapons, wpn));
1368  v0 = (STAT(WEAPONS, e) & s);
1369  switch(op)
1370  {
1371  case OP_SET:
1372  if(val > 0)
1373  STAT(WEAPONS, e) |= s;
1374  else
1375  STAT(WEAPONS, e) &= ~s;
1376  break;
1377  case OP_MIN:
1378  case OP_PLUS:
1379  if(val > 0)
1380  STAT(WEAPONS, e) |= s;
1381  break;
1382  case OP_MAX:
1383  if(val <= 0)
1384  STAT(WEAPONS, e) &= ~s;
1385  break;
1386  case OP_MINUS:
1387  if(val > 0)
1388  STAT(WEAPONS, e) &= ~s;
1389  break;
1390  }
1391  v1 = (STAT(WEAPONS, e) & s);
1392  return (v0 != v1);
1393 }
vector WepSet
Definition: weapon.qh:11
#define REGISTRY_GET(id, i)
Definition: registry.qh:43
Definition: bits.qh:79
Definition: bits.qh:78
Definition: bits.qh:77
Definition: bits.qh:80
Definition: bits.qh:81
#define WepSet_FromWeapon(it)
Definition: all.qh:38
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ have_pickup_item()

bool have_pickup_item ( entity  this)

Definition at line 98 of file items.qc.

References autocvar_g_pickup_items, autocvar_g_powerups, g_weaponarena, and itemdef.

Referenced by _StartItem().

99 {
100  if(this.itemdef.instanceOfPowerup)
101  {
102  if(autocvar_g_powerups > 0)
103  return true;
104  if(autocvar_g_powerups == 0)
105  return false;
106  }
107  else
108  {
110  return true;
111  if(autocvar_g_pickup_items == 0)
112  return false;
113  if(g_weaponarena)
114  if(STAT(WEAPONS, this) || this.itemdef.instanceOfAmmo) // no item or ammo pickups in weaponarena
115  return false;
116  }
117  return true;
118 }
int autocvar_g_powerups
Definition: sv_powerups.qh:7
entity itemdef
Definition: items.qh:94
int autocvar_g_pickup_items
Definition: items.qh:11
float g_weaponarena
Definition: world.qh:76
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ healtharmor_pickupevalfunc()

float healtharmor_pickupevalfunc ( entity  player,
entity  item 

Definition at line 889 of file items.qc.

References GetResource(), max(), min(), and RES_HEALTH.

890 {
891  float c = 0;
892  float rating = item.bot_pickupbasevalue;
894  float itemarmor = GetResource(item, RES_ARMOR);
895  float itemhealth = GetResource(item, RES_HEALTH);
897  if(item.item_group)
898  {
899  itemarmor *= min(4, item.item_group_count);
900  itemhealth *= min(4, item.item_group_count);
901  }
903  if (itemarmor && (GetResource(player, RES_ARMOR) < item.max_armorvalue))
904  c = itemarmor / max(1, GetResource(player, RES_ARMOR) * 2/3 + GetResource(player, RES_HEALTH) * 1/3);
906  if (itemhealth && (GetResource(player, RES_HEALTH) < item.max_health))
907  c = itemhealth / max(1, GetResource(player, RES_HEALTH));
909  rating *= min(2, c);
910  return rating;
911 }
Definition: ent_cs.qc:126
float GetResource(entity e, Resource res_type)
Returns the current amount of resource the given entity has.
Definition: cl_resources.qc:10
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Item_FindTeam()

void Item_FindTeam ( entity  this)

Definition at line 749 of file items.qc.

References EF_NODRAW, effects, entity(), ftos(), g_items, IL_EACH, LOG_TRACE, RandomSelection_chosen_ent, RandomSelection_Init(), and team.

Referenced by _StartItem().

750 {
751  entity e;
753  if(this.effects & EF_NODRAW)
754  {
755  // marker for item team search
756  LOG_TRACE("Initializing item team ", ftos(this.team));
758  IL_EACH(g_items, it.team == this.team,
759  {
760  if(it.itemdef) // is a registered item
761  RandomSelection_AddEnt(it, it.cnt, 0);
762  });
765  if (!e)
766  return;
768  IL_EACH(g_items, it.team == this.team,
769  {
770  if(it.itemdef) // is a registered item
771  {
772  if(it != e)
773  {
774  // make it non-spawned
775  Item_Show(it, -1);
776  it.state = 1; // state 1 = initially hidden item, apparently
777  }
778  else
779  Item_Reset(it);
780  it.effects &= ~EF_NODRAW;
781  }
782  });
783  }
784 }
#define IL_EACH(this, cond, body)
int team
Definition: main.qh:157
ERASEABLE void RandomSelection_Init()
Definition: random.qc:4
entity() spawn
float effects
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:111
const float EF_NODRAW
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:305
entity RandomSelection_chosen_ent
Definition: random.qh:5
IntrusiveList g_items
Definition: items.qh:126
#define LOG_TRACE(...)
Definition: log.qh:81
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Item_GiveAmmoTo()

bool Item_GiveAmmoTo ( entity  item,
entity  player,
Resource  res_type,
float  ammomax 

Definition at line 451 of file items.qc.

References g_weapon_stay, GetResource(), GiveResourceWithLimit(), min(), and TakeResourceWithLimit().

Referenced by Item_GiveTo().

452 {
453  float amount = GetResource(item, res_type);
454  if (amount == 0)
455  {
456  return false;
457  }
458  float player_amount = GetResource(player, res_type);
459  if (item.spawnshieldtime)
460  {
461  if ((player_amount >= ammomax) && (item.pickup_anyway <= 0))
462  return false;
463  }
464  else if (g_weapon_stay == 2)
465  {
466  ammomax = min(amount, ammomax);
467  if(player_amount >= ammomax)
468  return false;
469  }
470  else
471  return false;
472  if (amount < 0)
473  TakeResourceWithLimit(player, res_type, -amount, ammomax);
474  else
475  GiveResourceWithLimit(player, res_type, amount, ammomax);
476  return true;
477 }
void TakeResourceWithLimit(entity receiver, Resource res_type, float amount, float limit)
Takes an entity some resource but not less than a limit.
Definition: cl_resources.qc:40
void GiveResourceWithLimit(entity receiver, Resource res_type, float amount, float limit)
Gives an entity some resource but not more than a limit.
float GetResource(entity e, Resource res_type)
Returns the current amount of resource the given entity has.
Definition: cl_resources.qc:10
float g_weapon_stay
Definition: world.qh:112
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Item_GiveTo()

bool Item_GiveTo ( entity  item,
entity  player 

Definition at line 479 of file items.qc.

