Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #pragma once
3 #include "lib/float.qh"
6 void mean_accumulate(entity e, .float a, .float c, float mean, float value, float weight)
7 {
8  if (weight == 0) return;
9  if (mean == 0) e.(a) *= (value ** weight);
10  else e.(a) += (value ** mean) * weight;
11  e.(c) += weight;
12 }
15 float mean_evaluate(entity e, .float a, .float c, float mean)
16 {
17  if (e.(c) == 0) return 0;
18  if (mean == 0) return (e.(a) ** (1.0 / e.(c)));
19  else return ((e.(a) / e.(c)) ** (1.0 / mean));
20 }
22 #define MEAN_ACCUMULATE(s, prefix, v, w) mean_accumulate(s, prefix##_accumulator, prefix##_count, prefix##_mean, v, w)
23 #define MEAN_EVALUATE(s, prefix) mean_evaluate(s, prefix##_accumulator, prefix##_count, prefix##_mean)
24 #define MEAN_DECLARE(prefix, m) float prefix##_mean = m; .float prefix##_count, prefix##_accumulator
27 #define crandom() (2 * (random() - 0.5))
30 /*
31 ==================
32 Angc used for animations
33 ==================
34 */
38 float angc(float a1, float a2)
39 {
40  while (a1 > 180)
41  a1 -= 360;
42  while (a1 < -179)
43  a1 += 360;
44  while (a2 > 180)
45  a2 -= 360;
46  while (a2 < -179)
47  a2 += 360;
48  float a = a1 - a2;
49  while (a > 180)
50  a -= 360;
51  while (a < -179)
52  a += 360;
53  return a;
54 }
57 float fsnap(float val, float fsize)
58 {
59  return rint(val / fsize) * fsize;
60 }
63 vector vsnap(vector point, float fsize)
64 {
65  vector vret;
67  vret.x = rint(point.x / fsize) * fsize;
68  vret.y = rint(point.y / fsize) * fsize;
69  vret.z = ceil(point.z / fsize) * fsize;
71  return vret;
72 }
75 float lerpratio(float f0, float f1, float ratio)
76 {
77  return f0 * (1 - ratio) + f1 * ratio;
78 }
81 float lerp(float t0, float f0, float t1, float f1, float t)
82 {
83  return lerpratio(f0, f1, (t - t0) / (t1 - t0));
84 }
87 float lerp3ratio(float f0, float f1, float f2, float ratio)
88 {
89  float mid = 0.5;
90  return ratio < mid ? lerpratio(f0, f1, ratio / mid) : ratio > mid ? lerpratio(f1, f2, (ratio - mid) / mid) : f1;
91 }
95 vector lerpvratio(vector f0, vector f1, float ratio)
96 {
97  return f0 * (1 - ratio) + f1 * ratio;
98 }
102 {
103  float mid = 0.5;
104  return ratio < mid ? lerpvratio(f0, f1, ratio / mid) : ratio > mid ? lerpvratio(f1, f2, (ratio - mid) / mid) : f1;
105 }
108 vector lerpv(float t0, vector v0, float t1, vector v1, float t)
109 {
110  return v0 + (v1 - v0) * ((t - t0) / (t1 - t0));
111 }
115 {
116  return (c - 2 * b + a) * (t * t)
117  + (b - a) * (2 * t)
118  + a;
119 }
123 {
124  return (c - 2 * b + a) * (2 * t)
125  + (b - a) * 2;
126 }
129 float cubic_speedfunc(float startspeedfactor, float endspeedfactor, float spd)
130 {
131  return (((startspeedfactor + endspeedfactor - 2
132  ) * spd - 2 * startspeedfactor - endspeedfactor + 3
133  ) * spd + startspeedfactor
134  ) * spd;
135 }
138 bool cubic_speedfunc_is_sane(float startspeedfactor, float endspeedfactor)
139 {
140  if (startspeedfactor < 0 || endspeedfactor < 0) return false;
142  /*
143  // if this is the case, the possible zeros of the first derivative are outside
144  // 0..1
145  We can calculate this condition as condition
146  if(se <= 3)
147  return true;
148  */
150  // better, see below:
151  if (startspeedfactor <= 3 && endspeedfactor <= 3) return true;
153  // if this is the case, the first derivative has no zeros at all
154  float se = startspeedfactor + endspeedfactor;
155  float s_e = startspeedfactor - endspeedfactor;
156  if (3 * (se - 4) * (se - 4) + s_e * s_e <= 12) // an ellipse
157  return true;
159  // Now let s <= 3, s <= 3, s+e >= 3 (triangle) then we get se <= 6 (top right corner).
