▼CObject | |
►CAnimation | |
CAnimation | |
CAnimHost | |
CCallback | Callbacks may be added to zero or more callback chains |
CCallbackChain | Callback chains contain zero or more callbacks |
CCallbackChain::CallbackNode | |
►CClient | |
CClientState | Purpose: common client state, usable on client and server Client: singleton representing the viewed player Server: instance per client |
CClipFrame | |
CCommand | |
CDamageText | |
►CDataSource | |
►CGameItem | |
►CGametype | |
CIntrusiveList | Limitations: NULL cannot be present elements can only be present once a maximum of IL_MAX lists can exist at one time freed entities must be removed from the list |
CLazy | |
CLinkedList | |
CLinkedListNode | |
►CMenuItem | |
CModel | |
►CMonster | |
CMutator | |
CNade | |
►COffhandWeapon | |
CPlayerState | Purpose: common player state, usable on client and server Client: singleton representing the viewed player Server: instance per client, clients decoupled from players |
►CResource | |
CSound | |
►CStatusEffects | |
►CTurret | |
►CVehicle | |
CWaypoint | |
►CWeapon | Fields which are explicitly/manually set are marked with "M", fields set automatically are marked with "A" |