References autocvar_g_powerups_stack, BIT, CS_CVAR, FOREACH, g_cts, g_pickup_cells_max, g_pickup_fuel_max, g_pickup_nails_max, g_pickup_plasma_max, g_pickup_rockets_max, g_pickup_shells_max, Item_GiveAmmoTo(), GameItem::m_id, max(), MAX_WEAPONSLOTS, REGISTRY_GET, RES_HEALTH, time, w_getbestweapon, W_GiveWeapon(), W_SwitchWeapon_Force(), weaponentities, and WepSet_FromWeapon.

Referenced by WeaponPickup::WeaponPickup ::WeaponPickup().

480 {
481  // if nothing happens to player, just return without taking the item
482  int _switchweapon = 0;
483  // in case the player has autoswitch enabled do the following:
484  // if the player is using their best weapon before items are given, they
485  // probably want to switch to an even better weapon after items are given
487  if(CS_CVAR(player).cvar_cl_autoswitch)
488  {
489  for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
490  {
491  .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
492  if(player.(weaponentity).m_weapon != WEP_Null || slot == 0)
493  {
494  if(player.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon == w_getbestweapon(player, weaponentity))
495  _switchweapon |= BIT(slot);
497  if(!(STAT(WEAPONS, player) & WepSet_FromWeapon(player.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon)))
498  _switchweapon |= BIT(slot);
499  }
500  }
501  }
502  bool pickedup = false;
503  pickedup |= Item_GiveAmmoTo(item, player, RES_HEALTH, item.max_health);
504  pickedup |= Item_GiveAmmoTo(item, player, RES_ARMOR, item.max_armorvalue);
505  pickedup |= Item_GiveAmmoTo(item, player, RES_SHELLS, g_pickup_shells_max);
506  pickedup |= Item_GiveAmmoTo(item, player, RES_BULLETS, g_pickup_nails_max);
507  pickedup |= Item_GiveAmmoTo(item, player, RES_ROCKETS, g_pickup_rockets_max);
508  pickedup |= Item_GiveAmmoTo(item, player, RES_CELLS, g_pickup_cells_max);
509  pickedup |= Item_GiveAmmoTo(item, player, RES_PLASMA, g_pickup_plasma_max);
510  pickedup |= Item_GiveAmmoTo(item, player, RES_FUEL, g_pickup_fuel_max);
511  if (item.itemdef.instanceOfWeaponPickup)
512  {
513  WepSet w;
514  w = STAT(WEAPONS, item);
515  w &= ~STAT(WEAPONS, player);
517  if (w || (item.spawnshieldtime && item.pickup_anyway > 0))
518  {
519  pickedup = true;
520  FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, {
521  if(w & (it.m_wepset))
522  {
523  for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
524  {
525  .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
526  if(player.(weaponentity).m_weapon != WEP_Null || slot == 0)
527  W_DropEvent(wr_pickup, player, it.m_id, item, weaponentity);
528  }
529  W_GiveWeapon(player, it.m_id);
530  }
531  });
532  }
533  }
535  if (item.itemdef.instanceOfPowerup)
536  {
537  if ((item.itemdef == ITEM_JetpackRegen) && !(player.items & IT_FUEL_REGEN))
539  else if ((item.itemdef == ITEM_Jetpack) && !(player.items & IT_JETPACK))
540  Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, player, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_ITEM_JETPACK_GOT);
541  }
543  int its;
544  if((its = (item.items - (item.items & player.items)) & IT_PICKUPMASK))
545  {
546  pickedup = true;
547  player.items |= its;
548  // TODO: we probably want to show a message in the console, but not this one!
549  //Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, player, MSG_INFO, INFO_ITEM_WEAPON_GOT, item.netname);
550  }
552  if (item.strength_finished)
553  {
554  pickedup = true;
555  float t = max(StatusEffects_gettime(STATUSEFFECT_Strength, player), time);
557  t += item.strength_finished;
558  else
559  t = max(t, time + item.strength_finished);
560  StatusEffects_apply(STATUSEFFECT_Strength, player, t, 0);
561  }
562  if (item.invincible_finished)
563  {
564  pickedup = true;
565  float t = max(StatusEffects_gettime(STATUSEFFECT_Shield, player), time);
567  t += item.invincible_finished;
568  else
569  t = max(t, time + item.invincible_finished);
570  StatusEffects_apply(STATUSEFFECT_Shield, player, t, 0);
571  }
572  if (item.speed_finished)
573  {
574  pickedup = true;
575  float t = max(StatusEffects_gettime(STATUSEFFECT_Speed, player), time);
577  t += item.speed_finished;
578  else
579  t = max(t, time + item.speed_finished);
580  StatusEffects_apply(STATUSEFFECT_Speed, player, t, 0);
581  }
582  if (item.invisibility_finished)
583  {
584  pickedup = true;
585  float t = max(StatusEffects_gettime(STATUSEFFECT_Invisibility, player), time);
587  t += item.invisibility_finished;
588  else
589  t = max(t, time + item.invisibility_finished);
590  StatusEffects_apply(STATUSEFFECT_Invisibility, player, t, 0);
591  }
592  if (item.superweapons_finished)
593  {
594  pickedup = true;
595  StatusEffects_apply(STATUSEFFECT_Superweapons, player, max(StatusEffects_gettime(STATUSEFFECT_Superweapons, player), time) + item.superweapons_finished, 0);
596  }
598  // always eat teamed entities
599  if(item.team)
600  pickedup = true;
602  if (!pickedup)
603  return false;
605  // crude hack to enforce switching weapons
606  if(g_cts && item.itemdef.instanceOfWeaponPickup && !CS_CVAR(player).cvar_cl_cts_noautoswitch)
607  {
608  for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
609  {
610  .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
611  if(player.(weaponentity).m_weapon != WEP_Null || slot == 0)
612  W_SwitchWeapon_Force(player, REGISTRY_GET(Weapons, item.weapon), weaponentity);
613  }
614  return true;
615  }
617  if(_switchweapon)
618  {
619  for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
620  {
621  .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
622  if(_switchweapon & BIT(slot))
623  if(player.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon != w_getbestweapon(player, weaponentity))
624  W_SwitchWeapon_Force(player, w_getbestweapon(player, weaponentity), weaponentity);
625  }
626  }
628  return true;
629 }
vector WepSet
Definition: weapon.qh:11
void W_SwitchWeapon_Force(Player this, Weapon w,.entity weaponentity)
Definition: selection.qc:243
#define w_getbestweapon(ent, wepent)
Definition: selection.qh:23
float g_pickup_nails_max
Definition: world.qh:70
#define REGISTRY_GET(id, i)
Definition: registry.qh:43
#define CS_CVAR(this)
Definition: state.qh:51
Definition: ent_cs.qc:126
#define BIT(n)
Only ever assign into the first 24 bits in QC (so max is BIT(23)).
Definition: bits.qh:8
#define g_cts
Definition: cts.qh:36
void W_GiveWeapon(entity e, int wep)
Definition: common.qc:33
Definition: weapon.qh:13
float g_pickup_rockets_max
Definition: world.qh:71
bool autocvar_g_powerups_stack
Definition: sv_powerups.qh:9
float g_pickup_fuel_max
Definition: world.qh:74
float g_pickup_shells_max
Definition: world.qh:69
float g_pickup_plasma_max
Definition: world.qh:73
bool Item_GiveAmmoTo(entity item, entity player, Resource res_type, float ammomax)
Definition: items.qc:451
entity weaponentities[MAX_WEAPONSLOTS]
Definition: weapon.qh:14
#define WepSet_FromWeapon(it)
Definition: all.qh:38
float g_pickup_cells_max
Definition: world.qh:72
float time
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:16
#define FOREACH(list, cond, body)
Definition: iter.qh:19
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Item_Reset()

void Item_Reset ( entity  this)

Definition at line 728 of file items.qc.

