Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "modalcontroller.qh"
3 #include "button.qh"
16  {
17  me.hideAll(me, 1);
18  me.showChild(me, root, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', 1); // someone else animates for us
19  }
21  void TabButton_Click(entity button, entity tab)
22  {
23  if (tab.ModalController_state == 1) return;
24  tab.parent.hideAll(tab.parent, 0);
25  button.forcePressed = 1;
26  tab.ModalController_controllingButton = button;
27  tab.parent.showChild(tab.parent, tab, button.origin, button.size, 0);
28  }
31  {
32  DialogOpenButton_Click_withCoords(button, tab, button.origin, button.size);
33  }
35  void DialogOpenButton_Click_withCoords(entity button, entity tab, vector theOrigin, vector theSize)
36  {
37  if (tab.ModalController_state) return;
38  if (button) button.forcePressed = 1;
39  if (tab.parent.focusedChild) tab.parent.focusedChild.saveFocus(tab.parent.focusedChild);
40  tab.ModalController_controllingButton = button;
41  tab.parent.showChild(tab.parent, tab, theOrigin, theSize, 0);
42  }
45  {
46  tab.parent.hideChild(tab.parent, tab, 0);
47  }
49  void ModalController_resizeNotify(entity me, vector relOrigin, vector relSize, vector absOrigin, vector absSize)
50  {
51  me.resizeNotifyLie(me, relOrigin, relSize, absOrigin, absSize, ModalController_initialOrigin, ModalController_initialSize, ModalController_initialFontScale);
52  }
54  void ModalController_switchState(entity me, entity other, float state, float skipAnimation)
55  {
56  float previousState;
57  previousState = other.ModalController_state;
58  if (state == previousState && !skipAnimation) return;
59  other.ModalController_state = state;
60  switch (state)
61  {
62  case 0:
63  other.ModalController_factor = 1 - other.Container_alpha / other.ModalController_initialAlpha;
64  // fading out
65  break;
66  case 1:
67  other.ModalController_factor = other.Container_alpha / other.ModalController_initialAlpha;
68  if (previousState == 0 && !skipAnimation)
69  {
70  other.Container_origin = other.ModalController_buttonOrigin;
71  other.Container_size = other.ModalController_buttonSize;
72  }
73  // zooming in
74  break;
75  case 2:
76  other.ModalController_factor = bound(0, (1 - other.Container_alpha / other.ModalController_initialAlpha) / me.fadedAlpha, 1);
77  // fading out halfway
78  break;
79  }
80  if (skipAnimation) other.ModalController_factor = 1;
81  }
84  {
85  entity e;
86  entity front;
87  float animating;
88  float f; // animation factor
89  float df; // animation step size
90  float prevFactor, targetFactor;
91  vector targetOrigin, targetSize;
92  float targetAlpha;
93  vector fs;
94  animating = 0;
96  front = NULL;
97  for (e = me.firstChild; e; e = e.nextSibling)
98  if (e.ModalController_state)
99  {
100  if (front) me.switchState(me, front, 2, 0);
101  front = e;
102  }
103  if (front) me.switchState(me, front, 1, 0);
105  df = frametime * 3; // animation speed
107  for (e = me.firstChild; e; e = e.nextSibling)
108  {
109  if (e.ModalController_state == 2)
110  {
111  // fading out partially
112  targetOrigin = e.Container_origin; // stay as is
113  targetSize = e.Container_size; // stay as is
114  targetAlpha = me.fadedAlpha * e.ModalController_initialAlpha;
115  }
116  else if (e.ModalController_state == 1)
117  {
118  // zooming in
119  targetOrigin = e.ModalController_initialOrigin;
120  targetSize = e.ModalController_initialSize;
121  targetAlpha = e.ModalController_initialAlpha;
122  }
123  else
124  {
125  // fading out
126  targetOrigin = e.Container_origin; // stay as is
127  targetSize = e.Container_size; // stay as is
128  targetAlpha = 0;
129  }
131  f = (e.ModalController_factor = min(1, e.ModalController_factor + df));
132  if (f == 1)
133  {
134  prevFactor = 0;
135  targetFactor = 1;
136  e.Container_origin = targetOrigin;
137  e.Container_size = targetSize;
138  me.setAlphaOf(me, e, targetAlpha);
139  }
140  else
141  {
142  prevFactor = (1 - f) / (1 - f + df);
143  if (!e.ModalController_state) // optimize code and avoid precision errors
144  {
145  me.setAlphaOf(me, e, e.Container_alpha * prevFactor);
146  }
147  else
148  {
149  animating = 1;
150  targetFactor = df / (1 - f + df);
152  if (e.ModalController_state == 1)
153  {
154  e.Container_origin = e.Container_origin * prevFactor + targetOrigin * targetFactor;
155  e.Container_size = e.Container_size * prevFactor + targetSize * targetFactor;
156  }
157  me.setAlphaOf(me, e, e.Container_alpha * prevFactor + targetAlpha * targetFactor);
158  }
159  }
