#define | EV_AbortSpeedrun(i, o) /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| called when a speedrun is aborted and the player is teleported back to start position More...
#define | EV_AccuracyTargetValid(i, o) |
| called when a target is checked for accuracy More...
#define | EV_AddedPlayerScore(i, o) |
#define | EV_AddPlayerScore(i, o) |
#define | EV_AllowMobButcher(i, o) /** reason */ o(string, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_string) \ |
| called when an admin tries to kill all monsters return 1 to prevent spawning More...
#define | EV_AllowMobSpawning(i, o) |
| called when a player tries to spawn a monster return 1 to prevent spawning NOTE: requires reason if disallowed More...
#define | EV_AllowRocketJumping(i, o) |
| Allows disabling or enabling rocket jumping independently of balance, use the parameter to force a preferred setting. More...
#define | EV_AutoJoinOnConnection(i, o) /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| returns true if client should be put as player on connection More...
#define | EV_Bot_FixCount(i, o) |
| called when player triggered kill (or is changing teams), return error to not do anything More...
#define | EV_BotShouldAttack(i, o) |
| called when a bot checks a target to attack More...
#define | EV_BuffModel_Customize(i, o) |
#define | EV_BuffTouch(i, o) |
| called at when a buff is touched. More...
#define | EV_CalculateRespawnTime(i, o) /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| return true to skip respawn time calculations More...
#define | EV_ChatMessage(i, o) |
| called when sending a chat message, ret argument can be changed to prevent the message More...
#define | EV_ChatMessageTo(i, o) |
| return true to prevent sending a chat (private, team or regular) message from reaching a certain player More...
#define | EV_CheckRules_World(i, o) |
#define | EV_ClientCommand_Spectate(i, o) /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
#define | EV_ClientConnect(i, o) /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| called at when a player connect More...
#define | EV_ClientDisconnect(i, o) /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| called when a player disconnects More...
#define | EV_ClientKill(i, o) |
| called when player triggered kill (or is changing teams), return error to not do anything More...
#define | EV_ClientKill_Now(i, o) /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| called when player is about to be killed during kill command or changing teams More...
#define | EV_ClientObituary(i, o) |
| called when showing an obituary for the player. More...
#define | EV_CopyBody(i, o) |
| called when creating a clone of the player (usually for corpses that stay after the player has re-spawned) More...
#define | EV_CustomizeWaypoint(i, o) |
| called every frame. More...
#define | EV_Damage_Calculate(i, o) |
| called to adjust damage and force values which are applied to the player, used for e.g. More...
#define | EV_DropSpecialItems(i, o) /** target */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
#define | EV_EditProjectile(i, o) |
| can edit any "just fired" projectile More...
#define | EV_FilterItem(i, o) /** item */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| checks if the current item may be spawned (.items may be read and written to, as well as the ammo_ fields) return error to request removal More...
#define | EV_FilterItemDefinition(i, o) /** item */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| Check if items having the given definition are allowed to spawn. More...
#define | EV_FireBullet_Hit(i, o) |
| called when a bullet has hit a target More...
#define | EV_FixClientCvars(i, o) /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
#define | EV_FixPlayermodel(i, o) |
#define | EV_ForbidDropCurrentWeapon(i, o) |
| returns true if dropping the current weapon shall not be allowed at any time including death More...
#define | EV_ForbidPlayerScore_Clear(i, o) |
| returns 1 if clearing player score shall not be allowed More...
#define | EV_ForbidRandomStartWeapons(i, o) /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| called when player spawns to determine whether to give them random start weapons. More...
#define | EV_ForbidSpawn(i, o) /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| return true to prevent a spectator/observer to spawn as player More...
#define | EV_ForbidThrowCurrentWeapon(i, o) |
| returns true if throwing the current weapon shall not be allowed More...
#define | EV_ForbidWeaponUse(i, o) /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| return true to prevent weapon use for a player More...
#define | EV_FormatMessage(i, o) |
| called when formatting a chat message to replace fancy functions More...