References Item_IsLoot(), Item_ScheduleInitialRespawn(), Item_Show(), Item_Think(), itemdef, nextthink, origin, setorigin(), setthink, state, time, and WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS.

Referenced by _StartItem().

729 {
730  Item_Show(this, !this.state);
731  setorigin(this, this.origin);
733  if (Item_IsLoot(this))
734  {
735  return;
736  }
737  setthink(this, Item_Think);
738  this.nextthink = time;
739  if (this.waypointsprite_attached)
740  {
741  WaypointSprite_Kill(this.waypointsprite_attached);
742  }
743  if (this.itemdef.instanceOfPowerup || (STAT(WEAPONS, this) & WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS)) // do not spawn powerups initially!
744  {
746  }
747 }
float state
Definition: subs.qh:32
Definition: all.qh:307
void Item_Think(entity this)
Definition: items.qc:185
void Item_ScheduleInitialRespawn(entity e)
Definition: items.qc:371
Definition: ent_cs.qc:114
entity itemdef
Definition: items.qh:94
float nextthink
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:121
void Item_Show(entity e, int mode)
Definition: items.qc:120
setorigin(ent, v)
bool Item_IsLoot(entity item)
Returns whether the item is loot.
Definition: spawning.qc:121
#define setthink(e, f)
float time
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:16
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Item_Respawn()

void Item_Respawn ( entity  this)

Definition at line 198 of file items.qc.

References ATTEN_NORM, CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS, CH_TRIGGER, Item_ItemsTime_Allow(), Item_ItemsTime_SetTime(), Item_ItemsTime_SetTimesForAllPlayers(), Item_ItemsTime_UpdateTime(), Item_Show(), Item_Think(), itemdef, nextthink, origin, setorigin(), setthink, sound, time, VOL_BASE, and WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS.

Referenced by Item_RespawnCountdown(), and Item_RespawnThink().

199 {
200  Item_Show(this, 1);
201  sound(this, CH_TRIGGER, this.itemdef.m_respawnsound, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); // play respawn sound
202  setorigin(this, this.origin);
204  if (Item_ItemsTime_Allow(this.itemdef) || (STAT(WEAPONS, this) & WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS))
205  {
206  float t = Item_ItemsTime_UpdateTime(this, 0);
207  Item_ItemsTime_SetTime(this, t);
209  }
211  setthink(this, Item_Think);
212  this.nextthink = time;
214  //Send_Effect(EFFECT_ITEM_RESPAWN, this.origin + this.mins_z * '0 0 1' + '0 0 48', '0 0 0', 1);
215  Send_Effect(EFFECT_ITEM_RESPAWN, CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(this), '0 0 0', 1);
216 }
void Item_ItemsTime_SetTime(entity e, float t)
Definition: all.qh:307
void Item_Think(entity this)
Definition: items.qc:185
void Item_ItemsTime_SetTimesForAllPlayers()
bool Item_ItemsTime_Allow(GameItem it)
Definition: itemstime.qc:64
Definition: ent_cs.qc:114
float Item_ItemsTime_UpdateTime(entity e, float t)
const int CH_TRIGGER
Definition: sound.qh:12
entity itemdef
Definition: items.qh:94
const float VOL_BASE
Definition: sound.qh:36
const float ATTEN_NORM
Definition: sound.qh:30
float nextthink
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:121
#define CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(ent)
Definition: utils.qh:28
void Item_Show(entity e, int mode)
Definition: items.qc:120
setorigin(ent, v)
#define setthink(e, f)
#define sound(e, c, s, v, a)
Definition: sound.qh:52
float time
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:16
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Item_RespawnCountdown()

void Item_RespawnCountdown ( entity  this)

Definition at line 218 of file items.qc.

References ATTEN_NORM, CH_TRIGGER, entity(), FOREACH_CLIENT, IS_REAL_CLIENT, Item_ItemsTime_SpectatorOnly(), Item_Respawn(), ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS, Item_RespawnCountdown(), item_respawncounter, itemdef, msg_entity, MSG_ONE, MUTATOR_CALLHOOK, nextthink, NULL, REGISTRY_GET, SND, SPRITERULE_SPECTATOR, time, VOL_BASE, and weapon.

Referenced by Item_RespawnCountdown(), and Item_ScheduleRespawnIn().