160  // assume: o == to * f_prev + X * (1 - f_prev)
161  // make: o' = to * f + X * (1 - f)
162  // -->
163  // X == (o - to * f_prev) / (1 - f_prev)
164  // o' = to * f + (o - to * f_prev) / (1 - f_prev) * (1 - f)
165  // --> (maxima)
166  // o' = (to * (f - f_prev) + o * (1 - f)) / (1 - f_prev)
168  if (e.ModalController_state == 1)
169  {
170  fs = globalToBoxSize(e.Container_size, e.ModalController_initialSize);
171  e.Container_fontscale_x = fs.x * e.ModalController_initialFontScale.x;
172  e.Container_fontscale_y = fs.y * e.ModalController_initialFontScale.y;
173  }
174  }
176  if (animating || !me.focused) me.setFocus(me, NULL);
177  else me.setFocus(me, front);
178  SUPER(ModalController).draw(me);
179  }
182  {
183  me.addItem(me, other, '0 0 0', '1 1 1', 1);
184  tabButton.onClick = TabButton_Click;
185  tabButton.onClickEntity = other;
186  other.tabSelectingButton = tabButton;
187  if (other == me.firstChild)
188  {
189  tabButton.forcePressed = 1;
190  other.ModalController_controllingButton = tabButton;
191  me.showChild(me, other, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', 1);
192  }
193  }
195  void ModalController_addItem(entity me, entity other, vector theOrigin, vector theSize, float theAlpha)
196  {
197  SUPER(ModalController).addItem(me, other, theOrigin, theSize, (other == me.firstChild) ? theAlpha : 0);
198  other.ModalController_initialFontScale = other.Container_fontscale;
199  other.ModalController_initialSize = other.Container_size;
200  other.ModalController_initialOrigin = other.Container_origin;
201  other.ModalController_initialAlpha = theAlpha; // hope Container never modifies this
202  if (other.ModalController_initialFontScale == '0 0 0') other.ModalController_initialFontScale = '1 1 0';
203  }
205  void ModalController_showChild(entity me, entity other, vector theOrigin, vector theSize, float skipAnimation)
206  {
207  if (other.ModalController_state == 0 || skipAnimation)
208  {
209  me.setFocus(me, NULL);
210  if (!skipAnimation)
211  {
212  other.ModalController_buttonOrigin = globalToBox(theOrigin, me.origin, me.size);
213  other.ModalController_buttonSize = globalToBoxSize(theSize, me.size);
214  }
215  me.switchState(me, other, 1, skipAnimation);
216  } // zoom in from button (factor increases)
217  }
219  void ModalController_hideAll(entity me, float skipAnimation)
220  {
221  entity e;
222  for (e = me.firstChild; e; e = e.nextSibling)
223  me.hideChild(me, e, skipAnimation);
224  }
226  void ModalController_hideChild(entity me, entity other, float skipAnimation)
227  {
228  if (other.ModalController_state || skipAnimation)
229  {
230  me.setFocus(me, NULL);
231  me.switchState(me, other, 0, skipAnimation);
232  if (other.ModalController_controllingButton)
233  {
234  other.ModalController_controllingButton.forcePressed = 0;
235  other.ModalController_controllingButton = NULL;
236  }
237  } // just alpha fade out (factor increases and decreases alpha)
238  }
float state
Definition: subs.qh:32
entity() spawn
void DialogOpenButton_Click(entity button, entity tab)
vector ModalController_initialSize
void DialogOpenButton_Click_withCoords(entity button, entity tab, vector theOrigin, vector theSize)
void ModalController_hideAll(entity me, float skipAnimation)
void ModalController_addItem(entity me, entity other, vector theOrigin, vector theSize, float theAlpha)
void ModalController_draw(entity me)
entity other
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:14
void DialogCloseButton_Click(entity button, entity tab)
#define SUPER(cname)
Definition: oo.qh:219
void ModalController_initializeDialog(entity me, entity root)
void ModalController_resizeNotify(entity me, vector relOrigin, vector relSize, vector absOrigin, vector absSize)
vector ModalController_buttonOrigin
#define NULL
Definition: post.qh:17
float frametime
Definition: csprogsdefs.qc:17
entity ModalController_controllingButton
vector ModalController_initialFontScale
vector ModalController_buttonSize
void ModalController_hideChild(entity me, entity other, float skipAnimation)
float ModalController_state
vector(float skel, float bonenum) _skel_get_boneabs_hidden
void TabButton_Click(entity button, entity tab)
float ModalController_factor
void ModalController_switchState(entity me, entity other, float state, float skipAnimation)
float ModalController_initialAlpha
vector ModalController_initialOrigin
void ModalController_showChild(entity me, entity other, vector theOrigin, vector theSize, float skipAnimation)
void ModalController_addTab(entity me, entity other, entity tabButton)