#define | EV_FragCenterMessage(i, o) |
| allows overriding the frag centerprint messages More...
#define | EV_Freeze(i, o) |
| Called when freezing an entity (monster or player), return true to force showing a waypoint. More...
#define | EV_FusionReactor_ValidTarget(i, o) |
| called when a fusion reactor is validating its target More...
#define | EV_GetCvars(i, o) |
| is meant to call GetCvars_handle* for cvars this mutator needs from the client, e.g. More...
#define | EV_GetModelParams(i, o) |
| Called when getting the global parameters for a model. More...
#define | EV_GetPlayerLimit(i, o) |
| Called when a player is trying to join, argument is the number of players allowed to join the match. More...
#define | EV_GetPlayerStatus(i, o) /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
#define | EV_GetPressedKeys(i, o) /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| TODO change this into a general PlayerPostThink hook? More...
#define | EV_GetRecords(i, o) |
#define | EV_GetResourceLimit(i, o) |
| Called when the amount of entity resources changes. More...
#define | EV_GiveFragsForKill(i, o) |
| called when someone was fragged by "self", and is expected to change frag_score to adjust scoring for the kill More...
#define | EV_GiveResource(i, o) |
| Called when entity is being given some resource. More...
#define | EV_GiveResourceWithLimit(i, o) |
| Called when entity is being given some resource with specified limit. More...
#define | EV_GrappleHookThink(i, o) |
#define | EV_HavocBot_Aim(i, o) /** bot */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| return true to use your own aim target (or none at all) More...
#define | EV_HavocBot_ChooseRole(i, o) /** bot */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
#define | EV_HelpMePing(i, o) /** the player who pressed impulse 33 */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| called whenever a player uses impulse 33 (help me) in impulse.qc normally help me ping uses .waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier, but if your mutator uses something different then you can handle it in a special manner using this hook More...
#define | EV_HideTeamNagger(i, o) /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| return true to hide the 'teamnumbers are imbalanced' message More...
#define | EV_Item_RespawnCountdown(i, o) /** item */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| called when an item is about to respawn More...
#define | EV_Item_ScheduleRespawn(i, o) |
| return true to show a waypoint while the item is spawning More...
#define | EV_Item_Spawn(i, o) /** item */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| called for each item being spawned on a map, including dropped weapons return 1 to remove an item More...
#define | EV_ItemModel(i, o) |
| called when an item model is about to be set, allows custom paths etc. More...
#define | EV_ItemSound(i, o) |
| called when an item sound is about to be played, allows custom paths etc. More...
#define | EV_ItemTouch(i, o) |
| called at when a item is touched. More...
#define | EV_ItemTouched(i, o) |
| called after the item has been touched. More...
#define | EV_LockWeapon(i, o) /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| return true to lock weapon (can't be used nor changed) for a player More...
#define | EV_LogDeath_AppendItemCodes(i, o) |
| include special item codes for a death to the game log More...
#define | EV_MakePlayerObserver(i, o) |
| called when a player becomes observer, after shared setup More...
#define | EV_MonsterCheckBossFlag(i, o) /** monster */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| called to change a random monster to a miniboss More...
#define | EV_MonsterDies(i, o) |
| called when a monster dies More...
#define | EV_MonsterDropItem(i, o) |
| called when a monster is dropping loot More...
#define | EV_MonsterModel(i, o) |
| called when a monster model is about to be set, allows custom paths etc. More...
#define | EV_MonsterMove(i, o) |
| called when a monster moves returning true makes the monster stop More...
#define | EV_MonsterRemove(i, o) /** monster */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| called when a monster dies More...
#define | EV_MonsterRespawn(i, o) /** monster */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| called when a monster wants to respawn More...
#define | EV_MonsterSpawn(i, o) /** monster */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| called when a monster spawns More...
#define | EV_MonsterValidTarget(i, o) |
| called when validating a monster's target More...