219 {
221  {
222  if(this.waypointsprite_attached)
223  WaypointSprite_Kill(this.waypointsprite_attached);
224  Item_Respawn(this);
225  }
226  else
227  {
228  this.nextthink = time + 1;
229  this.item_respawncounter += 1;
230  if(this.item_respawncounter == 1)
231  {
232  do {
233  {
234  entity wi = REGISTRY_GET(Weapons, this.weapon);
235  if (wi != WEP_Null) {
236  entity wp = WaypointSprite_Spawn(WP_Weapon, 0, 0, this, '0 0 64', NULL, 0, this, waypointsprite_attached, true, RADARICON_Weapon);
237  wp.wp_extra = wi.m_id;
238  break;
239  }
240  }
241  {
242  entity ii = this.itemdef;
243  if (ii != NULL) {
244  entity wp = WaypointSprite_Spawn(WP_Item, 0, 0, this, '0 0 64', NULL, 0, this, waypointsprite_attached, true, RADARICON_Item);
245  wp.wp_extra = ii.m_id;
246  break;
247  }
248  }
249  } while (0);
250  bool mutator_returnvalue = MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(Item_RespawnCountdown, this);
251  if(this.waypointsprite_attached)
252  {
253  GameItem def = this.itemdef;
254  if (Item_ItemsTime_SpectatorOnly(def) && !mutator_returnvalue)
255  WaypointSprite_UpdateRule(this.waypointsprite_attached, 0, SPRITERULE_SPECTATOR);
256  WaypointSprite_UpdateBuildFinished(this.waypointsprite_attached, time + ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS);
257  }
258  }
260  if(this.waypointsprite_attached)
261  {
263  if(this.waypointsprite_attached.waypointsprite_visible_for_player(this.waypointsprite_attached, it, it))
264  {
265  msg_entity = it;
266  soundto(MSG_ONE, this, CH_TRIGGER, SND(ITEMRESPAWNCOUNTDOWN), VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM, 0); // play respawn sound
267  }
268  });
270  WaypointSprite_Ping(this.waypointsprite_attached);
271  //WaypointSprite_UpdateHealth(this.waypointsprite_attached, this.item_respawncounter);
272  }
273  }
274 }
#define SND(id)
Definition: all.qh:35
float item_respawncounter
Definition: items.qh:40
entity() spawn
#define REGISTRY_GET(id, i)
Definition: registry.qh:43
void Item_Respawn(entity this)
Definition: items.qc:198
#define FOREACH_CLIENT(cond, body)
Definition: utils.qh:49
#define IS_REAL_CLIENT(v)
Definition: utils.qh:17
entity msg_entity
Definition: progsdefs.qc:63
float weapon
Definition: progsdefs.qc:139
const int CH_TRIGGER
Definition: sound.qh:12
Definition: items.qh:24
#define NULL
Definition: post.qh:17
entity itemdef
Definition: items.qh:94
const float VOL_BASE
Definition: sound.qh:36
const float ATTEN_NORM
Definition: sound.qh:30
float nextthink
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:121
bool Item_ItemsTime_SpectatorOnly(GameItem it)
Definition: itemstime.qc:56
void Item_RespawnCountdown(entity this)
Definition: items.qc:218
#define MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(id,...)
Definition: base.qh:140
float time
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:16
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Item_ScheduleInitialRespawn()

void Item_ScheduleInitialRespawn ( entity  e)

Definition at line 371 of file items.qc.

References floor(), ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS, Item_ScheduleRespawnIn(), Item_Show(), max(), random(), and time.

Referenced by Item_Reset().

372 {
373  Item_Show(e, 0);
375  float spawn_in;
376  if (autocvar_g_pickup_respawntime_initial_random == 0)
377  {
378  // range: respawntime .. respawntime + respawntimejitter
379  spawn_in = e.respawntime + random() * e.respawntimejitter;
380  }
381  else
382  {
383  float rnd;
384  if (autocvar_g_pickup_respawntime_initial_random == 1)
385  {
386  static float shared_random = 0;
387  // NOTE this code works only if items are scheduled at the same time (normal case)
388  // NOTE2 random() can't return exactly 1 so this check always work as intended
389  if (!shared_random || floor(time) > shared_random)
390  shared_random = floor(time) + random();
391  rnd = shared_random - floor(time);
392  }
393  else
394  rnd = random();
396  // range:
397  // if respawntime >= ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS: ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS .. respawntime + respawntimejitter
398  // else: 0 .. ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS
399  // this is to prevent powerups spawning unexpectedly without waypoints
400  spawn_in = ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS + rnd * (e.respawntime + e.respawntimejitter - ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS);
401  }
403  Item_ScheduleRespawnIn(e, max(0, game_starttime - time) + ((e.respawntimestart) ? e.respawntimestart : spawn_in));
404 }
void Item_ScheduleRespawnIn(entity e, float t)
Definition: items.qc:286
Definition: items.qh:24
void Item_Show(entity e, int mode)
Definition: items.qc:120
float time
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:16
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Item_ScheduleRespawn()

void Item_ScheduleRespawn ( entity  e)

Definition at line 351 of file items.qc.

References adjust_respawntime(), AUTOCVAR(), crandom, Item_ScheduleRespawnIn(), and Item_Show().

Referenced by Item_ScheduleRespawnIn(), Item_Touch(), and MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION().

352 {
353  if(e.respawntime > 0)
354  {
355  Item_Show(e, 0);
357  float adjusted_respawntime = adjust_respawntime(e.respawntime);
358  //LOG_INFOF("item %s will respawn in %f", e.classname, adjusted_respawntime);
360  // range: adjusted_respawntime - respawntimejitter .. adjusted_respawntime + respawntimejitter
361  float respawn_in = adjusted_respawntime + crandom() * e.respawntimejitter;
362  Item_ScheduleRespawnIn(e, respawn_in);
363  }
364  else // if respawntime is -1, this item does not respawn
365  Item_Show(e, -1);
366 }
void Item_ScheduleRespawnIn(entity e, float t)
Definition: items.qc:286
#define crandom()
Returns a random number between -1.0 and 1.0.
Definition: math.qh:27
void Item_Show(entity e, int mode)
Definition: items.qc:120
float adjust_respawntime(float normal_respawntime)
Adjust respawn time according to the number of players.
Definition: items.qc:323
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Item_ScheduleRespawnIn()

void Item_ScheduleRespawnIn ( entity  e,
float  t 

Definition at line 286 of file items.qc.

References AUTOCVAR(), Item_ItemsTime_Allow(), Item_ItemsTime_SetTime(), Item_ItemsTime_SetTimesForAllPlayers(), Item_ItemsTime_UpdateTime(), ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS, Item_RespawnCountdown(), Item_RespawnThink(), Item_ScheduleRespawn(), max(), MUTATOR_CALLHOOK, setthink, time, and WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS.

Referenced by Item_ScheduleInitialRespawn(), and Item_ScheduleRespawn().

287 {
288  // if the respawn time is longer than 10 seconds, show a waypoint, otherwise, just respawn normally
289  if ((Item_ItemsTime_Allow(e.itemdef) || (STAT(WEAPONS, e) & WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS) || MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(Item_ScheduleRespawn, e, t)) && (t - ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS) > 0)
290  {
292  e.nextthink = time + max(0, t - ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS);
293  e.scheduledrespawntime = e.nextthink + ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS;
294  e.item_respawncounter = 0;
295  if(Item_ItemsTime_Allow(e.itemdef) || (STAT(WEAPONS, e) & WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS))
296  {
297  t = Item_ItemsTime_UpdateTime(e, e.scheduledrespawntime);
300  }
301  }
302  else
303  {
305  e.nextthink = time;
306  e.scheduledrespawntime = time + t;
307  e.wait = time + t;
309  if(Item_ItemsTime_Allow(e.itemdef) || (STAT(WEAPONS, e) & WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS))
310  {
311  t = Item_ItemsTime_UpdateTime(e, e.scheduledrespawntime);
314  }
315  }
316 }
void Item_ItemsTime_SetTime(entity e, float t)
Definition: all.qh:307
void Item_ItemsTime_SetTimesForAllPlayers()
bool Item_ItemsTime_Allow(GameItem it)
Definition: itemstime.qc:64
float Item_ItemsTime_UpdateTime(entity e, float t)
Definition: items.qh:24
void Item_RespawnCountdown(entity this)
Definition: items.qc:218
#define MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(id,...)
Definition: base.qh:140
#define setthink(e, f)
float time
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:16
void Item_ScheduleRespawn(entity e)
Definition: items.qc:351
void Item_RespawnThink(entity this)
Definition: items.qc:276
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Item_Show()

void Item_Show ( entity  e,
int  mode 

Definition at line 120 of file items.qc.

