Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #pragma once
3 #ifdef SVQC
4 // copies a string to a tempstring (so one can strunzone it)
5 string strcat1(string s) = #115; // FRIK_FILE
6 #endif
8 #if defined(CSQC)
9 const int REPLICATEVARS_SEND_ALL = -1; // sync all cvars with the server (init)
10 const int REPLICATEVARS_CHECK = 0; // check if any cvar has changed and sync it with the server
11 const int REPLICATEVARS_DESTROY = 1; // destroy data associated with cvars (shutdown)
12 #define REPLICATE_INIT(type, name) type name
13 #elif defined(SVQC)
14 #define REPLICATE_INIT(type, name) .type name
15 #endif
17 #ifdef GAMEQC
29  #define EVAL_REPLICATE(...) __VA_ARGS__
31  #if defined(SVQC)
32  ACCUMULATE void ReplicateVars(entity this, entity store, string thisname, int i) {}
33  ACCUMULATE void ReplicateVars_ApplyChange(entity this, entity store, string thisname, int i) {}
41  #define REPLICATE_APPLYCHANGE(var, ApplyChange_code) \
42  void ReplicateVars_ApplyChange(entity this, entity store, string thisname, int i) \
43  { if (thisname == var) { ApplyChange_code } }
44  #elif defined(CSQC)
45  noref float ReplicateVars_time;
46  ACCUMULATE void ReplicateVars(int mode)
47  {
48  if (time < ReplicateVars_time)
49  return;
50  ReplicateVars_time = time + 0.8 + random() * 0.4; // check cvars periodically
51  }
52  #endif
54  #define REPLICATE_3(fld, type, var) REPLICATE_4(fld, type, var, )
55  #define REPLICATE_4(fld, type, var, func) REPLICATE_##type(fld, var, func)
56  #if defined(SVQC)
57  #define REPLICATE_string(fld, var, func) \
58  REPLICATE_7(fld, string, var, , \
59  { strcpy(field, it); }, \
60  { strfree(field); }, \
61  { \
62  /* also initialize to the default value of func when requesting cvars */ \
63  string s = func(this, strcat1(field)); \
64  if (s != field) \
65  { \
66  strcpy(field, s); \
67  } \
68  })
69  #define REPLICATE_float(fld, var, func) REPLICATE_7(fld, float, var, func, { field = stof(it); }, , )
70  #define REPLICATE_bool(fld, var, func) REPLICATE_7(fld, bool, var, func, { field = boolean(stoi(it)); }, , )
71  #define REPLICATE_int(fld, var, func) REPLICATE_7(fld, int, var, func, { field = stoi(it); }, , )
73  #define REPLICATE_7(fld, type, var, func, create, destroy, after) \
74  void ReplicateVars(entity this, entity store, string thisname, int i) \
75  { \
76  type field = store.fld; \
77  if (i < 0) { destroy } \
78  else \
79  { \
80  string it = func(argv(i + 1)); \
81  bool current = thisname == var; \
82  if (i > 0) \
83  { \
84  if (current) { create } \
85  } \
86  else \
87  { \
88  stuffcmd(this, strcat("cl_cmd sendcvar ", var, "\n")); \
89  } \
90  if (current) { after } \
91  } \
92  store.fld = field; \
93  }
94  #elif defined(CSQC)
95  #define REPLICATE_string(fld, var, func) REPLICATE_7(fld, float, var, func, (fld != cvar_string(var)), { strcpy(fld, cvar_string(var)); }, { strfree(fld); })
96  #define REPLICATE_float(fld, var, func) REPLICATE_7(fld, float, var, func, (fld != cvar(var)), { fld = cvar(var); }, )
97  #define REPLICATE_bool(fld, var, func) REPLICATE_7(fld, bool, var, func, (fld != cvar(var)), { fld = cvar(var); }, )
98  #define REPLICATE_int(fld, var, func) REPLICATE_7(fld, int, var, func, (fld != cvar(var)), { fld = cvar(var); }, )
100  void ReplicateVars_Send(string cvarname) { localcmd(strcat("cl_cmd sendcvar ", cvarname, "\n")); }
102  #define REPLICATE_7(fld, type, var, func, check, update, destroy) \
103  void ReplicateVars(int mode) \
104  { \
105  if (mode == REPLICATEVARS_DESTROY) { destroy } \
106  else if (mode == REPLICATEVARS_SEND_ALL || check) \
107  { \
108  ReplicateVars_Send(var); \
109  update \
110  } \
111  }
113  #define REPLICATE_SIMPLE(field, cvarname) MACRO_BEGIN \
114  float thecvar = cvar(cvarname); \
115  if(field != thecvar) \
116  { \
117  ReplicateVars_Send(cvarname); \
118  field = thecvar; \
119  } \
121  #endif
123 #endif
Definition: _all.inc:29
entity() spawn
spree_cen s1 spree_cen s1 spree_cen s1 spree_cen s1 spree_cen s1 spree_cen s1 spree_cen s1 f1 s1 strcat(_("Level %s: "), "^BG%s\3\, _("^BGPress ^F2%s^BG to enter the game"))
float time
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:16