#define | EV_OnEntityPreSpawn(i, o) /** entity */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| return error to prevent entity spawn, or modify the entity More...
#define | EV_Player_ChangedTeam(i, o) |
| Called after player has changed their team. More...
#define | EV_Player_ChangeTeam(i, o) |
| Called before player changes their team. More...
#define | EV_Player_ChangeTeamKill(i, o) /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| Called when player is about to be killed when changing teams. More...
#define | EV_PlayerDamage_SplitHealthArmor(i, o) |
| called when a player gets damaged to e.g. More...
#define | EV_PlayerDamaged(i, o) |
| Called when a player is damaged Returns true if damage shouldn't be logged. More...
#define | EV_PlayerDied(i, o) /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| called after a player died. More...
#define | EV_PlayerDies(i, o) |
| called when a player dies to e.g. More...
#define | EV_PlayerPhysics_PostUpdateStats(i, o) |
| called after physics stats are set on a player, allows post-initialization modifications More...
#define | EV_PlayerPhysics_UpdateStats(i, o) /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| called before physics stats are set on a player, allows limited early customization More...
#define | EV_PlayerPowerups(i, o) |
| called at the end of player_powerups() in client.qc, used for manipulating the values which are set by powerup items. More...
#define | EV_PlayerPreThink(i, o) /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| runs in the event loop for players; is called for ALL player entities, also bots, also the dead, or spectators More...
#define | EV_PlayerRegen(i, o) |
| called every player think frame return 1 to disable regen More...
#define | EV_PlayerSpawn(i, o) |
| called when a player spawns as player, after shared setup, before his weapon is chosen (so items may be changed in here) More...
#define | EV_PlayerUseKey(i, o) /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| called when the use key is pressed if MUTATOR_RETURNVALUE is 1, don't do anything return 1 if the use key actually did something More...
#define | EV_PlayerWeaponSelect(i, o) /** player spawning */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| called after a player's weapon is chosen so it can be overriden here More...
#define | EV_PlayHitsound(i, o) |
| called when a player dies to e.g. More...
#define | EV_PortalTeleport(i, o) /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| called whenever a player goes through a portal gun teleport allows you to strip a player of an item if they go through the teleporter to help prevent cheating More...
#define | EV_PreFormatMessage(i, o) |
| called before any formatting is applied, handy for tweaking the message before scripts get ahold of it More...
#define | EV_PrepareExplosionByDamage(i, o) |
#define | EV_PutClientInServer(i, o) /** client wanting to spawn */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
#define | EV_Race_FinalCheckpoint(i, o) /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
#define | EV_reset_map_global(i, o) |
| called in reset_map More...
#define | EV_reset_map_players(i, o) |
| called in reset_map More...
#define | EV_ResourceAmountChanged(i, o) |
| Called after the amount of resource of an entity has changed. More...
#define | EV_ResourceWasted(i, o) |
| Called when there was an attempt to set entity resources higher than their limit. More...
#define | EV_SendWaypoint(i, o) |
#define | EV_SetModname(i, o) |
#define | EV_SetResource(i, o) |
| Called when the amount of resource of an entity changes. More...
#define | EV_SetWeaponArena(i, o) |
#define | EV_SetWeaponreplace(i, o) |
#define | EV_Spawn_Score(i, o) |
| called when a spawnpoint is being evaluated return 1 to make the spawnpoint unusable More...
#define | EV_SpectateCopy(i, o) |
| copies variables for spectating "spectatee" to "this" More...
#define | EV_SpectateNext(i, o) |
#define | EV_SpectatePrev(i, o) |
#define | EV_SpectateSet(i, o) |
#define | EV_SV_ParseClientCommand(i, o) |
| called when a client command is parsed NOTE: hooks MUST start with if (MUTATOR_RETURNVALUE) return false; NOTE: return true if you handled the command, return false to continue handling NOTE: THESE HOOKS MUST NEVER EVER CALL tokenize() // example: MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(foo_SV_ParseClientCommand) { if (MUTATOR_RETURNVALUE) // command was already handled? return false; if (cmd_name == "echocvar" && cmd_argc >= 2) { print(cvar_string(argv(1)), "\n"); return true; } if (cmd_name == "echostring" && cmd_argc >= 2) { print(substring(cmd_string, argv_start_index(1), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(1)), "\n"); return true; } return false; } More...