References autocvar_g_fullbrightitems, autocvar_g_nodepthtestitems, autocvar_sv_simple_items, EF_ADDITIVE, EF_FULLBRIGHT, EF_NODEPTHTEST, EF_STARDUST, entity(), g_weapon_stay, setorigin(), SOLID_NOT, SOLID_TRIGGER, string_null, and WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS.

Referenced by Item_Reset(), Item_Respawn(), Item_ScheduleInitialRespawn(), Item_ScheduleRespawn(), and Item_Touch().

121 {
123  e.ItemStatus &= ~ITS_STAYWEP;
124  entity def = e.itemdef;
125  if (mode > 0)
126  {
127  // make the item look normal, and be touchable
128  e.model = e.mdl;
129  e.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
130  e.spawnshieldtime = 1;
131  e.ItemStatus |= ITS_AVAILABLE;
132  }
133  else if (mode < 0)
134  {
135  // hide the item completely
136  e.model = string_null;
137  e.solid = SOLID_NOT;
138  e.spawnshieldtime = 1;
139  e.ItemStatus &= ~ITS_AVAILABLE;
140  }
141  else
142  {
143  bool nostay = def.instanceOfWeaponPickup ? !!(def.m_weapon.m_wepset & WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS) : false // no weapon-stay on superweapons
144  || e.team // weapon stay isn't supported for teamed weapons
145  ;
146  if(def.instanceOfWeaponPickup && !nostay && g_weapon_stay)
147  {
148  // make the item translucent and not touchable
149  e.model = e.mdl;
150  e.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; // can STILL be picked up!
151  e.effects |= EF_STARDUST;
152  e.spawnshieldtime = 0; // field indicates whether picking it up may give you anything other than the weapon
153  e.ItemStatus |= (ITS_AVAILABLE | ITS_STAYWEP);
154  }
155  else
156  {
157  //setmodel(e, "null");
158  e.solid = SOLID_NOT;
159  e.colormod = '0 0 0';
160  //e.glowmod = e.colormod;
161  e.spawnshieldtime = 1;
162  e.ItemStatus &= ~ITS_AVAILABLE;
163  }
164  }
166  if (def.m_glow)
167  e.ItemStatus |= ITS_GLOW;
170  e.effects |= EF_NODEPTHTEST;
173  e.ItemStatus |= ITS_ALLOWFB;
174  else
175  e.ItemStatus &= ~ITS_ALLOWFB;
178  e.ItemStatus |= ITS_ALLOWSI;
180  // relink entity (because solid may have changed)
181  setorigin(e, e.origin);
182  e.SendFlags |= ISF_STATUS;
183 }
const float SOLID_NOT
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:244
Definition: all.qh:307
float autocvar_sv_simple_items
Definition: items.qh:19
string string_null
Definition: nil.qh:9
entity() spawn
bool autocvar_g_fullbrightitems
Definition: items.qh:7
const float EF_NODEPTHTEST
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:304
const float EF_ADDITIVE
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:300
const float EF_FULLBRIGHT
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:303
bool autocvar_g_nodepthtestitems
Definition: items.qh:12
const float SOLID_TRIGGER
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:245
float g_weapon_stay
Definition: world.qh:112
setorigin(ent, v)
const float EF_STARDUST
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:308
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Item_Touch()

void Item_Touch ( entity  this,
entity  toucher 

Definition at line 631 of file items.qc.

References _sound, ATTEN_NORM, CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS, CH_TRIGGER, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, entity(), g_items, IL_EACH, IS_DEAD, ITEM_HANDLE, Item_IsExpiring(), Item_IsLoot(), item_pickupsound_ent, Item_ScheduleRespawn(), Item_Show(), item_spawnshieldtime, ITEM_TOUCH_NEEDKILL, itemdef, LABEL, M_ARGV, max(), MUT_ITEMTOUCH_PICKUP, MUT_ITEMTOUCH_RETURN, MUTATOR_CALLHOOK, NULL, owner, RandomSelection_chosen_ent, RandomSelection_Init(), solid, SOLID_TRIGGER, Sound_fixpath, spawnshieldtime, SUB_UseTargets(), superweapons_finished, target, team, time, and VOL_BASE.

Referenced by _StartItem().