160  // we also get s_e <= 6 - se
161  // 3 * (se - 4)^2 + (6 - se)^2
162  // is quadratic, has value 12 at 3 and 6, and value < 12 in between.
163  // Therefore, above "better" check works!
165  return false;
167  // known good cases:
168  // (0, [0..3])
169  // (0.5, [0..3.8])
170  // (1, [0..4])
171  // (1.5, [0..3.9])
172  // (2, [0..3.7])
173  // (2.5, [0..3.4])
174  // (3, [0..3])
175  // (3.5, [0.2..2.3])
176  // (4, 1)
178  /*
179  On another note:
180  inflection point is always at (2s + e - 3) / (3s + 3e - 6).
182  s + e - 2 == 0: no inflection
184  s + e > 2:
185  0 < inflection < 1 if:
186  0 < 2s + e - 3 < 3s + 3e - 6
187  2s + e > 3 and 2e + s > 3
189  s + e < 2:
190  0 < inflection < 1 if:
191  0 > 2s + e - 3 > 3s + 3e - 6
192  2s + e < 3 and 2e + s < 3
194  Therefore: there is an inflection point iff:
195  e outside (3 - s)/2 .. 3 - s*2
197  in other words, if (s,e) in triangle (1,1)(0,3)(0,1.5) or in triangle (1,1)(3,0)(1.5,0)
198  */
199 }
203 float float2range11(float f)
204 {
205  return f / (fabs(f) + 1);
206 }
210 float float2range01(float f)
211 {
212  return 0.5 + 0.5 * float2range11(f);
213 }
216 float median(float a, float b, float c)
217 {
218  return (a < c) ? bound(a, b, c) : bound(c, b, a);
219 }
222 float almost_equals(float a, float b)
223 {
224  float eps = (max(a, -a) + max(b, -b)) * 0.001;
225  return a - b < eps && b - a < eps;
226 }
229 float almost_equals_eps(float a, float b, float times_eps)
230 {
231  float eps = max(fabs(a), fabs(b)) * FLOAT_EPSILON * times_eps;
232  return a - b < eps && b - a < eps;
233 }
236 float almost_in_bounds(float a, float b, float c)
237 {
238  float eps = (max(a, -a) + max(c, -c)) * 0.001;
239  if (a > c) eps = -eps;
240  return b == median(a - eps, b, c + eps);
241 }
244 float ExponentialFalloff(float mindist, float maxdist, float halflifedist, float d)
245 {
246  if (halflifedist > 0) return (0.5 ** ((bound(mindist, d, maxdist) - mindist) / halflifedist));
247  else if (halflifedist < 0) return (0.5 ** ((bound(mindist, d, maxdist) - maxdist) / halflifedist));
248  else return 1;
249 }
251 #define power2of(e) (2 ** e)
254 float log2of(float e)
255 {
256  // NOTE: generated code
257  if (e > 2048)
258  if (e > 131072)
259  if (e > 1048576)
260  if (e > 4194304) return 23;
261  else
262  if (e > 2097152) return 22;
263  else return 21;
264  else
265  if (e > 524288) return 20;
266  else
267  if (e > 262144) return 19;
268  else return 18;
269  else
270  if (e > 16384)
271  if (e > 65536) return 17;
272  else
273  if (e > 32768) return 16;
274  else return 15;
275  else
276  if (e > 8192) return 14;
277  else
278  if (e > 4096) return 13;
279  else return 12;
280  else
281  if (e > 32)
282  if (e > 256)
283  if (e > 1024) return 11;
284  else
285  if (e > 512) return 10;
286  else return 9;
287  else
288  if (e > 128) return 8;
289  else
290  if (e > 64) return 7;
291  else return 6;
292  else
293  if (e > 4)
294  if (e > 16) return 5;
295  else
296  if (e > 8) return 4;
297  else return 3;
298  else
299  if (e > 2) return 2;
300  else
301  if (e > 1) return 1;
302  else return 0;
303 }
307 vector solve_quadratic(float a, float b, float c)
308 {
309  vector v;
310  float D;
311  v = '0 0 0';
312  if (a == 0)
313  {
314  if (b != 0)
315  {
316  v.x = v.y = -c / b;
317  v.z = 1;
318  }
319  else
320  {
321  if (c == 0)
322  {
323  // actually, every number solves the equation!
324  v.z = 1;
325  }
326  }
327  }
328  else
329  {
330  D = b * b - 4 * a * c;
331  if (D >= 0)
332  {
333  D = sqrt(D);
334  if (a > 0) // put the smaller solution first
335  {
336  v.x = ((-b) - D) / (2 * a);
337  v.y = ((-b) + D) / (2 * a);
338  }
339  else
340  {
341  v.x = (-b + D) / (2 * a);
342  v.y = (-b - D) / (2 * a);
343  }
344  v.z = 1;
345  }
346  else
347  {
348  // complex solutions!