#define | EV_SV_ParseServerCommand(i, o) |
| please read EV_SV_ParseClientCommand description before using More...
#define | EV_TakeResource(i, o) |
| Called when some resource is being taken from an entity. More...
#define | EV_TakeResourceWithLimit(i, o) |
| Called when some resource is being taken from an entity, with a limit. More...
#define | EV_TeamBalance_CheckAllowedTeams(i, o) |
| Allows adjusting allowed teams. More...
#define | EV_TeamBalance_FindBestTeams(i, o) |
| allows overriding the teams that will make the game most balanced if the player joins any of them. More...
#define | EV_TeamBalance_GetPlayerForTeamSwitch(i, o) |
| Called during autobalance. More...
#define | EV_TeamBalance_GetTeamCount(i, o) |
| allows overriding of team counts More...
#define | EV_Turret_CheckFire(i, o) |
| return error to not attack More...
#define | EV_TurretFire(i, o) /** turret */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| return error to not attack More...
#define | EV_TurretSpawn(i, o) /** turret */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| return error to request removal More...
#define | EV_TurretThink(i, o) /** turret */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
#define | EV_TurretValidateTarget(i, o) |
#define | EV_Unfreeze(i, o) /** targ */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| Called when an entity (monster or player) is defrosted. More...
#define | EV_URI_GetCallback(i, o) |
#define | EV_VehicleEnter(i, o) |
| called when a player enters a vehicle allows mutators to set special settings in this event More...
#define | EV_VehicleExit(i, o) |
| called when a player exits a vehicle allows mutators to set special settings in this event More...
#define | EV_VehicleInit(i, o) /** vehicle */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| called when a vehicle initializes return true to remove the vehicle More...
#define | EV_VehicleTouch(i, o) |
| called when a player touches a vehicle return true to stop player from entering the vehicle More...
#define | EV_VoteCommand_Parse(i, o) |
| called when parsing a vote command. More...
#define | EV_W_DecreaseAmmo(i, o) |
| Called by W_DecreaseAmmo. More...
#define | EV_W_PlayStrengthSound(i, o) /** player */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| Called when weapons are performing their attack, useful for applying bonus attack sounds. More...
#define | EV_W_Reload(i, o) /** actor */ i(entity, MUTATOR_ARGV_0_entity) \ |
| Called by W_Reload. More...
#define | EV_WantWeapon(i, o) |
#define | EV_WeaponRateFactor(i, o) |
| allows changing attack rate More...
#define | EV_WeaponSpeedFactor(i, o) |
| allows changing weapon speed (projectiles mostly) More...
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (PutClientInServer, EV_PutClientInServer) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (ForbidSpawn, EV_ForbidSpawn) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (AutoJoinOnConnection, EV_AutoJoinOnConnection) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (ForbidRandomStartWeapons, EV_ForbidRandomStartWeapons) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (PlayerSpawn, EV_PlayerSpawn) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (PlayerWeaponSelect, EV_PlayerWeaponSelect) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (reset_map_global, EV_reset_map_global) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (reset_map_players, EV_reset_map_players) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (ForbidPlayerScore_Clear, EV_ForbidPlayerScore_Clear) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (ClientDisconnect, EV_ClientDisconnect) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (PlayerDies, EV_PlayerDies) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (PlayerDied, EV_PlayerDied) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (ClientObituary, EV_ClientObituary) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (FragCenterMessage, EV_FragCenterMessage) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (PlayHitsound, EV_PlayHitsound) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (ItemModel, EV_ItemModel) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (ItemSound, EV_ItemSound) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (GiveFragsForKill, EV_GiveFragsForKill) |
| called when the match ends More...