632 {
633  // remove the item if it's currnetly in a NODROP brush or hits a NOIMPACT surface (such as sky)
634  if (Item_IsLoot(this))
635  {
637  {
638  delete(this);
639  return;
640  }
641  }
643  if(!(toucher.flags & FL_PICKUPITEMS)
644  || STAT(FROZEN, toucher)
645  || IS_DEAD(toucher)
646  || (this.solid != SOLID_TRIGGER)
647  || (this.owner == toucher)
648  || (time < this.item_spawnshieldtime)
649  ) { return; }
651  switch (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ItemTouch, this, toucher))
652  {
653  case MUT_ITEMTOUCH_RETURN: { return; }
654  case MUT_ITEMTOUCH_PICKUP: { toucher = M_ARGV(1, entity); goto pickup; }
655  }
657  toucher = M_ARGV(1, entity);
659  if (Item_IsExpiring(this))
660  {
661  this.strength_finished = max(0, this.strength_finished - time);
662  this.invincible_finished = max(0, this.invincible_finished - time);
663  this.speed_finished = max(0, this.speed_finished - time);
664  this.invisibility_finished = max(0, this.invisibility_finished - time);
666  }
667  bool gave = ITEM_HANDLE(Pickup, this.itemdef, this, toucher);
668  if (!gave)
669  {
670  if (Item_IsExpiring(this))
671  {
672  // undo what we did above
673  this.strength_finished += time;
674  this.invincible_finished += time;
675  this.speed_finished += time;
676  this.invisibility_finished += time;
677  this.superweapons_finished += time;
678  }
679  return;
680  }
682 LABEL(pickup)
684  if(this.target && this.target != "" && this.target != "###item###") // defrag support
685  SUB_UseTargets(this, toucher, NULL);
687  STAT(LAST_PICKUP, toucher) = time;
689  Send_Effect(EFFECT_ITEM_PICKUP, CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(this), '0 0 0', 1);
690  _sound (toucher, (this.itemdef.instanceOfPowerup ? CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE : CH_TRIGGER), (this.item_pickupsound ? this.item_pickupsound : Sound_fixpath(this.item_pickupsound_ent)), VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM);
692  MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ItemTouched, this, toucher);
693  if (wasfreed(this))
694  {
695  return;
696  }
698  if (Item_IsLoot(this))
699  {
700  delete(this);
701  return;
702  }
703  if (!this.spawnshieldtime)
704  {
705  return;
706  }
707  entity e;
708  if (this.team)
709  {
711  IL_EACH(g_items, it.team == this.team,
712  {
713  if (it.itemdef) // is a registered item
714  {
715  Item_Show(it, -1);
716  it.scheduledrespawntime = 0;
717  RandomSelection_AddEnt(it, it.cnt, 0);
718  }
719  });
721  Item_Show(e, 1); // reset its state so it is visible (extra sendflags doesn't matter, this happens anyway)
722  }
723  else
724  e = this;
726 }
#define IL_EACH(this, cond, body)
float spawnshieldtime
Definition: damage.qh:64
#define Sound_fixpath(this)
Definition: sound.qh:141
int team
Definition: main.qh:157
ERASEABLE void RandomSelection_Init()
Definition: random.qc:4
entity() spawn
void SUB_UseTargets(entity this, entity actor, entity trigger)
Definition: triggers.qc:366
Definition: pickup.qh:22
float item_spawnshieldtime
Definition: items.qh:47
entity owner
Definition: main.qh:73
const int CH_TRIGGER
Definition: sound.qh:12
entity RandomSelection_chosen_ent
Definition: random.qh:5
IntrusiveList g_items
Definition: items.qh:126
#define NULL
Definition: post.qh:17
entity itemdef
Definition: items.qh:94
const float VOL_BASE
Definition: sound.qh:36
#define M_ARGV(x, type)
Definition: events.qh:17
#define IS_DEAD(s)
Definition: utils.qh:26
const float ATTEN_NORM
Definition: sound.qh:30
Definition: sound.qh:13
#define CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(ent)
Definition: utils.qh:28
float superweapons_finished
Definition: items.qh:44
Definition: items.qh:129
#define ITEM_HANDLE(signal,...)
Definition: item.qh:103
#define _sound(e, c, s, v, a)
Definition: sound.qh:50
const float SOLID_TRIGGER
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:245
void Item_Show(entity e, int mode)
Definition: items.qc:120
#define MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(id,...)
Definition: base.qh:140
#define LABEL(id)
Definition: compiler.qh:36
bool Item_IsLoot(entity item)
Returns whether the item is loot.
Definition: spawning.qc:121
string target
Definition: progsdefs.qc:193
float time
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:16
bool Item_IsExpiring(entity item)
Returns whether the item is expiring (i.e.
Definition: spawning.qc:136
entity item_pickupsound_ent
Definition: items.qh:28
void Item_ScheduleRespawn(entity e)
Definition: items.qc:351
float solid
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:99
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ItemSend()

bool ItemSend ( entity  this,
entity  to,
int  sf 

Definition at line 31 of file items.qc.

References angles, bound(), classname, colormap, fade_end, fade_start, glowmod, gravity, LOG_TRACE, origin, skin, velocity, WriteByte(), WriteShort(), and WriteString().

Referenced by _StartItem(), UpdateCSQCProjectile(), and UpdateItemAfterTeleport().

32 {
33  if(this.gravity)
34  sf |= ISF_DROP;
35  else
36  sf &= ~ISF_DROP;
39  WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, sf);
41  //WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, this.cnt);
42  if(sf & ISF_LOCATION)
43  {
44  WriteVector(MSG_ENTITY, this.origin);
45  }
47  if(sf & ISF_ANGLES)
48  {
49  WriteAngleVector(MSG_ENTITY, this.angles);
50  }
52  // sets size on the client, unused on server
53  //if(sf & ISF_SIZE)
55  if(sf & ISF_STATUS)
56  WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, this.ItemStatus);
58  if(sf & ISF_MODEL)
59  {
60  WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, bound(0, this.fade_end, 32767));
61  WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, bound(0, this.fade_start, 32767));
63  if(this.mdl == "")
64  LOG_TRACE("^1WARNING!^7 this.mdl is unset for item ", this.classname, "expect a crash just about now");
66  WriteString(MSG_ENTITY, this.mdl);
67  WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, bound(0, this.skin, 255));
68  }
70  if(sf & ISF_COLORMAP)
71  {
72  WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, this.colormap);
73  WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, this.glowmod.x * 255.0);
74  WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, this.glowmod.y * 255.0);
75  WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, this.glowmod.z * 255.0);
76  }
78  if(sf & ISF_DROP)
79  {
80  WriteVector(MSG_ENTITY, this.velocity);
81  }
83  return true;
84 }
float colormap
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:131
Definition: ent_cs.qc:143
float fade_start
Definition: models.qh:23
Definition: ent_cs.qc:114
string classname
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:107
float gravity
Definition: items.qh:16
#define LOG_TRACE(...)
Definition: log.qh:81
vector angles
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:104
vector glowmod
vector velocity
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:103
float fade_end
Definition: models.qh:23
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ItemUpdate()

void ItemUpdate ( entity  this)

Definition at line 86 of file items.qc.

References oldorigin, and origin.

Referenced by Item_RespawnThink(), Item_Think(), UpdateCSQCProjectile(), and UpdateItemAfterTeleport().

87 {
88  this.oldorigin = this.origin;
89  this.SendFlags |= ISF_LOCATION;
90 }
vector oldorigin
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:102
Definition: ent_cs.qc:114
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setItemGroup()

void setItemGroup ( entity  this)

Definition at line 1171 of file items.qc.

References IS_SMALL, Item_IsLoot(), itemdef, and origin.

Referenced by _StartItem().

1172 {
1173  if(!IS_SMALL(this.itemdef) || Item_IsLoot(this))
1174  return;
1176  FOREACH_ENTITY_RADIUS(this.origin, 120, (it != this) && IS_SMALL(it.itemdef),
1177  {
1178  if(!this.item_group)
1179  {
1180  if(!it.item_group)
1181  {
1182  it.item_group = group_count;
1183  group_count++;
1184  }
1185  this.item_group = it.item_group;
1186  }
1187  else // spawning item is already part of a item_group X
1188  {
1189  if(!it.item_group)
1190  it.item_group = this.item_group;
1191  else if(it.item_group != this.item_group) // found an item near the spawning item that is part of a different item_group Y
1192  {
1193  int grY = it.item_group;
1194  // move all items of item_group Y to item_group X
1195  IL_EACH(g_items, IS_SMALL(it.itemdef),
1196  {
1197  if(it.item_group == grY)
1198  it.item_group = this.item_group;
1199  });
1200  }
1201  }
1202  });
1203 }
Definition: ent_cs.qc:114
entity itemdef
Definition: items.qh:94
bool Item_IsLoot(entity item)
Returns whether the item is loot.
Definition: spawning.qc:121
#define IS_SMALL(def)
Definition: items.qc:1168
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setItemGroupCount()

void setItemGroupCount ( )

Definition at line 1205 of file items.qc.