349  D = sqrt(-D);
350  v.x = -b / (2 * a);
351  if (a > 0) v.y = D / (2 * a);
352  else v.y = -D / (2 * a);
353  v.z = 0;
354  }
355  }
356  return v;
357 }
366 float map_ranges(float value, float src_min, float src_max, float dest_min, float dest_max) {
367  float src_diff = src_max - src_min;
368  float dest_diff = dest_max - dest_min;
369  float ratio = (value - src_min) / src_diff;
370  return dest_min + dest_diff * ratio;
371 }
375 float map_bound_ranges(float value, float src_min, float src_max, float dest_min, float dest_max) {
376  if (value <= src_min) return dest_min;
377  if (value >= src_max) return dest_max;
378  return map_ranges(value, src_min, src_max, dest_min, dest_max);
379 }
ERASEABLE float median(float a, float b, float c)
Definition: math.qh:216
ERASEABLE bool cubic_speedfunc_is_sane(float startspeedfactor, float endspeedfactor)
Definition: math.qh:138
ERASEABLE float almost_in_bounds(float a, float b, float c)
Definition: math.qh:236
ERASEABLE float float2range11(float f)
continuous function mapping all reals into -1..1
Definition: math.qh:203
ERASEABLE vector solve_quadratic(float a, float b, float c)
ax^2 + bx + c = 0
Definition: math.qh:307
ERASEABLE float ExponentialFalloff(float mindist, float maxdist, float halflifedist, float d)
Definition: math.qh:244
ERASEABLE vector lerpv(float t0, vector v0, float t1, vector v1, float t)
Definition: math.qh:108
ERASEABLE float float2range01(float f)
continuous function mapping all reals into 0..1
Definition: math.qh:210
entity() spawn
ERASEABLE float log2of(float e)
Definition: math.qh:254
ERASEABLE vector bezier_quadratic_getderivative(vector a, vector b, vector c, float t)
Definition: math.qh:122
ERASEABLE float lerp(float t0, float f0, float t1, float f1, float t)
Definition: math.qh:81
Definition: _all.inc:35
ERASEABLE vector bezier_quadratic_getpoint(vector a, vector b, vector c, float t)
Definition: math.qh:114
ERASEABLE float almost_equals(float a, float b)
Definition: math.qh:222
ERASEABLE float map_ranges(float value, float src_min, float src_max, float dest_min, float dest_max)
Maps values between the src and dest range: src_min to dest_min, src_max to dest_max, values between them to the corresponding values between and extrapolates for values outside the range.
Definition: math.qh:366
spree_cen s1 spree_cen s1 spree_cen s1 spree_cen s1 spree_cen s1 spree_cen s1 spree_cen s1 f1
Definition: all.inc:654
ERASEABLE vector lerpvratio(vector f0, vector f1, float ratio)
Definition: math.qh:95
ERASEABLE float lerpratio(float f0, float f1, float ratio)
Definition: math.qh:75
ERASEABLE float map_bound_ranges(float value, float src_min, float src_max, float dest_min, float dest_max)
Same as map_ranges except that values outside the source range are clamped to min or max...
Definition: math.qh:375
spree_inf s1 s2 s3loc s2 spree_inf s1 s2 s3loc s2 spree_inf s1 s2 s3loc s2 s1 s2loc s1 s2loc s1 s2loc s1 s2loc s1 s2loc s1 s2loc s1 s2loc s1 s2 f1 f1points f2
Definition: all.inc:348
ERASEABLE vector lerpv3ratio(vector f0, vector f1, vector f2, float ratio)
Definition: math.qh:101
ERASEABLE float mean_evaluate(entity e,.float a,.float c, float mean)
Definition: math.qh:15
ERASEABLE void mean_accumulate(entity e,.float a,.float c, float mean, float value, float weight)
Definition: math.qh:6
ERASEABLE float cubic_speedfunc(float startspeedfactor, float endspeedfactor, float spd)
Definition: math.qh:129
ERASEABLE float angc(float a1, float a2)
Definition: math.qh:38
vector(float skel, float bonenum) _skel_get_boneabs_hidden
vector v
Definition: ent_cs.qc:116
ERASEABLE float lerp3ratio(float f0, float f1, float f2, float ratio)
Definition: math.qh:87
ERASEABLE vector vsnap(vector point, float fsize)
Definition: math.qh:63
const float FLOAT_EPSILON
Definition: float.qh:4
ERASEABLE float almost_equals_eps(float a, float b, float times_eps)
Definition: math.qh:229
ERASEABLE float fsnap(float val, float fsize)
Definition: math.qh:57