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (TeamBalance_CheckAllowedTeams, EV_TeamBalance_CheckAllowedTeams) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (TeamBalance_GetTeamCounts, EV_NO_ARGS) |
| return true to manually override team counts More...
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (TeamBalance_GetTeamCount, EV_TeamBalance_GetTeamCount) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (TeamBalance_FindBestTeams, EV_TeamBalance_FindBestTeams) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (TeamBalance_GetPlayerForTeamSwitch, EV_TeamBalance_GetPlayerForTeamSwitch) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (SpectateCopy, EV_SpectateCopy) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (FormatMessage, EV_FormatMessage) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (PreFormatMessage, EV_PreFormatMessage) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (ForbidThrowCurrentWeapon, EV_ForbidThrowCurrentWeapon) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (ForbidDropCurrentWeapon, EV_ForbidDropCurrentWeapon) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (WeaponRateFactor, EV_WeaponRateFactor) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (WeaponSpeedFactor, EV_WeaponSpeedFactor) |
| adjusts {warmup_}start_{items,weapons,ammo_{cells,plasma,rockets,nails,shells,fuel}} More...
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (CustomizeWaypoint, EV_CustomizeWaypoint) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (FilterItemDefinition, EV_FilterItemDefinition) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (FilterItem, EV_FilterItem) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (TurretSpawn, EV_TurretSpawn) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (TurretFire, EV_TurretFire) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (Turret_CheckFire, EV_Turret_CheckFire) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (OnEntityPreSpawn, EV_OnEntityPreSpawn) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (PlayerPreThink, EV_PlayerPreThink) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (GetPressedKeys, EV_GetPressedKeys) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (EditProjectile, EV_EditProjectile) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (MonsterSpawn, EV_MonsterSpawn) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (MonsterDies, EV_MonsterDies) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (MonsterRemove, EV_MonsterRemove) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (MonsterRespawn, EV_MonsterRespawn) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (MonsterDropItem, EV_MonsterDropItem) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (MonsterMove, EV_MonsterMove) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (MonsterFindTarget, EV_NO_ARGS) |
| called when a monster looks for another target More...
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (MonsterValidTarget, EV_MonsterValidTarget) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (MonsterCheckBossFlag, EV_MonsterCheckBossFlag) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (AllowMobSpawning, EV_AllowMobSpawning) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (PlayerDamage_SplitHealthArmor, EV_PlayerDamage_SplitHealthArmor) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (Damage_Calculate, EV_Damage_Calculate) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (PlayerDamaged, EV_PlayerDamaged) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (W_DecreaseAmmo, EV_W_DecreaseAmmo) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (W_Reload, EV_W_Reload) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (PlayerPowerups, EV_PlayerPowerups) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (PlayerRegen, EV_PlayerRegen) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (PlayerUseKey, EV_PlayerUseKey) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (SV_ParseClientCommand, EV_SV_ParseClientCommand) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (SV_ParseServerCommand, EV_SV_ParseServerCommand) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (Spawn_Score, EV_Spawn_Score) |
| runs globally each server frame More...
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (SetModname, EV_SetModname) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (Item_Spawn, EV_Item_Spawn) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (SetWeaponreplace, EV_SetWeaponreplace) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (Item_RespawnCountdown, EV_Item_RespawnCountdown) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (BotShouldAttack, EV_BotShouldAttack) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (PortalTeleport, EV_PortalTeleport) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (HelpMePing, EV_HelpMePing) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (VehicleInit, EV_VehicleInit) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (VehicleEnter, EV_VehicleEnter) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (VehicleTouch, EV_VehicleTouch) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (VehicleExit, EV_VehicleExit) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (AbortSpeedrun, EV_AbortSpeedrun) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (ItemTouch, EV_ItemTouch) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (ItemTouched, EV_ItemTouched) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (GetResourceLimit, EV_GetResourceLimit) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (SetResource, EV_SetResource) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (ResourceAmountChanged, EV_ResourceAmountChanged) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (ResourceWasted, EV_ResourceWasted) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (GiveResource, EV_GiveResource) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (GiveResourceWithLimit, EV_GiveResourceWithLimit) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (TakeResource, EV_TakeResource) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (TakeResourceWithLimit, EV_TakeResourceWithLimit) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (ClientConnect, EV_ClientConnect) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (HavocBot_ChooseRole, EV_HavocBot_ChooseRole) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (AccuracyTargetValid, EV_AccuracyTargetValid) |
| Called when clearing the global parameters for a model. More...