References count, g_items, group_count, IL_EACH, and IS_SMALL.

Referenced by bot_spawn().

1206 {
1207  for (int k = 1; k <= group_count; k++)
1208  {
1209  int count = 0;
1210  IL_EACH(g_items, IS_SMALL(it.itemdef) && it.item_group == k, { count++; });
1211  if (count)
1212  IL_EACH(g_items, IS_SMALL(it.itemdef) && it.item_group == k, { it.item_group_count = count; });
1213  }
1214 }
#define IL_EACH(this, cond, body)
int group_count
Definition: items.qc:1169
IntrusiveList g_items
Definition: items.qh:126
float count
Definition: powerups.qc:22
#define IS_SMALL(def)
Definition: items.qc:1168
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ spawnfunc()

spawnfunc ( target_items  )

Definition at line 1242 of file items.qc.

References argv(), argv_end_index, argv_start_index, autocvar_g_balance_superweapons_time, error(), FOREACH, GetResource(), items, max(), netname, RES_HEALTH, spawnflags, string_null, strzone(), substring(), superweapons_finished, target_items_use(), tokenize_console, use, and W_UndeprecateName().

1243 {
1244  this.use = target_items_use;
1245  if(!this.strength_finished)
1246  this.strength_finished = autocvar_g_balance_powerup_strength_time;
1247  if(!this.invincible_finished)
1248  this.invincible_finished = autocvar_g_balance_powerup_invincible_time;
1249  if(!this.speed_finished)
1250  this.speed_finished = autocvar_g_balance_powerup_speed_time;
1251  if(!this.invisibility_finished)
1252  this.invisibility_finished = autocvar_g_balance_powerup_invisibility_time;
1253  if(!this.superweapons_finished)
1256  string str;
1257  int n = tokenize_console(this.netname);
1258  if(argv(0) == "give")
1259  {
1261  }
1262  else
1263  {
1264  for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
1265  {
1266  // this is from a time when unlimited superweapons were handled together with ammo in some parts of the code
1267  if (argv(j) == "unlimited_ammo") this.items |= IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO | IT_UNLIMITED_SUPERWEAPONS;
1268  else if(argv(j) == "unlimited_weapon_ammo") this.items |= IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO;
1269  else if(argv(j) == "unlimited_superweapons") this.items |= IT_UNLIMITED_SUPERWEAPONS;
1270  else if(argv(j) == "strength") this.items |= ITEM_Strength.m_itemid;
1271  else if(argv(j) == "invincible") this.items |= ITEM_Shield.m_itemid;
1272  else if(argv(j) == "speed") this.items |= ITEM_Speed.m_itemid;
1273  else if(argv(j) == "invisibility") this.items |= ITEM_Invisibility.m_itemid;
1274  else if(argv(j) == "superweapons") this.items |= IT_SUPERWEAPON;
1275  else if(argv(j) == "jetpack") this.items |= ITEM_Jetpack.m_itemid;
1276  else if(argv(j) == "fuel_regen") this.items |= ITEM_JetpackRegen.m_itemid;
1277  else
1278  {
1279  FOREACH(StatusEffect, it.instanceOfBuff,
1280  {
1281  string s = Buff_UndeprecateName(argv(j));
1282  if(s == it.netname)
1283  {
1284  this.buffdef = it;
1285  if(!this.buffs_finished)
1286  this.buffs_finished = it.m_time(it);
1287  break;
1288  }
1289  });
1290  FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, {
1291  string s = W_UndeprecateName(argv(j));
1292  if(s == it.netname)
1293  {
1294  STAT(WEAPONS, this) |= (it.m_wepset);
1295  if(this.spawnflags == 0 || this.spawnflags == 2)
1296  it.wr_init(it);
1297  break;
1298  }
1299  });
1300  }
1301  }
1303  string itemprefix, valueprefix;
1304  if(this.spawnflags == 0)
1305  {
1306  itemprefix = "";
1307  valueprefix = "";
1308  }
1309  else if(this.spawnflags == 1)
1310  {
1311  itemprefix = "max ";
1312  valueprefix = "max ";
1313  }
1314  else if(this.spawnflags == 2)
1315  {
1316  itemprefix = "min ";
1317  valueprefix = "min ";
1318  }
1319  else if(this.spawnflags == 4)
1320  {
1321  itemprefix = "minus ";
1322  valueprefix = "max ";
1323  }
1324  else
1325  {
1326  error("invalid spawnflags");
1327  itemprefix = valueprefix = string_null;
1328  }
1330  str = "";
1331  str = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", str, itemprefix, boolean(this.items & IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO), "unlimited_weapon_ammo");
1332  str = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", str, itemprefix, boolean(this.items & IT_UNLIMITED_SUPERWEAPONS), "unlimited_superweapons");
1333  str = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", str, valueprefix, this.strength_finished * boolean(this.items & ITEM_Strength.m_itemid), "strength");
1334  str = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", str, valueprefix, this.invincible_finished * boolean(this.items & ITEM_Shield.m_itemid), "invincible");
1335  str = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", str, valueprefix, this.invisibility_finished * boolean(this.items & ITEM_Invisibility.m_itemid), "invisibility");
1336  str = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", str, valueprefix, this.speed_finished * boolean(this.items & ITEM_Speed.m_itemid), "speed");
1337  str = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", str, valueprefix, this.superweapons_finished * boolean(this.items & IT_SUPERWEAPON), "superweapons");
1338  str = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", str, itemprefix, boolean(this.items & ITEM_Jetpack.m_itemid), "jetpack");
1339  str = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", str, itemprefix, boolean(this.items & ITEM_JetpackRegen.m_itemid), "fuel_regen");
1340  float res;
1341  res = GetResource(this, RES_SHELLS); if(res != 0) str = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", str, valueprefix, max(0, res), "shells");
1342  res = GetResource(this, RES_BULLETS); if(res != 0) str = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", str, valueprefix, max(0, res), "nails");
1343  res = GetResource(this, RES_ROCKETS); if(res != 0) str = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", str, valueprefix, max(0, res), "rockets");
1344  res = GetResource(this, RES_CELLS); if(res != 0) str = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", str, valueprefix, max(0, res), "cells");
1345  res = GetResource(this, RES_PLASMA); if(res != 0) str = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", str, valueprefix, max(0, res), "plasma");
1346  res = GetResource(this, RES_FUEL); if(res != 0) str = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", str, valueprefix, max(0, res), "fuel");
1347  res = GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH); if(res != 0) str = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", str, valueprefix, max(0, res), "health");
1348  res = GetResource(this, RES_ARMOR); if(res != 0) str = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", str, valueprefix, max(0, res), "armor");
1349  FOREACH(StatusEffect, it.instanceOfBuff, str = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", str, valueprefix, this.buffs_finished * boolean(this.buffdef == it), it.netname));
1350  FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, str = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", str, itemprefix, !!(STAT(WEAPONS, this) & (it.m_wepset)), it.netname));
1351  }
1352  this.netname = strzone(str);
1354  n = tokenize_console(this.netname);
1355  for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
1356  {
1357  FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null && W_UndeprecateName(argv(j)) == it.netname, {
1358  it.wr_init(it);
1359  break;
1360  });
1361  }
1362 }
float autocvar_g_balance_superweapons_time
Definition: items.qh:6
string string_null
Definition: nil.qh:9
void target_items_use(entity this, entity actor, entity trigger)
Definition: items.qc:1216
string netname
Definition: powerups.qc:20
float spawnflags
Definition: progsdefs.qc:191
Definition: ent_cs.qc:126
#define argv_end_index
Definition: dpextensions.qh:30
#define argv_start_index
Definition: dpextensions.qh:27
string W_UndeprecateName(string s)
Definition: all.qc:110
#define tokenize_console
Definition: dpextensions.qh:24
float superweapons_finished
Definition: items.qh:44
float GetResource(entity e, Resource res_type)
Returns the current amount of resource the given entity has.
Definition: cl_resources.qc:10
float items
Definition: progsdefs.qc:145
#define use
Definition: csprogsdefs.qh:50
#define FOREACH(list, cond, body)
Definition: iter.qh:19
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ StartItem()

void StartItem ( entity  this,
entity  a 


STATIC_INIT ( g_items  )

Definition at line 127 of file items.qh.

References IL_NEW.

127 { g_items = IL_NEW(); }
#define IL_NEW()
IntrusiveList g_items
Definition: items.qh:126

◆ UpdateItemAfterTeleport()

void UpdateItemAfterTeleport ( entity  this)

Definition at line 92 of file items.qc.

References getSendEntity, ItemSend(), and ItemUpdate().

Referenced by TeleportPlayer(), and WarpZone_PostTeleportPlayer_Callback().

93 {
94  if(getSendEntity(this) == ItemSend)
95  ItemUpdate(this);
96 }
void ItemUpdate(entity this)
Definition: items.qc:86
bool ItemSend(entity this, entity to, int sf)
Definition: items.qc:31
#define getSendEntity(e)
Definition: self.qh:98
+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ weapon_pickupevalfunc()

float weapon_pickupevalfunc ( entity  player,
entity  item 

Definition at line 799 of file items.qc.

References ammo_pickupevalfunc(), bound(), and FOREACH.

800 {
801  // See if I have it already
802  if(STAT(WEAPONS, player) & STAT(WEAPONS, item))
803  {
804  // If I can pick it up
805  if(!item.spawnshieldtime)
806  return 0;
807  return ammo_pickupevalfunc(player, item);
808  }
810  // reduce weapon value if bot already got a good arsenal
811  float c = 1;
812  int weapons_value = 0;
813  FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null && (STAT(WEAPONS, player) & it.m_wepset), {
814  weapons_value += it.bot_pickupbasevalue;
815  });
816  c -= bound(0, weapons_value / 20000, 1) * 0.5;
818  return item.bot_pickupbasevalue * c;
819 }
float ammo_pickupevalfunc(entity player, entity item)
Definition: items.qc:821
#define FOREACH(list, cond, body)
Definition: iter.qh:19
+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ autocvar_g_balance_superweapons_time

float autocvar_g_balance_superweapons_time

◆ autocvar_g_fullbrightitems

bool autocvar_g_fullbrightitems

Definition at line 7 of file items.qh.

Referenced by Item_Show().

◆ autocvar_g_items_dropped_lifetime

float autocvar_g_items_dropped_lifetime

Definition at line 10 of file items.qh.

Referenced by _StartItem(), and powerups_DropItem().

◆ autocvar_g_items_maxdist

float autocvar_g_items_maxdist

Definition at line 9 of file items.qh.

Referenced by _StartItem().

◆ autocvar_g_items_mindist

float autocvar_g_items_mindist

Definition at line 8 of file items.qh.

Referenced by _StartItem().

◆ autocvar_g_nodepthtestitems

bool autocvar_g_nodepthtestitems

Definition at line 12 of file items.qh.

Referenced by Item_Show().

◆ autocvar_g_pickup_items

int autocvar_g_pickup_items

Definition at line 11 of file items.qh.

Referenced by have_pickup_item(), MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(), spawnfunc(), and W_IsWeaponThrowable().

◆ autocvar_sv_simple_items

float autocvar_sv_simple_items

Definition at line 19 of file items.qh.

Referenced by Item_Show().

◆ count

int count

Definition at line 33 of file items.qh.

◆ g_items

◆ is_item

bool is_item

Definition at line 93 of file items.qh.

Referenced by _StartItem().

◆ item_group

int item_group

Definition at line 16 of file items.qh.

Referenced by havocbot_movetogoal().

◆ item_group_count

int item_group_count

Definition at line 17 of file items.qh.

◆ item_model_ent

entity item_model_ent

Definition at line 29 of file items.qh.

Referenced by _StartItem().

◆ item_pickupsound

string item_pickupsound

Definition at line 27 of file items.qh.

Referenced by _StartItem().

◆ item_pickupsound_ent

entity item_pickupsound_ent

Definition at line 28 of file items.qh.

Referenced by _StartItem(), and Item_Touch().


const float ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS = 10

◆ item_respawncounter

float item_respawncounter

Definition at line 40 of file items.qh.

Referenced by Item_RespawnCountdown().

◆ item_spawnshieldtime

float item_spawnshieldtime

Definition at line 47 of file items.qh.

Referenced by Item_Touch().

◆ itemdef

◆ max_armorvalue

float max_armorvalue

Definition at line 31 of file items.qh.

Referenced by PlayerDamage(), and PlayerPreThink().

◆ noalign

float noalign

Definition at line 42 of file items.qh.

Referenced by _StartItem(), buff_Init(), ctf_FlagThink(), Monster_Spawn(), and spawner_use().

◆ pickup_anyway

float pickup_anyway

Definition at line 32 of file items.qh.

Referenced by _StartItem(), and weapon_defaultspawnfunc().

◆ respawntime

◆ respawntimejitter

float respawntimejitter

Definition at line 37 of file items.qh.

Referenced by _StartItem(), and weapon_defaultspawnfunc().

◆ respawntimestart

float respawntimestart

Definition at line 38 of file items.qh.

◆ scheduledrespawntime

float scheduledrespawntime

Definition at line 35 of file items.qh.

◆ superweapons_finished

float superweapons_finished

Definition at line 44 of file items.qh.

Referenced by _StartItem(), Item_Touch(), spawnfunc(), and weapon_defaultspawnfunc().