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (GetModelParams, EV_GetModelParams) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (FireBullet_Hit, EV_FireBullet_Hit) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (FixPlayermodel, EV_FixPlayermodel) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (Scores_CountFragsRemaining, EV_NO_ARGS) |
| Return error to play frag remaining announcements. More...
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (GrappleHookThink, EV_GrappleHookThink) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (BuffModel_Customize, EV_BuffModel_Customize) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (BuffTouch, EV_BuffTouch) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (GetRecords, EV_GetRecords) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (Race_FinalCheckpoint, EV_Race_FinalCheckpoint) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (ClientKill, EV_ClientKill) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (ClientKill_Now, EV_ClientKill_Now) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (FixClientCvars, EV_FixClientCvars) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (SpectateSet, EV_SpectateSet) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (SpectateNext, EV_SpectateNext) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (SpectatePrev, EV_SpectatePrev) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (Bot_FixCount, EV_Bot_FixCount) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (ClientCommand_Spectate, EV_ClientCommand_Spectate) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (CheckRules_World, EV_CheckRules_World) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (WantWeapon, EV_WantWeapon) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (AddPlayerScore, EV_AddPlayerScore) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (AddedPlayerScore, EV_AddPlayerScore) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (GetPlayerStatus, EV_GetPlayerStatus) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (SetWeaponArena, EV_SetWeaponArena) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (DropSpecialItems, EV_DropSpecialItems) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (AllowMobButcher, EV_AllowMobButcher) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (SendWaypoint, EV_SendWaypoint) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (TurretValidateTarget, EV_TurretValidateTarget) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (TurretThink, EV_TurretThink) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (PrepareExplosionByDamage, EV_PrepareExplosionByDamage) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (MonsterModel, EV_MonsterModel) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (Player_ChangeTeam, EV_Player_ChangeTeam) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (Player_ChangedTeam, EV_Player_ChangedTeam) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (Player_ChangeTeamKill, EV_Player_ChangeTeamKill) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (URI_GetCallback, EV_URI_GetCallback) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (LockWeapon, EV_LockWeapon) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (ForbidWeaponUse, EV_ForbidWeaponUse) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (CopyBody, EV_CopyBody) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (ChatMessage, EV_ChatMessage) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (ChatMessageTo, EV_ChatMessageTo) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (ReadyRestart_Deny, EV_NO_ARGS) |
| return true to just restart the match, for modes that don't support readyrestart More...
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (FusionReactor_ValidTarget, EV_FusionReactor_ValidTarget) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (HideTeamNagger, EV_HideTeamNagger) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (Item_ScheduleRespawn, EV_Item_ScheduleRespawn) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (PlayerPhysics_UpdateStats, EV_PlayerPhysics_UpdateStats) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (PlayerPhysics_PostUpdateStats, EV_PlayerPhysics_PostUpdateStats) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (HavocBot_Aim, EV_HavocBot_Aim) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (CalculateRespawnTime, EV_CalculateRespawnTime) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (VoteCommand_Parse, EV_VoteCommand_Parse) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (Freeze, EV_Freeze) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (Unfreeze, EV_Unfreeze) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (GetPlayerLimit, EV_GetPlayerLimit) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (LogDeath_AppendItemCodes, EV_LogDeath_AppendItemCodes) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (AllowRocketJumping, EV_AllowRocketJumping) |
| MUTATOR_HOOKABLE (W_PlayStrengthSound, EV_W_PlayStrengthSound) |